Jose Velazquez Jr. on LinkedIn: #zigszagsandpivots #leadertransitioninstitute #jvknows (2024)

Jose Velazquez Jr.

✍🏻Epic Storyteller✍🏻 | 🎤Award-Winning Radio Personality 🎤 | Corporate Trainer | Executive Coach | Keynote Speaker

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Significant life changes, financial issues, family challenges. What are you afraid of?I'll tell you, I've been afraid of all of those and more.And sometimes I didn't have positive techniques for not only getting through those challenges, but coming out stronger on the other side.This week on The Growth Zone, Annie S. Brock and I are sharing our insights about conquering fear. You're not weak if you're afraid. You're weak if you let fear control you. Let us show you how to overcome it.We'll be on at noon Wednesday at 12pm Eastern. Join us. Like, JOIN us, on a LinkedIn Live Audio session. It's free, it's cool, and we get to hang out. Hello? McFly? Let's do it.See you there. Click the RSVP button below.#zigszagsandpivots #leadertransitioninstitute #jvknows


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  • Jose Velazquez Jr.

    ✍🏻Epic Storyteller✍🏻 | 🎤Award-Winning Radio Personality 🎤 | Corporate Trainer | Executive Coach | Keynote Speaker

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    I got run off a social media platform last year. More specifically, I chose to pull back.I had the gall to share a personal opinion which, because of my reputation was a no-go. I was the "fun guy" on the platform. I wasn't supposed to have independent thought unless it parroted the unwritten socially-agreed perspectives of my friend group.The pitchforks and knives came out by people I considered friends. And while I could have ignored, fought, told them to go to (cuss word), I didn't.The joy of being on the platform was gone. I slipped away for my own mental wellbeing.In retrospect, the platform had tools to help me. But I didn't use them.Being on a platform where you're not getting fulfillment sucks.On LinkedIn, most of us are here for professional networking, respectful discussions, and growth.But there's an election coming. Lots of hot-button issues. And people whose opinions take away our desire to scroll, or even come to the platform.This is how I've curated my page to make sure what happened on the other platform never happens to me again.I'm using Alfredo's post from today (which you should read) as an example, only because it's the first thing that popped up. (I love you Alfredo!)If I didn't like what he posted I have options. Click on the three little dots on the top right of the post (circled in red). A little tab pops up.I want to focus on two items.One says "Hide posts like this." - That button uses the algorithm to look for common trigger words used often. When you click on it, you're telling it to show you less of those. It isn't magic. It isn't perfect. And it won't unfollow or disconnect you from Alfredo. But it'll try to keep the content you don't like from showing up on your feed. The greater your connections the more often you should use it.The second option is "Unfollow." If you click that button, you'll stay connected with the person but not see their posts again unless you go to their page and search their activity section. They won't know you did it so there's no awkward explanations.And here's the third and simplest option Michael Quinn and Matt Quick taught me years ago. If you don't like something, just keep scrolling. Stopping to be angry at the post tells the algorithm it caught your attention and it shows you more like it. The algorithm's goal is to keep you engaged as long as possible.I use a combination of all options, and in very rare cases, ban people.If you curate your page often, your feed will always be of value. If you engage with others respectfully, chances are others will respond in kind. And if they don't, use LinkedIn to help you filter out the negativity or inappropriate stuff.If your feed is getting nasty, you can do something about it. Hope this helps.#ownyourfeed #jvknows

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  • Jose Velazquez Jr.

    ✍🏻Epic Storyteller✍🏻 | 🎤Award-Winning Radio Personality 🎤 | Corporate Trainer | Executive Coach | Keynote Speaker

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    On this #socialsaturday, let's have some fun. Let's rate music videos.I've got four Youtube shorts from different 70s/80s/90s genres from my YT channel. I'd love to know which one you like best. Please check out the videos in the comments section before voting.I'm excited to see how you vote. ALSO while you're on my YT channel, please subscribe. And while you're reading this, send me a connection request. 😁 #pollsareback #wellmaybenot #butjustthisonce #jvknows

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  • Jose Velazquez Jr.

    ✍🏻Epic Storyteller✍🏻 | 🎤Award-Winning Radio Personality 🎤 | Corporate Trainer | Executive Coach | Keynote Speaker

