Waukesha Plaindealer from Waukesha, Wisconsin (2024)

A 5 -WAUKESHA PLAIN DEALER, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1 resident, scotchmian by birth, made admitted all to be capable, faithful honest 'That district has heretofore been Republican hold, and it they don't trot out their bigest and beat man, will turn the scales on them at. his election. C. C. PALMER of Summit, brother of our late nominee for Governor, is the candidate for Supervisor.

Mr. is one of our best business men and will. make a capital Supervisor. The candidate for the Assembly in the third District, is Hon. PETER D.

Gir: FORD, one of the oldest of the county. He has held some office of hon. or or trust must of the time last twenty years and is too well: and favorably known to the people of that district to require an endorsem*nt from its. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention and has served germs in the Assembly. He will surely be elected by a trirmphant majority.

Hon. DAVID. ROBERTS of is the candidate for Supervisor. Mr. ROBERTS is a Welshman of large business experience.

Ha. has once represented that District in the and has often. discharged the duties of Supervisor to the entire satisfaction of his constituents. 3. The nominee for the Assembly in this, the fourth District, is CRAIG of Vernon.

He is a giod, thor-: ough business man, a wealthy farmer and very popular among the passes.He has often been elected in that town, which usually gives about one hundred and fifty republican majority. The candidate for Supervilor, BARGEANT R. HONKINg of New Berlin, has been either Supervisor or a Justice of the. Peace in that town ever since many of her tall oaks started from little acorns. -All know him as an honest, upright man, and we consider his election a fixed fact, We have neither time.

not space to say more this week. In out next, we shall endeavor to give many cogent and sufficient reasons why every lover of his country who wishes to restore the Union with a lasting peace, should nite with the democracy and sustain President JOHNSON in restoring the country to its former proud position' without attempting to reduce the white man to a level with the african, or compelling the poor to pay the rich men's taxes. CROWDING THE The heavy mujority in the new State us Colorado against putting negroes on civil and political equality with white men, followred by the refusal, by a decided, vote, of the people of Connecticut totadmit negroes to an equality with themselves, is. crowding the Radical mourders rather hard just now. The people are determined that this shall remain 8.

white man's government, and that there shall be no civil and political equality of the white and black races in this country. Colorado and Connecticut live applied two breaks to retard the profess of the Radical negro-equality tive. The action of these two States will result in great goud to the country. It ill encourage president Johnson to pressito mation his restoration poli while it will at the same time, give Radicals to understand that the peolde will not submit to their scheme for geferning the South, and placing whites and blacks on an equality. THE REASON WAY THE PARTY HAS THE DRY ROT.

Why is the 90 much apathy in our party asked one Republican of another, the other tay. Because," was the response, the leaders of the party have become wards, and are afraid to act up to their convictions. They have put the party to dodging and trimming -to play fast and loose- -to thimble rigging--in order toigo through this canvass without commitments of any sort. What is there fir bold and manly sentiment in this carrass, on the part of the Republican party, to interest a live man of bumanity and progress, in the election? I can see none, party under the cowardice of the leaders, is dying of the dry rot. That is my opinion wby the apathy you of prevails." OPPOSED.

TO PAYING TE NATIONAL AND OPPOSED TO EQUIL AND JusT -The following the resolution upon these questions that was voted down. at the negro suffrage convention held at Janesville last week. Read it and ponderResolved, That every dollar of the national debt should be paid at the earliest practicable period chit we are in favor of equal and just taxation, and that, AS tar as possible, it should be aim of the government to impose taxation upon capital rather than labor." Tar FIRST GUN FOR -In Connecticut the republican porty endorsed negro suffrage, and every but oue has given a democratic migority, defeating negro suffrage by over 6,000 in the State. Glory enough fort one day.To-day Pennsylvania, and Iowa hold their annual elections and we have reason to hope that two of these states will follow in the wake of Of Connections 3 Taxes- Who Pays Them. KEEP IT BEFORE THY PEOPLE.

