Liverpool Mercury, etc. from Liverpool, Merseyside, England (2024)



Dagny, from London for Quebec, Sept, 7, 46 50 Newfoundland Lisbon, 45 N. 26 17 lb5ue1, sUjerin3- Sept 5. 10N, 27 aR K-rieralda, henee for Valparaiso, off Toskar 5Y2tWSmit' rODJ njnstordam for Samarans, Aug. 10, G501n! ifw2- SUtobaya for Queenstown, Sept 11, Guyana (barque), steering Sent. 5.

ION. 27 7Y: aU trelL Icoma, hence for Belize, Sept. 14, 49 10 Led. of Stavenger, Sept, 9. 43 51 W.

Ixird Canning, hence for Calcutta, Aug. 7, 1 20 77. Mapoha, from Havre for Sydney, Sept 13, 44 27 37. Majestfo, from San Francisco for Queenstown, 12 28 W. from SeUly Isles Londoa for 0ta0- 70 maes for Falmouth, Aug.

SI. 35 4137. NSW 0t London' 100111 Baida for Canada, Sept. 8, 41 siting Sept. 5, 10 27 37; all welL eretetent, from Havre for ossi Be, 15 28 W.

rieioce, from London for VTellmrton, Aug 7. 11 27 vSj8! Cardiff for Monte Video, Aug 3, 4 24 W. Itoderickr, traf ro m. Alryah for Queenatoro, Sept 10, 42 for Falmouth. Sept 12.

47 15 37. gto? vr Iom ow ork for Alzoa Bay, Aug. IS, 12 23 37. 25 ann, from Cardiff for Colombo, Aug. 12, 15 Th2te Sta r7ai an steamer emWlrS re.1faverp,00l artjved here at 6 30 a.m.

today. r'Tu York at 4 30 p.m. Country Cottage lor a man 0f tv unsound mind (harmless). Teems not to exceed (U. weekly.

Address 2. Meroarv COea 161 intown Wimta APAHT3! ENTSlH JJJ. neignbourhood of Prince' or Caaning-streaS Stateerms. AddregslEBS.Mcrcury-ofBce. COHTHPORT.

Invalfd Gentleman "Wants comfortable BetSr Address Mercury-office. WA2fTED. a largo TJniumished KOOM, or two Email ones, tor rrapectable Person. Terms must bo mede-ty. Address M.

Miss Holder, 176. lodga-lane. 218024 aWt La4y ftn1 Gentleman th9 offi'tourhood of Broad Green or ijigohlll State terrua Address 62. Mcreurrifflce. 21se24 Vv SITTING ROOMS and two good BED-Jvv.

KOOMo the neighbourhood ot Prince's Park. Terms rpnst be moderate. Address 193. 2S1 1 7 At 71. 7Tn lei.

,4 IJ (-)r 1 1 rn' 1 1 1 TrAIsTED ts-o Unfurnished E.OOIIS. "one front good size, not far from Waltnu eitmms ss.rlf.. 4ts2? jit size, not far from VCalton Chnroh. Address TTS Chepstow-etreet, Rice-lane. TValtoq vLm TXs desi-ee email PARLOUR J-J ana BEDROOM, or Sitting-room Bedreom.

Gina 21se24 A Vounz Man reqs APAETMEXT3TF'rreSectable neignbourhood. Terms moderate, Address ID 15, Mercmy-pSce. 20ae23 WAITED, respectable BOARD and LODGINGS Liverpool or neighbourhood, for not more than 1 perweek Apply Kappa, 51, Argyle-street, Birkenhead Pfse22 pARLOU and BEDROOM WtedbFrSrnc Mam rrfth preferred. State terms. Address 158, Mercury- 0TncrX 20bi22 for a Gentleman, a comfortafclo BEDROOM with a plain family; to join another In Sitting Room.