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    Tomorrow some of you will wake up civilians for the first time in 10, 20, 30 years?First, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Welcome to Fort Front Porch. Grab you a Mint Julep and pull up a chair. Second, let's talk #financefriday.You know the one thing so many of us don't do in transition?**Save money.**We make excuses. Like, "look Jose, I'm moving. I'm just starting this new job. I've earned going out to Red Lobster three times a week and Wendy's the other four after my long career. Plus, I gotta buy $100 worth of lotto tickets a week because, you can't win if you don't play."If you're retiring from the military, you might find a windfall of money coming your way, and as any sensible person would do, you go on shopping sprees. 🙄 You'll have your military retirement pension, potentially some money coming in from VA Disability, a new job, and all of a sudden, your former pay is boosts by tens of thousands, if not greater amounts of money.Make. It. Rain!!!! 💸 🌧 But here's the thing. The average lifespan of a woman in the U.S. is 78 years. For men it's somewhere around 74 (these are general, not exact). If you're doing the right things, you likely won't be working until you're 78 (unless your goal is to do so). For sake of this discussion, let's just say you live another 30 years after you leave the service.Smart decisions from day one after your service can make a huge difference in the long-run. Look at the chart below prepared by the Leader Transition Institute's Changing Focus: Moving from We to Me program.If you make saving $300 a month a priority right after you retire vs. waiting two years to start, you'll have $67,500 more in 30 years. No extra work. No extra money. Just $300 a month.Maybe it's money for one last trip around the world. Or leaving a financial gift to a grandchild, or your church, or other another cause you're passionate about.But ultimately you'd have it, and choose what to do with it however you wished, had you just made saving a priority immediately after your transition.I know, I know. There's so many "what ifs" in transition. So many unknowns. And you can absolutely find excuses not to save (can't we all?). But it's the person who pays themselves first who will have that additional $67,500.Life lesson for all of us regardless of what our goals are; pay yourself first. Always. Pay yourself like you're your most important bill. One which will continue to grow in value indefinitely if you allow yourself to.Start with that first pension payment. You'll be glad you did.#financialnuggets #fromanaveragejoe #jvknows"Photo Courtesy: Leader Transition Institute

    • Jose Velazquez Jr. on LinkedIn: #zigszagsandpivots #leadertransitioninstitute #jvknows (13)



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  • Jose Velazquez Jr.

    ✍🏻Epic Storyteller✍🏻 | 🎤Award-Winning Radio Personality 🎤 | Corporate Trainer | Executive Coach | Keynote Speaker

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    Ready for change this summer? It’s ready for you.What are your tactics to keep change from overwhelm you?Let’s talk about it today at noon.#zigszagsandpivots #leadertransitionininstute #jvknow



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  • Jose Velazquez Jr.

    ✍🏻Epic Storyteller✍🏻 | 🎤Award-Winning Radio Personality 🎤 | Corporate Trainer | Executive Coach | Keynote Speaker

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    Be careful you're not just collecting followers instead of building relationships.As our follower and connection numbers grow, how do we stay of value?#jvknows"Be" of value. Is there something you can do for someone? Who do you know that could help someone else you know? Do for others first and you'll find in your time of need, people will do for you.Network. No matter how many people you know, there's always someone else to know. This is true both when looking for work, and when you get that job and think you don't need to network anymore. Job security isn't a thing. Keep networking.Post meaningful content worth engaging with. Are you talking about stuff you're genuinely interested in? Are you sharing your thoughts regularly? People notice.Build relationships. You can do so through your networking and the discussions you have with people in the comments under your content.Be humble. This is social media after all. Being LinkedIn famous is like being a millionaire in Monopoly. Don't let the numbers get to your head.Instead, focus on building relationships.#buildrelationships #relationshipsmatter



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  • Jose Velazquez Jr.

    ✍🏻Epic Storyteller✍🏻 | 🎤Award-Winning Radio Personality 🎤 | Corporate Trainer | Executive Coach | Keynote Speaker

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    [1998] Bravo Company, 3rd PSYOP Battalion, 4th PSYOP Group.Then Battalion XO Major Charles Buehring: You ready for this dog and pony show Velazquez?Me: Roger sir. Standing by to show the general this piece of junk.Major Buehring: That piece of junk costs more than your yearly salary.Me: It costs more than both our salaries combined.Major Buehring: Fix your bald head.Me: Fix your ugly face.Major Buehring: [smirks] Me Major, you Staff Sergeant.Me: Touché... [We laugh, as teammates with weird military humor often do]If you served downrange during Operations Iraqi Freedom or Enduring Freedom, then you likely know the camp bearing his name.Today, I remember. Lt. Col. Charles Buehring. 🇺🇲

    • Jose Velazquez Jr. on LinkedIn: #zigszagsandpivots #leadertransitioninstitute #jvknows (26)



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  • Jose Velazquez Jr.

