Jonathan Gibson on LinkedIn: The Medical System Is No Safer Than the School System (2024)

Jonathan Gibson

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Regen of the NerdsTake THIS, “Idiocracy”As predicted, the Parents will sort us out. The responsible Adults w/Children are calling out societal dysfunction and asserting reality once-again upon the deranged Khmer Verde encamped in DC driving domestic policy insane, depleting any economy, punishing our speech, warmongering for liberty with the assured air of smug superiority. They have no choice, as do the childless, or aimless drifting folk, or sleep-walkers floating through life as agent-less NPCs. Their origin-story is a marvel. Makes me wish I’d focused awareness of my relationship goals walking away from silly tropes about chance and fate bringing who you need. The most-based couple, ever?

The Medical System Is No Safer Than the School System

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    Climbing Shoulders of Giants to New PlateausWho wants to show Elon his fire-crackers are a rear-view mirror?If you banked some Bitcoin, or stock-options flow as fertile as Nile, or maybe found fortune flipping pixels into gold, then consider sending me to the first Cosmic Summit to report first-hand the newest science forensics on our most-ancient of treasure maps.Unfolding rapidly Right Now is a revolution in energy and material science bringing the power of Thor's lightning down and from below Vulcan's smithy to nano at hand in your garage. Garage-tech… Silicon Valley … hello, McFly? Call it Atomic Realignment, if that makes you comfy. At minimum, the technology & principles on display make two decades of scary-monster climate CO2 moot: that’s worth deep-pocket, but pedestrian, money: harnessing this new/olde tech scales up our dreams to reach the stars. I’m looking for a new cohort. Who’s game?

    Malcolm Bendall's Plasmoid Thunderstorm Generator PUBLIC DEMO | Cosmic Summit 2024 | All the details

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    GOVSEC : Ministers with Invisible FoliosRevolution does not begin to describe the vastness opening before us. Sure, you can ‘brand’ it Atomic Reconstruction, but this is directly tied to old knowledge lost/hidden … Rediscovered, so let’s call it Transmutation out of profound respect. When we finally re-master this & develop greater demonstrations of even-more amazing capacities than history shows, then you get to rename it. Acceptance is the first stage of coping with denial; for people, groups, governments… official recognition is already in-motion.However, nothing short of a King Tut style charm-offensive nationwide city-tour exhibit will start convincing citizens to embrace official anything. From grandma to toddler we all need to Scratch-n-Sniff at visceral level after decades of milspec propaganda and mind-f*ckery. Decades of wasted lives chasing fake-science & values while industry & bankers leech + bleed as slavers or vampires - choose your mythos. Just Say, Go! One thing is clear to me: our Financial NYC/DC crowd will not fund rival domestic industries, with different national priorities than rootless money, and I am looking at Silicon Valley to put on their Big Boy Maker pants to fund a true tech revolution beyond pixel-shoving ephemera to scale a real future built from nanoscale to stellar Birkeland threads.Major Lehto recommends Colonel Karl Nell, and so do I OF PARTICULARSThrottling New Energy + Demise of Propulsion InventorsAlchemical Science presents grim equations, and hope,

    • Jonathan Gibson on LinkedIn: The Medical System Is No Safer Than the School System (4)

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    Polishing Megalithic PixelsBurt Monroy’s an original olde school digital artist using the new tools in traditional ways. He is a legendary digital painter I am pleased to know & still seeing in my scroll. Burt always promoted my source libraries & professional works, eager to teach and show, a wonderfully selfless person in a hype-prone avaricious industry.In this long interview, he starts with the transition of analog to digital that I experienced as well, even using Photoshop before Burt: When the Knowles Brothers were still gathering sub-routines and honing pixel tricks they had a contract interfacing to an image/slide scanner. A simple skeleton of tool layout was already in place as well as the 1.0 drive-through film developing shoppe desktop icon, but it was just called the name of the scanner, Barneyscan. My favorite trick was the feathered marquee selection I’d used on Quantel Paintbox.Before all this, I was a tech support engineer fleeing Ayn Rand’s architecture school looking to design newfangled digital products. An artist first, technologist second, I was tapped to make crew event flyers, manuals, and my desktop was a ResEdit masterpiece of dithered landscapes and folder icons like strewn boulders - so I was called over to meet & beta-test Harris & McGregor’s PixelPaint at SuperMac. I was the first artist to use their glorious 256-colors, on SMac’s exclusive 19-in monitors, and saw value sending function/interface feedback and helping craft business arguments PixelPaint be brought into SuperMac. I was still finding my calling as a tool-shaping modern XXIst century human. Don’t blame me for how everything has turned out, I was encouraged every step of the way. This is probably a good point to acknowledge the digital pioneering of David Biedny, who died this last year. He loved the science of good art and wrote seminal how-to digital effects books Adobe would occasionally bundle, unlocking exquisite details of its inner workings, with practical overviews never bogged down in academic errata. His eccentricity added a savory flavor to life.Burt’s right, no other software has been able to replace Photoshop - not for David, not for me. However, I use trial-versions at major releases to keep-up, or as clients pay freight, but I find it easy to walk from the Adobe value proposition. SWAK : Burt’s foggy take on the canal of Amsterdam, the Singel, the One, the city's First, is where my son was conceived and seeing this wrings my heart. I think of Burt as our next-gen Chuck Close, a ying-yang generational transition as Chuck ONLY paints close-up faces in huge simplified squares like analog pixels, WHEREAS Burt is all pull-back wide-angle on life with minimal attention to human forms & obscuring the pixel grid. {Office Hours clip: one hour in}