South-end. Address, stating terms (inclusive), which must be moderate, 127, Mercury-office. 22se25 (a Parlour and Bedroom) neighbourhood of Everton Protestant must be moderate. Address, with terms, 27, Mercury, office. 21se22 WANTED, Unfurn isbed APARTMENTS by a Widow Liuly.

No family. Suburbs Liverpool or Birkenhead Address, stating terms, Mra. Worral, Church-road. Tranmere. 21se24 A PARTMENTS Wented, for Married Couple, in neigh-Aa.

bourhood of Fairfield, Anfield, and Stanley Pari Must be quietness, no children, and use of piano- State Address 144, Mercury-office. 20se22 Unfurnished filXTIN'G and BEDROOM Coltart-road or neighbourhood. Terms must be moderate. References given and required. Address S.

24, DavidS treet, Park-rd 20se26 NFURNIgKED STPTDTG ROOM and BEDROOM Wanted by a Gentlemaa ham Park. Address, stating terms, Neighbourhood of Newa 45, Mercury-office. 21sc24 WANTED, by a respectable Young Gentleman dining to town, APARTMENTS with oniefc respectable fomily toTuebrook. State terms, with full particulars. References 79, Mercury-office.

29se2S TTNFtJRNTfiHED ROOMS for a Lady, or Share of House, JO about IDs. a week clear. Permanency. References. Lodge-lane or Princes-road Address C85, Me: 17 se22 TVTE IX-EURN I SEED SITTING ROOM and BEDROOM Vt anted by Single Gentleman in the neighbourhood of Egremont.

No lodging-house keeper need write. Address terms, to 40, Johnson-street, Queen' s-road, Slanchester. TW Ladies require comfortably-furnwhed BED and SITTING ROOMS aLso use of empty room on ground floor. Good cooking, cleanliness, and bath indispensable, within tun minutes' wall; of tho Central Station. State terms.

Address 103, Mercury-office. 22se25 CENTLEMAN diningiatown Wants clean comfortable APARTMENT3 in. farm or country hou3o at once. Convenient to Liverpool and station, aud where large dog can be kept. Terms moderate.

Address 120, Mercury-office. Lady desires a HOME in a quiet family where she can navo use of sitting room when required. lucinsive Pcaed 16s. per week. Neighbourhood of Prince p-road preferred.

Address Miss Wade, 39, Beacons-field-street. WANTBDby a Young Lady (Protestant), comfortable APARTMENTS with board and use of piano, near tho Gnide Schools, Clatighton. No objection to live with family. Address, taring terms, 5, Mercury-ofS ce. 18se24 TMMEDIATE VICINITY OF PHILHARMONIC HAEE A Young Gentleman requires permanent Apartmants.

Terms must be moderate. Children objected to. References exchanged Address givtog full particulars, 134, Mercury-office. 18se24 A Middle-aged Gentleman," who dines to the city and is of njdet, omerly habits, wonts immediately well-appointed ROOMS to a Farmhouse of superior sort, on the Cheshire side and within easy distance of a railway station. Address, with terms and particulars, 129, Mercury-office.

17se22 ter lit OROAD GREEN. Superior APARTMENTS for a Gentle-J-J man. Apply at Rone Lea. 18se24 PERCY-STREET. -First-class APARTMENTS.

18ae24 TG fieLet, APAP.TMENTS, furnished or unfurnished. Jo lodgers. 12, Reservoir-street, Everton. 18se24 TO bo Let, comfortable APARTMENTS at No. 75, Eger-ton-street, near Falkner-square.

181024 CATHE RINE-STRE ET. Drawing Room and one or teA two Bedrooms. Terms moderate. ifee24 fy CANNING-STREET, Firso-claes Apartments. A l8se24 KIN GSLEY-ROAD.

First-class Apartments for one or 1 two Gentlemen. Excellent pianoj both, Terras moderate. 22se23 IARGE Front KITCHENand BEDR COM, wfll furnisbivi" 5s. 6d. per week.