The internal Revenue, this year will reach. the enormous sum of TWO DRED AND NINETY. MILLION OF DOLLARS. Who pays it! Manufacturers pay a certain per cent tax. upou all.

goods manufactured by which per cent they add to the them, price of the goods, thus clearing themselves entirely -they do not. foot the bill. Retailers buy the goods with the cent added, and add thereto the taxes with which they are charged -30 by the time the consumer gets hold of them he has tu pay the taxes of every individual through whose hands the goods pass. The consumers pay the taxes. Who are the principle consumers of the country Farmers and they foot the This is the Revenue Tax.

How is it with the tax on personal property 7. United States Bouds are exempt from National, State, County, Township and municipal taxation. Rich men invest their money in these bonds, and while they draw 7-30 interest per annum on their money, they. pay no j-! taxes! Who pays the interest on these bonds Men of moderate means -Farmers and Mechanics! The withdrawal of the capital invested in Bonds from the Tax Duplicate throws ad increased burden upon the remaining Personal Property and Real Estate. Who owns the greater part of the Real Estate in the country? Farmers! They pay the taxes which should fall upon the To collect the Revenue Tax there are employed a host of Assessors, Collectors and Commissioners, A who receive large salaries for their services.

Their salaries are paid from the hard earnings of the Farmer and Mechanic. Their labors could be performed by State and County officers at less than one third the expense, and thus greatly re duce the taxes. This oppressive system of taxation was originated and legalized by the per: ty io power. who propose to make the men of moderate means bear its burdens while the capitalists are 2 exempt, creating an aristocracy based on wealth. The Democratic party proposes to make every man pay his proportion of the taxes of the Goverament according to his means.

It does not recognize the rigbt. or justice of creating privileged classes, to be supported upon the industry of the land. See resolutions of the democracy at the head of this paper. Farmers and Mechanics of Wisconsio, if you are opposed to paying taxes for men better able to pay them than you are; if you are opposed to the present expensive system of taxation, make, it known at the polls by voting against the party. that have laid this burden you.

If you do not do it, don't: coinplain of unjust taxes hereafter, The remedy. is now in your you apply it. COLORED SHANGHAI CHICKENS COMING HOME TO RoosT. --The Times soys "The colored chickens of cast Tennessee are coming home to roost. Some of these gullinaceous Africans have planted themselves upon Brownlow's perch, and the parson does not seemingly like it.

as we infer from the following descrip ion of the operation, written by himself: "One-balf of all the colored soldiers in uniforms in east Tennessee have no respect for that uniform, and do not ape preciate its digoity and importance. Two of them in full uriform, some time since, upon 8 narrow sidewalk in this aity, knocked the writer of this article into the gutter, throwing him upon his hands and knees. He was trying to get out of the way and they saw it, but bei ing feeble, and leaning upon a staff he, moved too slow tor their ideas of progress. I made no complaint, but conclu ded that these colored ruffians had not to respect the uniform of the army." and went my way -not rejoicing -but feeling in the left knee that was worsted in the encounter, which I had not brought about, but sought to prevent. Soldiers and officers wearing the tederal uniform, ought all to be gentlemen, no matter what their color, but the only two colored soldiers I ever encountered did not prove be of that stripe.

have no wish to try them again- -I might light upon others less refined who would run me through with 8 bay Being denied a white man's choice, I only asked a negro's privilege of getting out of the way Browniow, la the gutter and on his knees before a couple of swaggering, insolent nigg*rs, is precisely where his entire party is at the present moment. Brownlow, however, does not seem to like the position, in which respect be dif. tars from his party. They do like it. They not only like it, but would add to the posture a labial titilation of the os coccygis of the African if he would permit.

But the Tennessee. nigg*rs do not propose to allow any such familiarity 'on the part of white people in that state. Sometime ago their very contempt uously declined Tilton's invitation to miscegenation. They DOW kick old Brownlow. into the gutter, and even refused abolitionists the favor alluded to in the above scientifio and elegant euphemism.

FORNEY IS SATISFIED. The Washing. Chronicle is of opinion that the ton. South has already done quite enough to convince the North that it has nothing to fear in receiving our. "erring sisters." back into the national family.