    ✍🏻Epic Storyteller✍🏻 | 🎤Award-Winning Radio Personality 🎤 | Corporate Trainer | Executive Coach | Keynote Speaker

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    Today, I'm exposing a nasty trick that credit card companies use to keep you in the Matrix.It's #FinanceFriday, and till the end of June I'm exposing some of the dirtiest tricks credit cards, banks, store credit programs, and car dealers use to screw you over.I'm embarrassed to say I've been a sucker for every one of the tricks I'm going to share. But a few years back I took the red pill and found out just how deep the rabbit hole goes.Credit cards are like the "Matrix" in the movie. They keep you plugged in to suck every bit of money out of you.I've always said you can squeeze more money from a broke person than a rich person. Broke people either don't have a choice, don't know they're being played, or are fully aware they're being played but don't have a choice. I've been there😩. This first trick I'm sharing is DIRTY.😡Complimentary Checks. These usually show up in the mail just when you're finally starting to get your finances together and paying a few more bucks than the minimum due. They're beautiful. They're made out to you, and may even have a pre-printed amount on them. OR, "hey just write down whatever you want." $10K? No problem. $20K? Sure. $25K? Why not? And don't worry. 0% till the end of the year. Take your family on that much needed vacation. Your spouse and children deserve it. Don't they? And if you're single, didn't you promise yourself a trip to Bora Bora? YOLO!But those checks didn't show up by mistake and it wasn't because MasterCard or Visa cares about you.They have algorithms to detect the slightest changes in your spending and paying habits. This is going to sound harsh but they know if you're living paycheck to paycheck, you're statistically not good with money. So the moment you start paying a little more to that bill, they've gotta get you back in line. They use your past history, knowing you'll predictably take that check and think "you know what? We do deserve to go to Disneyland." Two weeks later, the $10K is gone, and your kids are still peeling from their sunburns.Look I get it. You just want to feel "normal" for a little while. The companies know this. And they know when 2025 begins, you'll be right back to making minimum payments again, but now with an additional $10K or $20K in debt. They've guaranteed you stay plugged into the Matrix.Please, I beg you. Don't do it. If you get complimentary checks in the mail, don't "reason" your way to keeping them. Go straight from the envelope into the shredder.Things may be tough, but digging the hole deeper isn't going to get you out of it any faster.Have you ever gotten one of those "complimentary checks?"#consumerdebt #nobueno #jvknows

    • Jose Velazquez Jr. on LinkedIn: #zigszagsandpivots #leadertransitioninstitute #jvknows (31)



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  • Jose Velazquez Jr.

    ✍🏻Epic Storyteller✍🏻 | 🎤Award-Winning Radio Personality 🎤 | Corporate Trainer | Executive Coach | Keynote Speaker

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    I'm not here. No really, I didn't write this today. I wrote this on Sunday. Why?I had a previous engagement on the highways and byways of America. But I had something I needed to share. How'd I do it?When you write something on LinkedIn, you'll notice next to the blue button at the lower right hand that says "Post," there's also a little icon that looks like this: 🕓.If you click on it, it allows you to schedule a future post. One of the arguments I get when asking people to post consistently is "I'm too busy during the week Jose." Well, get creative on Saturday morning while drinking coffee or Sunday evening while unwinding. Write a post and schedule it. It's that easy.As for me, I'm stopping my drive long enough to participate in today's LinkedIn Live Audio called "The Growth Zone," where Annie S. Brock and I will be sharing tips and tricks on "Time Management and Productivity Techniques."Wait, didn't I just give you one? Freebie!!! Check us out today at noon eastern. I'm putting the link in the comments. Seriously, please join us. You won't be on camera. Just listen and enjoy.#productivityhack #yesyoudohavetimetopost #jvknows-general direction of travel today. Woot woot.-

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  • Jose Velazquez Jr.

    ✍🏻Epic Storyteller✍🏻 | 🎤Award-Winning Radio Personality 🎤 | Corporate Trainer | Executive Coach | Keynote Speaker

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    Wednesday's as good a day as any to share one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.I'm reacting to an uptick of posts from dear friends I engage with regularly (and who I'm reaching out to in person). Please, let it go.Easier said than done, I know. But, whatever happened in your career. Whoever hurt you. Whatever didn't go right. If you can't change it, let it go.That anger and anxiety will eat you alive, and to be honest, more times than not, whoever you're angry with is sleeping just fine. They either don't know or don't care.Didn't get promoted?- Let it goDidn't get the award you feel you should have?- Let it goHad a boss who drove you to quit?- Let it goWere unfairly screwed over?- LET IT GOIf you can change it, change it. If you can't, let it go.BTW, a whole lot of the advice I share with others, I'm sharing with myself. I'm not immune to holding onto the weight of negative thoughts and emotions.But I remind myself and you...Let it goLet it goLet it go#dontletitbeatyoudown #letitgo #jvknows

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Jose Velazquez Jr. on LinkedIn: #zigszagsandpivots #leadertransitioninstitute #jvknows (44)

Jose Velazquez Jr. on LinkedIn: #zigszagsandpivots #leadertransitioninstitute #jvknows (45)


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Jose Velazquez Jr. on LinkedIn: #zigszagsandpivots #leadertransitioninstitute #jvknows (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.