No. 60, Thocjaston-street, Great Homer-street 22se28 HAIMILTON-QUARE, Birkenhead. A Drawing Room or Dining Room, with one or two bedrooms. Annly at 0. 21 22se2S TO be Let, a clean and comfortable BED and SITTING ROOM combined.

Rent, with gas, 5s. Apply at 18, Walnut-street. 22se28 TWO respectable Gentlemen can be accommodated with comfortable APARTMENTS in a genteel family both, piano. Terms moderate. 73, Kensington.

22se28 OIRKENHEAD. Parlour and one or two Bed Rootnsi JL5 unfurn ishod, four miautes from ferry. Terms moderate. Address 33, Pilgrim-street. 22se23 A Widow would like the care of ouo or two Children good hom*o, with every caro, and near good schools.

Best ot references given. Address P154, Mercury-offi ce. 20s e26 BROMPTON-AVENUE, Sefton Apartments; pleasant situatam, bus and tram. Park. First-class and couvenient for 22se25 QQ EDGE-LANE.

A vry comfortably-fumished Sitting and Bed room to be Let, to one or two gentlemen. Modern conveniences. Reasonable terms. 22sr25 COMFORTABLE APARTMENTS; two front sitting room; and bedrooms. Suitable for gentlemen dintogto town.

Piano. 1, Chester-street. 2795 jpOMFORTABLE homely LODGINGS, terms 2s6d Kj weekly, at 19, Glenvale-street, Breck-road, second street from Everton-road. 21se24 CANNING STREET. First-class Apartments drawing room, fronc parlour, and three bedrooma 21se27 TTrrELIrFTRNISHED DRAMTNG and BED R0O5L with piano, bath, suitable for one or two gentle-mea dining in town.

R. 72. Mulgnave-street. 21se27 24: A Lady or lady and gentleman can be accommodated with comfortable APARTMENTS. Apply at 46, Dombey- 21se27 A Lady or Gentleman can have firtt-class APARTMENTS -C.

to a large house near Wavertree. Terms 1 per week. Address 45. Mercury-office. 21se27 be Let, a well-furnished BED and SITTING ROOM, JL suitable for two Gentlemen or two Ladles, Apply at 66, Tnnnel-road, Edgehill.

21se27 BIRKENHEAD. 1C2, Gmntrp-lano. ell-turn lshed Apartments for young gentleman, with bath, ire. Terms moderate. 21se24 TURNISHED or Unfurnished APARTMENTS.

3ixcel-X lent rooms. Apply at 24, Upper Hill-street, opposite Wesley-street. 2ise24 LAUGHTON. of bath. Woodchurch-road, near to bus and tram.

Largo Unfurnished Apartments, with use Rent 4s. per week 36, Mount-grove, off 21se27 NE or two respectable Young Men can have comfortable APARTMENTS piano. f)oard if required, or one to Join another. 35. Ashton-street, Pembroko-place.

SHAW-STREET (near Handsomely-fur nished Front Sitting Room and Bedroom, bath, Terms moderate for two gentlemen. 21se27 VELLFURNTSHED APARTMENTS for young gentlemen; piano, bath, f' 26, Carlingford-21se27 street, off Upper Parliament-street. FRINGES PARK GATES. 10, Cairns-street. Dining Room and two Bedrooms, suitable for gentlemen dinlog to town.

Bath. 17se22 FIRST FLOOR (Unfuroishpcn to be Let. in tho best part; of Dnke-street. Two splendid large rooms. Low rent.

21se2- THE Choice of fine ROOMS to be Let. overlooking Clayton-square. Private entranca Terms 20 to 23. Address 199, Mcrcury-office; 21sp24 KIMBERLEY-STILEET, Upper Parliament-street. A gentleman dining to town can have very comfort-able Roomq to the house of a small family.