    Master Digital Artist: Bert Monroy



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    Weird-O’s… all of usCommemorate this year with my calendar : Each day is hand-drawn circle phase of the moon. Crafted, never exact, each one is distinctly imperfect, without UNDO, lending a warm touch to that unique day. Alike, as people, yet we are all differently weirdos. Neat.One leap-year marks two lunar eclipses each trailing a path of leaves across a flowery planet. Around the rougher man-made thick-lined punchcard marking time is a rich, detailed, fantastic cosmos that awaits our discovery. Almost as ephemeral as our electronic libraries, my lunar dataset is a modern stele playing with layers, and transparency, and time revealing more truths than we've been taught by teachers. Great fun working with tiny-tiny rapid-o-graph pens and trace paper again. Many youthful years dot-dotting art like this and it's refreshing to return again - using the same pens! These last few years have been integrating mom's analog studio with my digital: evermore intrigued translating digital debris into analog arts - but more later. Today is Launch Day : please, support me and this.O… anyone donating on this Eclipse Day launch will get a personalized & signed copy. BTW how many of you have a real piece of Jonathan?

    Crossroad Eclipse Moon Phase Leap Calendar 2023-24



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    “Any Technology, sufficiently advanced, is indistinguishable from NATURE,” to paraphrase Arthur Clarke… I call this my Kardashev Amendment, because Jonathan’s Correction still lacks authority.Ezekiel’s RollercoasterFeel actual wonder seeing Ying-Yang patterns of material & energy dispersal down at the nano-scale. Now understand our ancestors were much more aware, and cosmos-tuned, than we have been allowed to think they were - and we are too. Is this Cold Fusion in modern labs, or re-marketed Transmutation Esoterica from ages past? Confused, try to mouth these words: fractal-expressed magnetic-toroid moments reveal deep electrical nature of ourselves & universe. Wither Silicon Valley for the Oldest Garage?Our cosmos is both simple and complex - via scaling akin to musical notes - As Above, So Below. Ezekiel’s historical flying wheels-within-wheels-within-wheels is a weave of magnetic flux found in cavitation effects and there are thousands of other examples from ancient cultures around the world describing these same functions in both lore and symbols. They knew. Who needs baked + brittle Ai proto-minds trained on wafer-thin idea-spaces, when countless swarming electrical forces can be coaxed into performing transmutation tricks of abundance… in your garage? Modernity strands us here today at a mall outside Orwellville. Science never escaped that Minotaurs’ lab-yrinth, The Manhattan Project. There, the DoD force-fed nerds bales-o-grants, foie-gras style, then secretly resurrected them & sent wandering as backwards shuffling zombies so industry/market cartels are never spooked by the approaching moans of brain-oozing techies revising apps.Now, in the XXIst, we need to check the meters on everything for voracity; from deep-state pick-pockets to diplomas built on lies on up to speed-of-light, before moving forward with any confidence. Around us all institutions crash from fraud or corruption or maintenance & age & neglect, becoming the opposite of original name or purpose;FDA means poison. EPA legalizes polluting, Pharma means pain, Civil Servant becomes Master. Take heart, wizards of the XXIst will conjure new realities from actual hard matter value & real wealth worth far more than meta-woven IP castles & the pixel-drenched hallucinations of Hollywood. Stay hip with these kids : Modern mages will harness ultrascopic erg-minions to transfuse matter with “non-thermal fluidity” hither and yon. Confused, then you're already traveling this direction. Belief is the enemy of knowing and we have a load of dark-string-energy-toys to leave in the nursery. It’s time we Regress For Success.Take-away : This is what actualized hope looks like today. Jordon brings you up to date w/ bread-crumbs out of the war-bull’s maze,

    Plasmoids / Ball Lightning | NEW EARTH SHATTERING FINDINGS + The Full Story so far...