They have formally consented to every thing which could be reasonably required indemnity for past, and security for the future," and Mr. Forney pertinently asks, "whether this is the time to resist or to question the reconstruction policy of President Johnson! He adds: If the representatives of the American people in Congress essembled shall, io their. wisdom, decide that the people lately in revolt must, by yet further acts of sacrifice. and submission, manifest desire to be good and faithful citizens in time to come their judgment will undoubtedly be loyally accepted and obeyed, but we cannot anticipate such legislation, and we certainly dol not, think it would be either expedient or wise. GEN.

FAIRCHILD FOR THE JANESVILLE PLATFORM. -Gen. Fairchild, the regency candidate for governor, was present at the fair at Burlington on Wednesday last, and made a political speech there. We are informed that he distinctly declared himself in favor of universal negro suTrage. gentlemen present also informs us that he was assured on the same.

occasion by a. promnient republican of that county that the entire regency state ticket had pledged. itself to the Janesville platform. -Mil. News.

As a further proof of' Gen. Fairchild's position we clip the following from the Sentinel of the 6th which probably speaks by authority. 'It says We supposed there was po doubt, in the minds of any voter, Union or democratic, respecting the position of Generat Fairchild on the subject referred to by our correspondent. We have the best of reasons for knowing that he is in favor of the constitutional amendment in this State, and will so vote at the polls." THE WAR ON THE PRESIDENT. -The Waushara Argus has joined in the war on the It, says- "Andy Jotinson is President for four years, and is prosperous.

He has been flattered by his success, ands has become ambitious -hence his friendly talk' to traitors. We want our readers to examtine his address to thore, blood-stained southrons. He no longer speaks tu them ag traitors eto." eto." The copperheads have won, and they have a right to laugh." EASILY SETTLED. Martin Nelson Overtook Capt. Ross running away with his wife, at Carthage, the other day.A scene ensued which attracted a crowd of curious spectators, but finally con.

cluded tolet the faithless woman go, and she did, after taking a social drink all Found in honor of the occasion. GEN. FAIRCHILD has gone, in pursue ance of. inyitations accepted some weeks since, to deliver addresses at county fairs in' Burlington, Racine county, and Salem, LaCrosse county. Madison Journal.

This is the same Gen. Fairchild who recently profersed to be so intensely occupied with his 2 official duties that he could not accept the invitation of Gen. to address the people together. A SOL. GILL.

The Madison Capitol says for the speech of the regency candidate for Attorney General, at Japesville6 He proclaimed himself in favor of suffrage north and south, and andounced his entire opposition to the poli cy of President Johuson." Gen. Fairchild the regency candidate for. Governor, occupies precisely the game position. PResident JOHNSON AVOWS HIMSELF. DEMOCRAT: -The editor of the New York World has recently visited Washlington where he called upon the president.

He says upon his Mr. Johnson has pres'siently avowed himselt. to. be a democrat. Ile avows it to-day as earnestly rs he avowed it the cordon of southern.

chieftains whose united assaults he received and repulsed on the floor of the Senate' in the firs days of the rebellion. NOTHINGISM TO BE REVIVED. On Sunday, the 24th Henry Ward Beecher opened the political cam paign in his Brooklyn church. Among other things he said I believe that the four millions of Af. ricans now here could he better trusted with the ballot than the Irishmen and foreigners that swarm here from the old countries." Gen.

HOBART AT SHEBOYGAN. The Sheboygan Journa! says of Gen. Hobart's nomination for governor. All those democrats who were forced or went with their own free will, into the republican fold three years ago, will support Gen. Hobart.

Even some of the most rabid republicans intimate that they will give him their support. In an arcticle on the speech ot Charles Sumner the Boston, Courier says 'One thing must be said of Mr. Sum. ner. He is honest and clear spoken, but.

in his way no greater tyrant in ancient or, earth." modern times eve: existed on the Sumner, like Thaddeus Stevens, is 'of the opinion that the South ought to be burnt over and sowa down in clover for the benefit of the freedmen. RUMOREd REMOYAL OF JUDGE POTTER. -It is reported at Quebeo that Mr. John F. Potter, United States Consul General for the British North American Provinces, will be relieved from his post at the end of the year.

4 -E Song for the Times. AIR- -WAIT FOR TEE WAGON. Come Democrats let's rally, And drive the foeman back Come from each hill and valley And make them clear the track. We'll shout aloud for Hobart We'll vote for white men's rights; We'll teach amalgamationists That we're not black but white. CHORCS- Then shout aloud for Hobart, Three cheers for Gen.