20se26 )UPPERPARUAMENT-STRKET. Nicely-furnished Apartments in the house of widow lady, or could accommodate boarders. Terms strictly moderate. 19se25 BOOTLE. Well-furniahed Apartments for one or two Gentlemen to a Catholio family.

Bath, piano. Terms moderate. Address 16, Mercury-office. 20sc22 ST. JOHNS-ROAD, Bootle.

Comfortable Apartments for one or two Gentlemen. Hot and cold water bath. Terms low. Address 15, Mercury-office. 2Qse26 ODGINGSfor respectable Young Man, with home com-AJ forte, lose of parlour; 4s.

per week. Board if required reasonable). 12, Epworth-sti Erskine-st. Islington. 20se26 CENTRAL.

4, Great Orford-stret, Mount-pleasant. Comfortable Bedrooms, use of Sitting Room, or Bed aud Sitting Room combined. Terms moderate. 203e25 pURNISHED' SITTING and BED ROOMTwifchh'ome cora-JL forts. Hot and cold bath.

No children. S3, Beacons-field-street, Princes-road. 20se25 9 BAKER-STREET, "West Derby-road. Comfortably-furnished Apartments for a gentleman; terms, with gas. 6s.

per week. 20se26 COMFORTABLE APAKTMENTSfor Gentleman dintoi in town; close to tram and rail; terms very moderate Oloey-gtrcet. Rice-Iaue, AValton. 2Cse26 APAIlT.MiA Ts to be let for the winter. Home com-forts Terms moderate.

Apply 20, Prospect-terrace, Douglas, Isle of Man. 20seoc3 STBOURNE-STREETr Shaw-street. Comforte ejp't? able Apartments for one or two Gentlemen. Terms moderate. 20se26 91 bath.

BEDFORD STREET SOUTH. Well -furolhid Apartments for Gentleman dining to town. Piano 20 se26 off Prince' s-road Aparfmente for two Gentlemen front sitting and double-bedded room. Every home co mfort. Terms very moderate.

20ae23 7 MULGRAVE-aSTREET, Prince' s-road Comfortable 0 J. Apartments for one or two Gentlemen. Private 20sc26 A Lady can have comfortable BEDROOM, with Board in Xa. pnvate family. Terms a guinea per vreek.

References 203e26 (overlooking). Nicely furnished exchanged Address 17, 'Water-street. VrEWSHAM PARK UAiJL3UCU Rooms or one or two Gentlemen can have partial Board forI Is. per week. Address 150, Mercury-office.

18se24 BEDROOM and SITTING room Fumisaed for two Gentlemen, to the house of a widow lady. Only two in laraliy. Address 52, Mount-grove, Birkenhead. 17se22 ell-JmuBhod. Stttlng andBed Boom.

ttrejt- lady. or two Gentlemen can have comfortable well-furnished APARTMENTS to the house of a widow Plano .163. Falkner-st. 17se22 rhOMFOKTABLE APARTMENTSith ortlut partial board, for one or two gentlemen. Piano, bath, hot and cola water, No children or other lodgers.

146, Sslisbury-road, Everton. 22 se28 A Gentleman or Lady con have nicely-foruishcd ROOMS in tho house of a widow lady. No family or other lodgers, Bath 'and w.c. 43, Amoid-sfcreet, near Prince's- 22se23 ONE or two respectable Young Men can have SITTTm ROOM aud BEDROOM where there are no children Terms moderate. Apply 18, Hilton-etreefi, near Birkenhead 21se24 -Address 51.

Jollifie.streetrPrincF'sFSSk.5 WaUt 8 GLSTOXE-HOAI), three minates' walk from Ldgeftil! Station and tram. A Gentleman can liavo ciean comfortaole Apartments in quiet family Terre, moderate. 215021 A Lady hat a PARLOUI: and BEBKOOM7f5SShJdTto Let, within one minutes walk from Bootle station, andwithm excess to Lorth Docku-Apply 69, Oriel-road; tALKKEMQUARE (Comer). A Lady would Lether A Drawmz-rcom Flat. Very desirablo for ErofoSiooal gratleman.