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  • Jonathan Gibson

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    Burning MettleWeird, but I get a thrill seeing Jensen on stage … over fifty years now? First time was at an exhibition ping-pong tournament at the old Portland Coliseum field trip to cheer-on a Chinese charm-offensive under Nixon/Kissinger. I didn’t know Jensen Huang, or his tag-team partner & my future buddy, John Jennings, playing on exhibition floor, but years later found me at Lincoln High hearing John’s overseas adventure overseas and first heard the unusual name, Jensen.But, more about me… I was a good eldest son until High School when a car wreck killed my best-friend turning me all dark & angry. I started running with rude boy creatives, urban artists, musicians, turning early 80's punk long before Portlandia, or goofy LA 'new wave'.Never too self-destructive, I pushed limits; made graffiti art, furtive street murals at night of a signature Happy Warrior ninja shadow-black figure w/blooded Smiley Face shield … may-haps, foretelling Alan Moore’s Watchman? Fun meeting dangerous proto-goth girls, slamming with bands, designing the graffiti-logo for Jennings’ teen band, Joez Mamaz Boyz … inspired by local band Rancid Vat I made a goofy beat-up smiley-face that a touring Nirvana would soon steal - but that’s a story for another day.We did wacky street art & street theater improv… like pranking normies with piles of 'borrowed' Awake religious pamphlets as cultists offering serious competition to a nearby CIA-backed Scientology storefront franchise. Funny: I’ve been running interference on Company Business since High Schoo!One Day a short ‘burb kid walks up greeting my straight-outta-Trafalgar urban punk friend John all-warm and chummy and how I met Jensen visiting the Big City of Portland from nearby, Aloha.Nice, earnest nerdy kid, of course, and competitive early who took the ping-pong games more seriously than my stoner friend.One thing I always notice and can’t unsee every damn time I see Jensen on stage is that signature leather jacket. Back-then, that day, Jensen eyes kept returning to the cut of John’s European leather biker jacket, lean Beatle-styled in the longer German way. Me, I was poor, wearing Lincoln High standard-issue skinny-jeans & denim jacket festooned with patches and buttons. Good times.Seems to me Jensen wears leather as mythological armor or street cred touchstone reminder of his own authenticity no matter how close to the sun he flies, if only to himself and this is what he communicates to the world, decades later. Our great strides in AR/VR and AI show my greatest mistake may be never pressing this connection, but I never had a gem to bring & polish. So, paint an L on my forehead. Maybe back in ’15 and the Virtual Pets project… c’est la vie!Anymore, I feel as some sort of witness/scribe to events & life & being allowed to somehow peer into amazing lives with timely cameos. EOSMillermann on Leader Ethos,’s NVidiaCON,

    Nvidia, Elon Musk, and the Purpose of Life


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    Mention My Name In AtlantisLatitude 26.9516951Longitude -110.6102997Look on any sat-scanned sea-floor atlas to see a most-curious formation. Apparently, Cabo has been a tourist hot-spot for a very-very long time. Once a location you might build a scenic mountain retreat, when this Gulf of California region submerged below sea waters late Miocene Era, surely it has been rezoned seaside resort: it's been five million years after all. Most runways today are a few miles long: so what kind of craft need a landing almost One Hundred Miles Long… Galactic scale craft, obviously. One can imagine the travel brochures… “Ninety miles long our graded structures offer a unique learning environment training Space Truckers at our rustic Learning Annex with Three different Kardashev One landing stripes and a larger K2 scale available for touch-n-go orbital-to-ground landing field practice of interstellar shipping craft - including accreditation for Load Mastery and Gravitic Field Maintenance. Check for Local Group pricing! In the evening enjoy fine K3 priced refreshments, sensory distractions, and ultra high-energy habitats for the discerning traveller.Local Color: Be sure to visit every millennia, or so, for the festive Go Wilding glacial-era Spring “Touched-By-Noodly-Appendages” Break. This is an Ice World so if you spot natives becoming scared of their own shadows, it is because they expect another once-every-fifty-thousand-year ‘GLOBAL WARMING’ summer - in just a few hundred more years - dress warm!Your light-speed may vary, so book now!”Landing Zone Zero

