The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

3 A 2: A 5. SOCIAL' THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1942 SOCIAL Hazel A. Martin 3 To Become Bride At Christ Church Marriage to Harold L. Stackhouse Will Be Fourth: of July Event Miss Hazel Arlene Martin, daughter of Mrs. Fannie A.

Martin of Street, will become the bride of HarL. Stackhouse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Stackhouse of BarStreet, in Church Cathedral.

Saturday morning, July 1. The wedding is planned for 11 o'clock and the ceremony will be performed by the cathedral. A reception will ba Very Rev. Percy T. Fdrop, dean of held in the summer home of the.

Mar. family in Belchertown. Miss Martin will have her sister, Mrs. Dorothy Martin Bentley, as her matron of honor, and Fawin Stackhouse of Jonson will be best Dian for hia brother. Miss Martin was graduated Amherst High School also attended Bay Path Institute.

She is employed in the general accounting department of the Westinghouse Manufacturing ('ompany. Mr. Stackhouse was graduated from Chelsea High School and is employed by the Van Norman Machine Tool Company. Announcement has been made of the coming marriage of Miss Barbara McKinstry Hadley, daughter of Dr. Ind Rollin Van Nostrand Hadley of Watertown, A Inember of the 1943 class at Smith College, to John Harmon Woodruff.

2d, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Woodruft of Auburn. N. Y.

The wedding will take place at o'clock tomorrow in St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Southboro. Miss studied last year at Radcliffe College As temporary transfer student from Smith Coliege: Woodruft WAg graduated from Yale University in 1911 after preparIng at P'hillips Academy. Exeter, N. H.

The marriage of Miss Phyllis Adams Toon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Witlian T. Toon of West Roxbury, to Lucien Henri Le Maitre, son of Mime. Charles H.

Le Maitre, of Ware, took place on Jung St. Theresa's Rectory, W'est family perception parents. followed at the home of the GIANT SALE -A WISE BUY FOR DEFENSE WORKERS BIG SIZE ONLY LIMITED TIME Plut Tar Os 81 3115 Limited time. At toilet seeds counters. Lehn Products Bloomdeld, N.

AMONG FUTURE BRIDES MISS RUTH E. FOWLER Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Fowler of.

Worcester. and A teacher in the Center School of East Longmeadow. will be married tomorrow to Charles H. Steele, son of Mrs. Charles Steele of Fairview Street, Fast Longmeadow.

The wedding will take place in the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner R. Parker of Worcester. A wedding of interest took place yesterday at Rockingham Meeting House, Rockingham, when Miss Margaret Richardson, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Carrol B. Richardson of Lawnwood Avenue, Longmeadow, became the bride of Alwyn C. Gale, son of C. Gale of Waitsfield.

Vt. Rev. Parker B. Ward of Bellows Walls was officiating minister and performed the single ring service. Miss Richardson was attended by' sister AS maid of honor, Miss Carol Richardson, and Charles H.

Kress of Springfield served as best man. The bride attired in frock of pale blue organdy with shoulder. length veil carried an shined nosegay. Her sister, was costumed in pink and white organdy and carried A similar houquet. After the ceremony a wedding luncheon was the Duck Inn at Springfield, Wt.

Only the immediate families and few close friends of the couple attended. The bride was burn in New Haven and is A graduate of C'lassical High School and Westfield State Teachers' College. She has been. a teacher in Cavendish, It. Mr.

Gale was born in Randolph. Vt. and WAS graduated from Randolph High Schvol. He is sociated with: Jones and Lamson Company of Springfield. Vt.

'The couple will be at home after Aug. 1 at Twenty- Mile Stream, Proctorsville, Vt. Dr. and Mrs. "William Harrison Barnes of Evanston, have coneluded a visit in the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Tom Miller of Farmington Avenue, Longmeadow, and are now in New. York where they are guests of Dr. Charles Courhoin, noted organist, and Mrs. Courboin.

Richardson Gale Bridal Ceremony Held in Vermont Personal To Certain Fat Women You adult fat people may often slim down without starvation diets and backbreaking exercises when your excess fat is due thyroid deficiency and you have nothing else the matter with you Just eat sensibly and take Marmola tablets only according to the recommendations and instructions with the package. Marmoia not a cure-all. If in doubt any time about advisability of treatment and for further information as to the properties end effecte of Marmola ingrediente, cone cult physician. If you need Marmola, why not lose those ugly uncomfortable pounds the Marmola way. Don't delay.