Hobart, Hurrah for Geceral Hobart, The white men's candidate. Our opponents are The negroes whipped the They know that they are lying When the words come from their mouth. white men whipped the rebels To them the credit's dueThen here's to the white soldiers, The "gallant boys in blue." CHORUS--Then shout aloud, Brave Hobart helped them do itThe soldiers know this well; f. They'll make the rascals rue it Who other stories loves our Starry Banner, The CONSTITUTION too; He's a statesman and a soldier, A hero tried apd true. CHORUS -Then shout aloud, Wisconsin News, Boebel, who shot Dr.

Charles Warnecke on the night of July 3d last, at Milwaukee has been sentenced to the state prison for life. A Dr. Wade, in Crawford county, has been arrested and bound over for trial on the charge of murdering his own child, which appeared strong and healthy. The Doctor took it in his hands and held it a few moments, when he said it was dead. Suspicion being aroused, the Doctor was arrested.

On examining the body fthe child it was found that death had been caused by strangulation cs the blood had gathered at the back of the neck where it had been held. From the testimony of his wife, it appears this is the the third child that has died in the same manner. la Milwaukee, a man named Jas. Smith Sergeant of Co. 231 regim ent, veteran reserve corps, was attempting to stop from the forward platform of one street car to that of another, both cars in motion, when he missed his foothold and tell between the cars, both wheels of one passing over his neck, killing him almost instantly.

Miss Gilmore, girl about eighteen years of age, daughter of the jailor at Prairie du Chien, taking advantage of the temporary absence of her parents, released two men named Sutherland; who had been three weeks confined in the jail on a charge of stealing oxen, eloped with them, and carried with her he. mother's shoes and a portion of her oth er clothing. They are supposed to have orossed the river in a skiff, and to have gone back into the The Ozaukee Advertiser says: On Tuesday last a fearful accident occurred in the town of Belgium in this county. A new Catholic Church was in process of building and nearly finished, the: workmen and several hands, numberlog altogether 30 persons where in the act of lifting the frame of the belfry to its place when the scaffolding gave way precipitating the entire party tol the ground sone 30 feet among the debris and rubbish, the frame of the belfry fall. ing upon them.

Legs and arms were broken, but so far as we have heard no persons have escaped uninjured, several are in a precarious situation, but it is hoped, all will recover. The Watertown Democrat says! Mr. J. D. Woodward of Emmett, last week, brought seven squashes to this city, the aggregate weight of which was 958 pounds--the weight of the largest being 196 pounds.

Summary of Telegrams. Sanders Dead, RACINE, Oct. 7. -Gen. Horace T.

Sans ders, late C.1. of the 19th regiment, Wis. volunteers, died at Washington to-day, after a protracted illness; more or less, of several months. His death will be deeply regretted by his fellow. citizens far and near.

His remains will be brought to: Racine for interment next week. 8 In the political canvass in Mississippi, the planters urge that an act of congress be passed permitting the cotton growing states to make laws compelling negroes to work tor stipulated wages and for A certain length of time. It is stated that no candidate who opposes this will bave the slightest show. There is no discussion ct the negro suffrage ques. tion, the feeling against it being too strong for any opposition.

The Fenian excitement is op the increase in England and Ireland. Arrests continue to be made, and the military torce in certain parts of Ireland is being generally strengthened. The London Times, though affecting to ridicule the movement, evidently considers it a serimatter. The prospects of the soldiers' ticket in Iowa are daily growing brighter, the reports from all parts of the state being of the most encouraging character. The democratio state convention of Louisiana has nominated J.

M. Wells tor governor and A. P. Penbuts for lieutenant goveruor. In Sacramento recently a woman' pros cured the relens? of ber busband: from jail, and that night ran off with another fellow.

Her object in procuring her busband's release was to leave somebody with the children. General E. B. Homphrey, was pardon ed by the president OD the 6th inst. This will render bim eligible to the ernorship of Mississippi, to which office gov: it is probable he is elected.