Modqm conveniences. 102, Upper HuskSson 21se27 COMFORTABLE LODGUCGS or Furnished Apartments Ve1 for one or two Young Gentlsmea Tc-SS moderate. Apply at Lo. 5, Penton street. West Lerby-mnA 18se24 Uilv.

No chUclry or other lodgers. Apply at 83, Bedrock 17se22 CARISERUOKB-FsOAD, Rice-tone. WMf'onn 7-Hill YT ell-furnifihfd rr- -Well-furnished Apartments for one or two Gentlemen, near to tram. Tram to aU parts of town. Bath 18se24 AG-cntleman can have well-furnished AFARTNfttici'ft-use of piano, modem conveniences, in the neieh Tenas anti 'espectafclo APSltr.

MLNTS, Wi th good attendance, can be accomnso'iatwl at Xeedstrest, two doors from Oldhall-street. TotS moderate. 18se24 Bll IMG -VT-D1 1 tVE, hiewsham Park. A SuDerior 7 ill -111, is offered to a Gentleman in a eil qS Batn piano. Terms 8s.

-Address MS, MerenrySlfcS7' 18se24 First-class board and RESifiENots a priTOtj house in the neighbourhood of Falkner-square and ranee 5-J030, with the ciclusive use of sitting room if necS. eary. Excellent cooking and atberutanceTltfo Address 41, Merctiry-office. TTQMF. (comfortable and refined) may be harf hrothrs or friends with a sml by two there Is every convenience, also piano.

No chUdreior'otfcpp i0d-ers. Moderate terms. Partial board or othenrtfT (Address 195, Mercury Kiffloe. anSv S'UPERI(5R BOARD andRESiDlmGE in the widow lady near the Prince's-roaA suitable for a ChmtZ man requiring comfort and rclinament. hfo children.

Rj" ferences exchanged. Terms three guineas a week, Addrpjr-T 2. Mercury-office. VrEAR BOULEVARD. To Gentlemen dining in tewiT DrawingRoorn mid largo Bedroom (front), with useof 0 it fft HORSE to l)e Sold, editable for Eprirv cart, fcc- o.

Apply S3. Pembroke-place. 22se28 Obe Sold, COB. six years old, etrcne, and sound. To be seen at 40, Marybone.

oZlc.vz rpc be Hold, a lights Spring FLOAT, suitable for a grocer or JL acTjigbt ffprk. Apply at 26, Mancheater-gfc 21se27 fp 0 be Sold cheap, a Bay COB mare). 14 hands. Quiet to JL June. Good action.

Apply at 47, Christian-gt. 20322 be Sold, some pore-teed Pomeranian PUPPIES S3. Mount-pleasant. 2Csc26 CART to be Sold. 23, So raervili e-street, 2Cse26 GocKlSprinL Iiead.

HKAP. A Brown HORSE, Sait greengrocer, Ac. 13, Kysn-streefcjOfl Hill-street. 20se26 IILOTDRY and HARNESS, both for 6. Strong and V7 20se26 ir TANLSOllE Black Mare, fire yezn old, 15 i.

Ko' vice! J'i Owner no further use. Arolrl5. Muiberry-et 18se24 ipS very Light STev BBOUGHAblS, highly fnted. compi te At Mains. Birkenhead.

13se24 TAXDCAPvT, new; also a Second-hand Handcart. JfX Johnston. 73, Park-road. i SseoclS VAN to be Sold, Tery cheap, at Mr. Buffs 5" Lit i-ry Stables, 3, Seel-atreeti 13se24 trro be Sold, ft bargain, a stood POST COB and HARNESS! A ply 5S, CecH-sfr.