Drugriste have snid more than twenty million packages during the thirty Haynes Famous SPORTS MATES Butcher Boy Linen of Spun Rayon Mix or match these strongcolored classics for a happy. Fourth of July. Skirt Slacks Jacket $4 Culottes EACH Shirts Shorts $3 Navy Red White Kelly Powder Cocoi Sites 12 to 20. SPORTSWAY SECOND FLOOR Haynes Fashion Center for Women, Misses, Juniors 1502 St. Air Conditioned Elizabeth Bryan Will Be Married At Good Shepherd Junior League Member to Wed Everett Sheldon Tomorrow Several prenuptial parties have been given in honor of Miss Elizabeth daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Cassius M. Bryan of Craiwell Avenue, West Springfield, who will become the bride of Everett H. Sheldon, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Leon F. Sheldon of Eddywond Street, at the Church of the Good Shepherd in West Springfield tomorrow afternoor The entire wedding party Auesty at.a: supper at the Wayside Inn tonight. Mrs. Sydney Sumield, sister of Mr. Sheldon, entertained a dinner party Bryan Tuesday night.

Previously, Miss Eleanor Mendum who will be the maid of honor was hostess at a shower for the bride-to-be. Showers honoring Miss Bryan have also been given hy. Mrs. Douglass Ellis of this city. and Miss Virginia Mosher and Mrs.

Bryan, both of West Springfield. reception nt the ('olony Club in Springfield will follow the wedding: Fred Siller of Providence: will act best man. Bridesmaids will be Mrs. William Bryan of Agawam, sister-inla of the Mrs. Sidney Junes.

Miss Mosher, and: Mrs. James Roberts of Boston, classmate of Miss Bryan. Ushers will be William Bryan, brother of the future bride, Sidney Jones, Henry Kelliher of I'rovidence, and James Roberts of Boston. A graduate of West Springfield High School and Middlebury College. Miss Bryan is now employed by the Bureau of Ol-Age Assistance AS a social service worker.

She is a member of the Springfoll Junior League! Mr. Sheldon is.a first lieutenant assigned to the Springfeld Ordnance. and is A graduate of Northeastern University, Sirs. Fred W. Witzel of Dover Road, Longmeadow will entertain at a dinnor for eight in her home tomorrow evening for Mrs.

George F. Athena of Belleclaire Avenue, who is leaving soon with her family to make her home in York, Pa. Mrs. Stone Handy of Longmeadow, will entertain at R. luncheon for 16 in her home next Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Lang of Hopkins Place, Longmeadow, will celebrate the 25th anniversary of their marriage hy keeping open house to 1 to 8 o'clock. They were married on friends and relatives on Sunday from June 28.

1917 in Detroit. They have four daughters, Elizabeth Jane, Joan Marie, Martha Fay and Doris May and one son, Joseph W. Lang, They are members of St. Mary's parish in Longmeadow and Mr. Lang is mechanical superintendent at the Ford Auto Sales Co.

in Liberty Street, Among the weddings planned for July is that of Miss Yolanda Desideri, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Desideri of Orange Street, and Edward J. O'Connell, son of Mr.

land Drs. William O'Connell of Alden Street. The ceremony will he. an event of 8.30 in the morning at Mt. Carmel Church and a wedding breakfast will follow in the Hotel Kimball.

Mrs. Irene Butler, sister of Miss Desideri, will he matron of honor and brother As best man. Mr. O'Connell William O'Connell will serve his attended Cathedral High School and is employed at Groll's Bakery. Miss Desideri attended the High School of Commerce and is employed at the Springfield Armory: Mr.

and Mrs. E. D. Jockenberry of (tenness Street announce the marriago of their daughter, Marion Luella, and Hayden Field, son of Mrs. Field of Falls.

The ceremony took place Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the home then bride. lev. Edward F. Milier of White ('hurch in Chicopee Falls, officiated. The couple were unattended.

Mr. and Drs. Charles Rodda, nf Schenectady, announce the birth of a 'son, Bruce Edward, at the Ellis Hospital in Schenertady. The baby is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Ioddla of Manchester Terrace, and Mr. and Mrs Horatio Bullock of White Street. Mrs. Rodda. was formerly Miss Eleanor Bullock.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Drake of Hampden Road, Fast Longmendow, announce the birth of a son. Roderick McCavery, on June 23, at the Wesson Maternity Iospital, The baby is grandson Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas of Chicopee, and of Ernest Drake of Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Navage of Hast Street, Chicopee Fails, announce the marriage of their daughter 'Ber1 ha.