County Nominations. For State Senator, I ORSON REED. for apervisor at Large, MARVIN H. BOVEE. For School Superintendent, ISAAC N.

STEWART. Mires District--For Member of Assombly, DANIEL BROWN. For Supervisor, A. M. ROBBINg.

2 DISTRICT -for Member of Assembly JOHN FERGUSON, Jr. For Supervisor. C. O. PALMER.

Third Diatriot-Vor Member of Assembly, PETER D. GIFFORD. For DAVID ROBERTS. Fourth District Jor Member of Assembly, PERRY CRAIG. For SARGEANT R.

HUNKINS. Resolutions of the Wisconsin Democracy. PLATFORM TOR ALL WHITE MEN TO STAND UPON. By the Democracy of Wisconsin, Seated in delegated convention, Ist. That the De mecracy of Wisconsin are devoutly thankful to A1.

mighty God for the fortunate conclusion of long, bloody and destructive civil' war, originating in 3 sectonal passion and crime, and culminating in the triumphant vindication of the federal autbority, and the daal overthrow of the political heresy that a tire of tho federal government Is a rightful remedy for foal or anticipated wrongs. RESOLVED, That we recogaise in the policy avowed by President Johnson for the restoration of the late rebellious states to their practical relations with the Federal Goverament, a wise and patriotio determineton to preserve the equality of the several States and to secure the future peace and unity of the country upon the basis of the Federal Constitution and end and in all other lawful mesures tending to the preservation of the government and future freedom, fraternization and progress of the American people, we pledge him our unqualided sympathy and support. RIGOLVED, That we are to negro suffrage pa this state, and to all interference: by us with the polloy of other states on that subject. RMOLVED, That we are opposed to. the farther sus.

pension of the writ of babeas corpus, and to all trials of till offenses by milliary tribunals. That we demand the most rigid economy to the adminiatration of the state and national affairs and are opposed to calling In and diverting the state Echool. Fund. RESOLTED, That this country is undera debt of gratitude to our soldiers for their bravery and devoHon to the Union, and that they are deserving pay by deeds more than words, That we are opposed to those provisIons of the tariff laws, by which bardens are thrown apon one section of the country or one class of our people for the benefit of another section or class, That we are opposed to all exemptions of classes from the burdens of government, and are to favor of equal, just and uniform taxation. RESOLVED, That we are in favor of a an equalisation of government bounties to soldiers, so that soldiers of 1861 and '62 shall receive the same bounties those of 1863 and '64, and that we ask Congress to to this end.

Democratio County Nominations. The Convention which met at the Court' Ilouse on Saturday, nominated Hon, ORSON REED of Summit, for State Senator. Mr. REED is one of our oldest settlers, has represented his District in the As, sembly, was the last sheriff of this county, and has held several other offices which he has filled to the satisfaction of the people. His election is deemed cer.

tain. Hon. MARVIN H. BOVEE of Eagle, an Ex Senator, is our nominee for Supervisor at large.Mr. Boyer is an euergetio, thorougb business man and will make an efficient Isaac N.

STEWART of Pewaukee, who has recently returned from the army, was nominated for School Superintendent. STEWART is a ripe scholar, a graduate of the State University, who has had several years experience in teaching, le very popular with the people and will distance his competitor, (whom wo are told bas no experience la teaching) the first heat." 3 Na the first District, they have pominated for: the Assembly, BROWN of Brookfield, an honest, independ. ent, straight forward, well to do farmer, and one of the most popular men in the District. The ouly question at stake in bie case, is the number of hundreds of majority: of votes that be will receive. The second District has nominated for the Assembly, JOIN FEROURION Jr.

of Merton, the present able and popular Superrisor of that town. He to an old. G. DRUGS GROCERIES DRUCS Wholesale and Retail DRUGGIST GROCER And Dealer in BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Wall and Window Paper, Fancy Articles, Perfumery, Fine Hair. and Tooth.