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    Feel the Earth-Shattering, Ka-Boom?If you find excitement in lab-bench testing there has been no greater ringside these last weeks than tuning Bob Greenyer’s public-lead plasmoid research streams. He’s not alone breaking seventy years of direct government misdirections, across all society, down to official sanctioned violence + jail time + death against cavitation and ball-lightning physics research scientists. If you were alive in the 90’s, then you saw Fleishmann-Ponds vilified and hounded to obscurity & public media shunning by every science and energy group for claiming ‘cold fusion’. This is Consensus Science, but in biblical times it was a Stoning.Institutions are where Science went to die foie-gras feasting on grants; was revived, stim’d back from brain-death, and now shuffles and lurches as Scientism Of The Sacred Consensus… sadly, it can only look & walk backwards as it measures errata and moves very slow. To our scientismic priesthood, Bob is crazy heretic leading apostates of corruption. Cover the children’s ears. Hail Bob, showing lost thinkers a way through; he wields a vorpal sword breaking research out of this Minotaur milspec R+D+$ institutional-thinking maze slowing & holding This Island Earth back. One day, I expect to read Bob’s journey something like, “My great joy chasing the magneto-toroid moment of transmutation”. Bob’s reminding us to bring fun back into science. We are on the cusp of good changes breaking old cartels and zero-sum hoarding games. We’ve been sold how limited our resources can possibly be spread and denied opportunities to imagine anything beyond a dull listless horizon so-called leadership offers for decades.Time to change this game-grid.Alchemical Science, The Manhattan Project never ended.We’ve suffered almost a century of Stalled Progress protecting powerful industries and DoD contractors. Government secrecy is a clutch of eggs hatching Mechazillas that only grow slowly constricting deep limbs around public vitals. First observed by Navy, cavitation physics and ball-lightning were secretly understood enough in 1950’s to conjure whole new what-if dimensional and math-castle physics around fake-paths that purposely mis-directed generations of great thinkers down utterly blind alleys.APEC : Alternate Propulsion Engineering Conference - March 16, ’24 “You can’t stop the signal, Mal.” - SerenityMartin Fleischmann Memorial Project Foundation

    BIG NEWS for Malcolm Bendall's Thunderstorm Generator | NEW Results from Bob Greenyer are in!


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    Plasmoids: a Tempest in every TeacupFeel encouraged by dramatic inventive solutions coming from outside stodgy institutions too-long habitualized to ignore human needs and fixated on the status-quo of funder patrons.The cold-fusion noise of 90’s was a near-miss as Fleischmann + Ponds were too fixated with traditional physics, but Malcolm Bendall knew enough to take a hard look backwards, connect with our true history & synthesize a worthy future.Zeus, Osiris, Thor. . . Across the ages and highest of cultures a few common themes emerge around stone tablets of ‘sacred geometry’ & glyphs of thunderbolts held by gods/kings/people. Take the ancient texts mythologies of Sanskrit, Vedic, etc and re-listen to mythic tales as straight translation how-to guides and what do you get: The Age of Thunderstorms.Bendall developed a working hypothesis and prototypes AND patents, and open-sourced mankind’s collective heritage. This was done secretly, carefully, over a decade, securing patents, working remotely so powerful energy industries could not prevent public access, let alone ‘disappear’ him. Randall Carlson inadvertently divulged this work ahead of documentation, but here it is : garage-scale workshop lab co-generation of clean energy. They already have an industrial-scaled co-generation test-bed running at a power plant in Great Britain.So, just as a battery cranks & jolts a car engine into running, here the oil engine jump-starts limitless energy co-generation, with conversion kits as described here by Alchemical Science. Plasmoid transmutation deploys enormous heat with intimate cooling effects at quantum-level such you do not feel it just inches away and is counter-intuitive. This goes a long way to explain ancient peoples carving stone in ways we have trouble reproducing. This is just the beginning and points the way to clean energy independence, vastly cleaner, and enormously larger founts of power await.Academics and scientists and would-be intellectuals are too clever by half, over-thinking, uber-syllabled, playing four-dimensional chess so hard we catch them eating the pieces trying to win. Like how exo-planets were poo-poo’d for decades, because a handful of power-obsessed astronomy “consensus science” leaders refused funding & tenure to grad students. Or, fifty years arguing how many Cosmic Strings wrap ‘round heads of a pin leaves CERN with nothing to show, but an expensive high-tech hole in physics - and failure. Time for new schools of independent science and studies, done by cute little eccentric nerds streaming from their benches, not huge finance and power-bases posing as education rather than biz-incubating stock-options and always-always holding humanity down.Plasmoids show us every day of the future will be Thorsday. HOW, Alchemical Science, WHAT, docs,, Before Skool teaches new-olde lessons,

    Thunderstorm Generator | COMPLETE DIY BUILD GUIDE | Malcolm Bendall's Plasmoid Tech


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Jonathan Gibson on LinkedIn: The Medical System Is No Safer Than the School System (21)


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Jonathan Gibson on LinkedIn: The Medical System Is No Safer Than the School System (2024)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.