Alice, to. Cadet Harry T. Steele of the U. S. Army Air Corps, son of Mr.

and Mrs. James Mi. of Wollaston. The marriage took place at Wollaston, Tuesday evening June 16. The bride and bridegroom are both graduates of Chicopee High School.

Mr. Steele also attended the American ternational College and Mrs. Steele attended Springfield Civil Service and C'ommercial School. She is employed by the American Electric Service Maintenance Company, in Fast Spring: fiell. Mr.

Steele 1s training at Max: well Field, Ala. First Sat. Howard R. Lappin, of Racine, stationed at: 'Westover Field, was married Wednesday in the W'estover Chapel, Miss. Ay bella C.

Kusgen of MIkron, Ohio, The ceremony was witnessed by Sgt. John Kane. and Staff Sat. William Maghes. Rev.

David C. Sullivan officiated. 1 The marriage of Miss Mary Charlotte Ward, a junior at Smith College And Richard Purdy Wilbur who WAIS graduated from Amherst College last month, took place last Saturday in Hayes House, in Berwick, Me. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Herbert D.

Ward of Berwick and the bridegrOOM is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Wilbur of North Cald. well, N.

J. New York Court Jury Disagrees on Bergdoll NEW YORK, June 25 State Supreme Court jury reported disagreement today in 2. $5000 suit. brought against Grover Cleveland Bergdoll, World War draft dodger now in prison. The suit way Instituted by Mrs.

Johanna Marum, widow of Ludwig Marum, a German lawyer who died in concertration and his law partner, Albert Nachman. Refugees, Mrs. Marum and Nachman contended Bergdoll paid only $5000 of a $10,000 fee to the partners' law firm for services rendered in 1026. when Rers. doll was acquitted in Germany on charges of impairing the morals! of a minor.

MISS HAZEL MARTIN Mrs. Fannic' A. Martin of ward: Street announces the coming marriage of her daughter, Hazel Arlene, and Harold L. Stackhouse, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Edwin L. Stackhouse of Barnum The wedding will take place July 4 in Christ. Church. Cathedral, followed by reception at the Martin summer home in Belchertown. Miss Jorgensen To Become Bride Of William Harris The marriage of William W.

Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Har. ris of Greystone Avenue, West Springfield, and Miss Georgette Lillian Jorgensen, daughter of Dir. and Mrs.

Norman A. Jorgensen of Keyes A ve-1 nue, Warren, will take place at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the Mittineague, Congregational Church, West Springfield, with lev. Charles W. King officiating. A reception will follow at the Charles for close relatives and friends.

Mrs. Irene White of Westfield, will be. Miss Jorgensen's matron of honor and only attendant. and the best man will be Kenneth White of Westfield. Ushers will be Donald Smith and Wesley Stockwell, both of West Springfield.

Miss Jorgensen was born in Springfield and WAS educated in the West Springfield and Warren Schonls. She is employed by the American Opti cal Company of Southbridze. Mr. Har. ris was born in Belchertown and nas educated in the West Springfield schools, lie is employed by the Gilbert Barker Company.

Budget Menu Ruth C. 'Connell Assistant Home Demonstration Agent Breakfast Cantaloupe Pop-overs Fluffy omelet Coffee Milk Sunday Dinner Fresh fruit cup Roast of veal Parsley new potatoes Buttered spinach Summer squash Tossed. salad Coffee Honey Ice. Cream. Supper 9.

Cold tongue sandwiches Fresh fruit salAd Cup cakes Fruit punch Milk Hones Ice Cream cups milk. cup honey. cup honey, teaspoon salt, 2 ezas, 1 cup cream. Scald 2 cups milk. add honey and salt.

Beat' eggs, Pour scalded milk into egg mixture and stir until well blended. Return to double boiler and cook 3 or 4 minutes. Cool. Beat cream and fold into custard mixture. Freeze refrigerator--stir once or twice while freezing.