Brushes, Children's Toys, Paint and Whitewash Brushes, Pure Wine and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces. Patent Medicines of the most reliable kinds, and warranted genuine; also Confectionary, Segars, Tobacco, whips, Lashes, Kerosene, Kerosene Lamps, and all articles kept, in Drug, Book or Grocery Store, which will be sold cheap. nijy25 NEW GOODS! WAR IS ENDED FOREVER! BCT THE GREAT EXCITEMENT STILL CONTINUES, 1. THE STORE OF JOHN G. EISMAN! Having disposed of his spring stock of goods would la form the inhe bitants of Waukesha and the ing country, that be is now in constant receipt of NEW FALL GOODS! 3 And endearors to keepa.

well selected Ftock of Dry Goods, Yankee Notions, Gloves, aud loseries, llat and Caps, Boots and Shoes, and: complete assort. went of GROCERIES! Also a full assortment of Ladles and Misses HOOP SKIRTS, Of Burloek's manufacture, which Is the Best in the Country And I will sell may Goods at CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST For Cash, of in exchange for BUTTER ANDIEG Remember the place- Barnes'Block, Waukesba. J. G. EISMAN, Waukesha, August 22d, I865.

Special Notices. VALUABLE RECIPES. 1. DEAR -With your permision. I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send, by return mail, to any who wish it (free) receipt with full directione for making and arcing eimple Vegetable Balm, that will effectually remove; in ten daya, Pim pies, Bloicher, Tan, Freckles, and all impurities of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear; smooth and beautiful.

I will also mall free to these baring Dald Heads or Bare Faces simple direction and information, wilt enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or Moutache, in less than thirty days, There recipes are valuable to both old and young, and as they are mailed to all who peed them free of barge. they are worthy the attention of all who prize a clear, pure skia, or a healthy gowth of hair. All applications answered by return mail, without charge. yours, THOS. P.

CHAPSAN. Che mist and Perfumer, pi.mi No 831 BROADWAY N. 1 A Card to Invalids. A CLERGYMAN, missionary, while discovered residing in a safe South and America simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by bane. fuland ticious habits Great numbers have been a already desire to cured benest by this the noble remedy.

Prompted by afflicted and unfortunate, will sand the recipe for 'preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to say one who needs it. Free of Obarge. Please inclose a post-paid envelope, addressed to yourself. Address, JOSEPU T. INMAN, in STATION BIBLE HousE.

plyl New York Oity. To Drunkards. OLD DR. Oure, per. taste for strong drink; and eight cures the worst cases of drandenners in less than days.

Thousands of reformed Inebriates now live to bless the the day use they, this were fortunate enough to. commence valuable remedy. Price Two Collars package. Mailed JAMES to S. any address BUTLER, on receipt of an order, by 420 Broadway, N.

Y. 1' Sole Agent for the United Stater. DEALER IN, 01 DRUGS MEDICINES AND STATIONERY, No. 2, BLock. If you want pure Drugs and Medicines, be sari and call on us.

You will always And a good assort: ment of everything that la usually kept in a Arct: class vrug Book and Grocery Store. We do not sell any Medicine unless we 4 to be pure and fresh. i Dr Kine's Liniment made from the original Be ceipt. We bare in store a complete assortment of Tilden! Fluid Extracts and Pilla, direct from New Lebanes, New York. We bare of hand the following PATENT MEDICINES, MeLane's.

1 Holloway' Herrick's, Dr. Jayne's, Brandreth's, Mors-' Judson's. Ora Teaberg'e, Ayer's, Moffat's, Caphalic, Dr, Cheeseman': and Bir Jas. Clark's, Kennedy', Discovery. Dr.

Canker Balsam, Marshall's Uterine Catholicon, Rushton's Cod Liver OIl, Guysott'e, 'Ayer's Scorill's and Bar. saparila las, all of Dr. Media cines, all of berg's Wort. ar's Balsam of wild Cherry, Dr. J.

F. Churohilt's Preparation of Lime and Sods. Perry Davis' Pain Killer, all wides Mexican Mustang Lint. ment, liembolt's Extract of Buchue, Gaps gling Oil, Thompaon's Eye Water, Pitt'a Sloan's Medicines, dor'r, Gardner'e, and Sloan' Oondition Powders for. Drake's Plantation Bitters, Kobaok's Stomach Bitters.