Home Beautv 7337 By Alice Brooks Here's a protty country scene to lend beauty. to your home and all the very easiest stitches are used! Get started Pattern 7337 containg a transfer pattern of well hanging 13x20 inches; color chart and key: materials required; illustrations of stitches. To Abtain this pattern send 10 cents (plus one cont to cover cost of mailins) to The Springfield Union. Household Arts 259 W. 11th Street, New York, N.

V. Write plainly NAME. ADDRESS and PATTERN NUMBER. Girls who assisted in serving at the home of Mrs. F.

H. Robb of by the SFE group of Hope Church: Joyce Malcolm, Gloria Gearing, Red Cross Calendar Knitting and sewing distribution. 10 a. m. to 4 p.

garment production, cutting and sewing committees. 10 m. to 4 p. Braille reading. 9.30 to 10.30 a.

Canteen Corps luncheon, noon: home nursing classes, 2' to 4 7 10 9 p. Wesley Methodist Church, sewing and knitting distribution, 10 m. to 3 p. the public; Asbury Methodist Church, sewing and knitting distribution. 10 a.

m. to 4 p. open to the public; first aid classes, Buckingham School, 7 to 10 home nursing King's Highway, West Springfield, 2 to p. Agawam High School. 8.45 9.30 a.

Van Sickle Junior High School. 1.30 to 2.30 p. sewing and knitting. Home Nursing Committee: meeting, 10.30 m. Mrs.

Le Maitre is a graduate ni Massachusetts College of Pharmacy. Mr. Le: Maitre is a graduate of the same school, and is also a graduate of Boston University. He is on the face fully of the former. Mr.

and Mrs. F. P. Cignoni of Fastern Avenue announce the marriage of their daughter, Pearl, to Fred MeLeish of Northampton Avenue. to take place.

tomorrow at 8.15 a.m. in Alt. Carmel Church. Miss Florence Cignoni will be of honor, Miss Rose Zani and Miss Mary Boyle bridesmaids. and Ronald MacLeish of Stafford, best man.

Eugene Yelle and Vincent Lal'elle will be ushers. A wedding breakfast will follow the ceremony at the Silver Star in North Agawan, with reception in Vasa Hall, Alden Surcet. Home Special AT SFE GARDEN PARTY the dessert garden bridge held at Norfolk Street yesterday afternoon were, left to right, Elieen Gates, Wilma Ott and Dianne Colton. Muriel McMillan Becomes Bride of Edward D. Hope A light blue street-length costume with three tiered skirt and sleeves and.

V. neckline was worn yesterday by Miss Muriel Edwin MacMillan, daughter of Mr. and 1 Mrs. E. A.

MacMillan of Central. Street for. marriage in the rectory of St. Joseph's Church to Edward David Hope, son of Mr. and Mrs.

David P. Hope of Wellington Street. Rev. Leon Savageau officiated at the at 9 tume o'clock. with The A bride sweetheart completed hat her of fine cosstraw to which a waist length veil was attached and her flowers were white orchids.

Miss Loretta sister of the bridegroom was her only attendant also wore a light blue, but with pink accessories and her flowers were lavendar orchids. The mothPr of the hride wore navy blue and white with French bouquet as did the mother of the bridegroom Leo Hope served his brother as mana Following -the wedding, 50 -guests were entertained at a reception in the MacMillan home. For her wedding trip, bride wore a white sharkskin suit. The couple will spend their honeymoon at Lake Wickaboag and will later make their home at 130 Byers Street. Both were graduated from the High School of Commerce.

bride is enployed by the Albert Co. and the bridegroom at Smith and Wesson. Drs. Winsor H. Day of Forest Park Avenue is spending some time in New York as a guest at the Barbizon Plaza Hotel.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Dewey Neese of Converse Street. Longmeadow, also are guests at that hotel.

Mr. and Airs. 'A. N. Chapman of Longwond Avenue, Longmeadow, have returned from a vacation spent at Fishers N.

where they were guests at Piquot House. The Happy Hour. Club will: meet Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock in the Shrine Hospital for Crippled Children. Several more Russian teas will be given this week, bringing the total to one. of the busiest weeks.

this proj: ect has had. Among those who. will entertain are Mrs. M. Solin, Olinstead Drive, PS.

Abraham Slusky, Olmstead Drive, Mrs. Bronson Terrace. Mrs. M1. Burstein, Melha A venue.

Mrs. B. Klein. Leyfred Terrace, Mrs. J.

Pava, Olmstead Drive, Mrs. A. H. Ascher, Chery, ale Avenue, Airs. R.

A. Burstein, Calhoun Street. Mrs. I. Glickman.

Bronson Terrace, Mrs. J. Bloch. Leyfred Terrace. Mrs.

Benjamin B. Fox, Locust Street, Mrs. Nathan Archer, Cherryvale Avenue. Mrs. Samuel Simons, Standish Street, Mrs.

Harry Zundell, Wexford Street and Airs. M. Willner of Belmont Avenue. Shake into your Shoes And Sprinkle in the Foot- Bark ALLEN'S FOOT- EASE Dust soothing, refreshing Foot -Ease on your feet, between your toes. It absorbs perspireLion and its antiseptic qualities guard against "Athlete's: Footrelieves tired, tender, smarting swollen feet, and cases the pinch and pressure of shoes.

Dance and walk in comfort. Sold every where. For Free Sample write Dept. SU Le BACKACHE, LEG PAINS MAY BE DANGER SIGN Of Tired Kidneys If backache and leg pains are making you miserable, don't just complain and do nothing about them. Nature may be warning you that your kidneys need attention.

The kidneys are Nature's chief way of taking excess acids and poisonous waste out of the blood. They bel must people pass about 3 pints a day. If the 15 miles of kidney tubes and filters don't work well, poisonous waate matter stays in the blood. These poisons may start nagging backaches, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss of. and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness.

Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes shows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Don't wait! Ask your druzgist for Doan' Pills, used successfully by millions for over 40 years. They give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonwaste from the blood. Get Doan'e Pills. Miss Fierer Will Become Bride of John Speight, Jr.

Marriage, to Be Event of July .3 in Our Lady of Sacred Heart Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fierer of Roosevelt Avenue announce the coming marriage of their daughter, Vernal Mildred, to John. H. Speight, son of Mrs.

John H. Speight of Andrews Street. The wedding will take place Friday morning of next week in the rectory of Our. Lady of the Nacred Heart Church, in Boston Road. A reception will be: held later at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Fierer. Miss Fierer will have Mrs. Frank Stella AS her matron of honor and Miss Betty Nevlon As bride maid. Frank Stella will serve as best man for Mr.

Speight. The future bride? was graduated Classical School and the Springfield Civil Service School. Nhe. is employed by the Telephone Company. Mr.

Speight WAS "graduated from: Technical High School and is in the production department of the Westinghouse Company. TODAY J. 4117 By Anne ing your clothes neat Anne Help save for victory, by apron, Pattern 4117. Pattern 4117 is available in sizes small (32-31), medium (36-38) and large. (40-42).

Small size. V'-neck apron, takes vards 35-inch fabric and yards. rie-rac; other version. 2 35-inch fabric and yards ruffing. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (plus ONE CENT to cover mailing) for this Anne Adams pattern.

Write plainly SIZE. NAME, ADDRESS and STYLE NUMBER. SAVE "FOR VICTORY with the aid of our new Summer Pattern Book. Thirty-two colorful pages of easy fabric-conserving styles for work. for: sports, for afternoon and evening.

lust TEN CENTS! Send your: order to 'The SpringHeld Union. Pattern Dopartment, 1213 West 11th New York, N. Y. Mrs. Shulamith Wald of New York.

national vice president of the Mizrachi Society, will he the guest speaker at the final mecting of the season of the Mizrachi Society of Springfield, which will take place. Wednesday evening of next week in Sons of Israel Synagog, Dwight Street. Mrs. Samuel Sherman will preside and the master of ceremonies for the evening will be Rabbi Solomon I I I Nigel. Election of officers for the coming Year will take place and there will be a variety program, a social hour and refreshments.

This will be an open meeting and anyone interested will be welcome. Mrs. Minnie Lyon, patriotic instructor of the Women' Relief Corps will present a Mag to the Church of the Nazarene in Westminster Street, Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Gladys Attrenu, daughter was married to Charles, Hickey of Mrs.

M. W. a McCoy of Merida Aureet. John Street, on June 19 by Lewis A. Twitchell, assistant clerk 'of courts.

The bride was attended by her sister. Mrs. Helen Sullivan, and Frank Sullivan attended Mr. Hickel. A wedding breakfast followed at the Hotel Highland.

The bride wore green chiffon and corsage of tea roses and sweet peas and the matron of honor wore old rose and had a "corsage of red roses 'and blue bachelor. buttons. The couple left on a trip to Buffalo and. on their return will live 36 John Street. At the recent annual meeting of the Aloha Circle of the First Congregational Church, Drs.