Roback's Scandinavian Blood Purifier, the Celebrated Germab Li bitters. llamlin's wizzard oll, McLane's Vermifuge, Bartell's Worm Cenfections, Dally Pain Extractor, Trash's Magnetio Ointment, Golden Ointment and mast others 4 We Warrant All our Patent Medicines to be ine, and directly from the manufacturers. We den also in Perfumery, Fino Toilet Soaps Fine flair and Tooth Brushes, Faucy And Toilet Trusses, Supportors, and shoulder Braces, Pure Wines sad Liquors, Brushes, for Toya and Medical and Dye- Use, Yanker Notions, Paint Putty, and Books, Paints, Stations Oils, ary and Wall Paper. Tobacco, Cigars, Burning fluid, Kerosene Camphene and Confectionery ary and Wall Paper. Tobacco, Cigars, Burning fluid, Kerosene Camphene and Confectionery Physician's Prescriptions Carefully compounded, and all orders correctly awered.

Medicines delivered at all hours by an experts enced band. ca WE HAVE FOR THE HAIR, I Sterling's Ambrosial, Wood's Heir Restorative, Burnett': Goroaing, Lyon's Katharion, Barry's Tri. flowe copherous, and Weare and Ro-e Family Oils. Dye Colors. al Burnett's Fupetior Flavoring Extracts.

When jou talk about yout Choice Groceries, All we have to say 18, give us a trial, and then; can judge for yourselves. We order no goods, bet select them ourselves with the greatest care, add them: the BEST In the market 'resh, lemomber the place, and be sure and give trial. at No. 2, AITKEN' jy25 Waukesha, Wis. NEW 5 GOODS! LOW PRICES! BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, J.

AND CLOTHING, A STOCK JUST RECITED BY 1- AT THE. PEOPLE'S STORE MAIN STREET, Everything in. the line of BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS and CLOTHING, selling at greatly reduced prices. BOOTS and SHOES of every description, manufactured and repaired on short notice.All articles made in my shop Warranted: Ten thousand Paper Collars just receired, comprising all popular styles and manufac tures. celebrated Ladies' Paper Cute and Collars, all'styles.

Ward's Patent French Printed Gentlemen's, Collars, Erean's Model do Ponce's Enameled do Ms ssassoit -and tailed elsewhere in the United States. Congress do; at. prices less than they are re Gentlemen's. Furnishing Goods, Tankes Notions, Zephyr Worsted, Cashmere Wool, Shelland Wool, Yarns, Ali Goods at Low Prices: July 25, 1865. Adjoining the Farmers' National Bank, Clintos-.

I have good assortment of Italian 4 and American Marble on hand, for Tomb-Stones, want. I do not suf l'hate the bees and Monuments, or anything else the, public may est assortment in the State; nor do I have reached perfection in the art; but I de say I have good marble, and plenty of Furthermore, I do my work well. and will well at lower prices than any shop in the village of Waukesha. PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL. Don't buy of traveling agents, as you save '20 per cent.

by coming to thy sbop. bare no agents to pay. 44. WARNER P. ELLIOT.

Wankesha, Sept. 1, 1865. n7tf Elliot's Marble Works, IN ROBINSON'S BLOCK, Farming Lands for Sale SE THE better know SUBSCRIBER the desires to selt FARM, bie on the north aide of Pewaukee Lake, is the town' of Delafeld. The farm contains Three Hundred and -Seven Acres of Land, beautifully located. the bank of the lake.

UNDER About ONE HUNDRED ACRES ARS GOOD CULTIVATION, and the few ance is timber land, with the exception of acres of meadow. orchard There is op it a small dwelling house, and good springs of water. The land is well calculated for dividing into small farms, and ers. will be sold in quantities to suit purchaser farm of its. value.

can be purchased la It will be sold one -quarter lees than any ottcan the county, and a part of the purchase money remain secured on the premises if desired. For further particulars enquire at this or of the subscriber, P. H. Waukesha, Aug. 1, 1865.

5 74 Co. cal the the par tha apo nO Fo doc to on par 7 "THE AT ing will "othi 5 4 mai the 1 Ta sure Tor I you 'Sto atiti and hon beti 820 gen wort tion bar of bor see Mit i. C. boy Ind the th 5 4.

Waukesha Plaindealer from Waukesha, Wisconsin (2024)
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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.