Mima DF. Marc was elected president; Mrs. Thelma C. Rising, vice- president Miss Edith G. Robie, secretary, and Miss Kay E.

Plass. treasurer. "The committee chairmen include Miss Dorothy Dewsnap, program; Mrs. Faith W. Cameron, work, and Mrs.

Margaret Ta. Hammond; telephone. John C. Ewer of: Tongineadow. served as an usher at the wedding of Miss Margery Lester Jones, daughter of.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lester Jones of South Orange, J. and Ladd MacMillan; son of Cola and DIns. Tadi Mac Millan of Boston, which took place' Saturday tin the bride's home: The bride was graduated from Miss Porter's School in Farmington, and the bridegroom is it graduate of Harvard University, class of 1935.

PERMANENT WAYES from $500 GUARANTEED SCHULTZ BEAUTY SALON 31 HILLMAN ST. Tel 7.3585 for Appointments START THE DAY with a glass of HEALTH DEFENSE SUNSWEET HE PRUNE Un CROWERS BRAND JUICE BREECHES And JODHPURS for all the Family Ladies' Jodhpurs Finely tailored. High or waistband. Brown, 1mn, green or black. $2.50 to $4.50 Jodhpur Boots Sinart Comfortable, strle.

$3.25 Girls' Jodhpurs $2.25 $2.75 MEN'S RIDING BREECHES Fine Quality Twill hiprord. All Perfect Nit. $295 to $695 MEN'S PANTS 'RIDING BOOTS Fine Elk, Field Type Men's $6.95 Ladies' $4.95 Quality Kip Irathr Lined Ladies' $7.95 Men's $8.95 MEN'S COWBOY WESTERN BOOTS $795 FOR CAMPING Camp Shorts Men's or Boys Full Grain Heavy Moccasins $1.98 Knapsacks $1.39 Duffle Bags up Rubber Ponchos $2.95 Camp Blankets $2.39 up Main St. Bliss St. 1136.

STORE I SUPER FOOD MARKET OPPOSITE 1435 MAIN ST. VERNON Serve Plenty of MEATS For War-time Energy STORE CLOSES SAT. at 6 P. M. Sugar Cured Smoked HAMS lb.

35 Sugar Cured Smoked Shoulders "Oscar Meyer's" HAMS Ready lb. 39c Standing Rib Roast le 27 Fresh Roast Pork Loins Fancy Fancy Cuts Chuck ROAST Fresh Long Island '7 DUCKS Full Cut Milk Fed VEAL Legs Boneless Veal Roulettes Solid Juicy POT Roast Roll BUTTER Large Native EGGS do. Cut- Up Fowl Before Lb. Dressed Avg. ea.

Boneless Lamb Roulettes 16. Salt PORK Pure Print LARD fb. 3 FRESH Seafood Fancy Pollock FILLET 16. Fresh HERRING 1b. STEW MEAT DEPT.

Pork Liver 19c Lamb Stew: lb. Lamb Liver Pork Kidneys lb. Beef Liver Fresh Hamburg ..2 lbs. DELICATESSEN Lunch Corned Beef Spiced Lunch Luxury Loaf lb. Skinless Franks Mock Chicken Loaf lb.

New Dill Pickles lb. Potato Salad ....2 Ibs. Snappy Cheese Midget Salami Cottage 2 lbs. Sliced Club Cheese, lb. Serve Yourself And SAVE in Our GROCERY DEPARTMENT Hot Dog RELISH Ear CHICKEN Tin Campbell's TOMATO JUICE 3 20 Tine Elm Farm PEAS Small Sweet 2 Tins THRIVO Doe SAUERKRAUT Tin Del Monte.


Gold Medal Fleer 2144, 1.h, $1.14 Elm Farm PEARS No. Tin 81 Cookie Special Animal Crackers lb. 17c Chocolate Nut lb. Fig Bars 2 lbs. PINK SALMON Tin 19c Chatke CRABMEAT Fin FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES California Bing CHERRIES 19c Fancy Fresh WAX BEANS lb.

5c Fresh Garden CUCUMBERS, 3 for 10c Sunkist Juice ORANGES doz. 23c Calif. Thin- Skin LEMONS doz. 23c 4 4.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.