Warertrec. 13se24 5 0NKJS and CART to be Sold both in good condition, Apply 25, Argos-road. Stanlcr-roacL 7 Vva-C two good Ladies BACKS. To lyjlson's. Philharmonic Mews, Hope-street.

rp'O ho Sold, a Black MAKE, 14j hands high. 2 ride or drive. Apply at 45, Breck-road. jood Ladies' HACKS. To be seen at Steady to 17sc22 4 Bargain if Sold at once, a Spring SHANDRY.

Suit greecgrocer. 17se22 TO GENTLEMEN' and Others. A very fine bright Bay GELDING, wish black points, 15 1, ao and five years old 22se28 12. Heyworth-Btreet, Everton. jp be Sold, cheap, a Spring One-horse WAGGON, a large Spring FLOAT.

To be seen at Prince Edwin -street. 22se28 TPObe Soul, two Coal CASTS, r.enriv new; also POXY, TRAP, and sundry lots of HARJSTESS. Apply at 111, Boaier-street. 22se23 JN Sale, SHANDRY, light and roomy, in good condition, suit 13 to 25 hands; J. H.

Scott, Victoria-road, f-a-ombe. 22se2S 'TDSnY CHEAP Excellent Spring Kicking CART, TScVtl Owners no use for it Apply 9, Beacon-street, Athol- Ytrr. 22se23 jyo be Sold, an excellent Two-horse Stiff OART. Suit any i. kind of work.

Apply at 14, Camb ridge-street, Waver- 21se27 rjO I Sold, a good "useful POXY, 13 hand. Apply after six in the evening, at 66, Hopwood-stree ficotland- 21se24 rl OK Kile, a heavy Cart MARE. 17 hands. lc shafts, chains, or ploughing. A good worker Apply at 2l3e27 Price YTcolon-road.

Garston. OABS. Tho only prize medal awarded at the jTjL Rcy-il Manchester and Liverpool Agricultural Societys f. several on view at tho Works, 46, Seel-streot. 21se27 TTANSOM CAB.

On Sale, a second-hand Square-fronted jTl Cab; patent. Apply at 46, Peel-street. 22ee27 ypvhc old a stylish Circular-fronted Roomy BROUGHAM, in first-class order, painted green, and trimmed green orocco. May be seen at Mr. Evanss, 46, Soel-street.

21se27 be Sold, a large handsome Bull-and-Ma stiff i0Q-2 (22 monr.hs) splendid watch, and very kind, with, rdldren. Address I) 185. Mercury-ofEce. 21se27 OK Sale, the property of a gentleman, "aVarnishcd'CART, neariy irew, by Ring, of London. Suit pony from 13 to I- hands.

-WHsons Philharmonic MewB, Hope-street. 21se27 Single), second -ban by Aldebert, London; liued morocco, fn splendid condition. Apply at K. 3 s. 12.

Colqnltt-street. 2)se27 TU077rrHAM (Circular Front), second-hand, by Lloyd; exceedmgly light, and latest design. Applylat H. Lloyds, i "eiqnitt-street. 4 B.CRGATX.

The favounto POKY Jack, with CART A and HARNESS, suitable for coal merchant. Apply U' ljr Tils ton, 78. Brownlow-hilfi be Sold, three Skye Terrier PUPPIES, one montholdl jl Apply to 2. Spencer, Saowbcrry Villa, Tarbock-road, V- 21se24 VQ To be Sold, a veryasefnl Chesirafe MARE. 15 hands.

VZ (7. Can be seen working any day. Apply 33, Kensington. 21se27 JJOH Sale, a Draught HORSE, 17 hands; also a largo fPRING CaKT. Apply Mr.

Arnold, at the yard, 95, Tlnmer-treet. Sale, a Ray HORSE, 15 hands, rising five; warranted sound and steady in all harness. Apply at 179, Edghili 21se24 TTJi P. Solo, a Bay MARE, 142. five years old; sound and t''ady to all harness.

Apply at 179, 'Wavertree-road, rteluli 21se24 SEVERAL quod second-hand one and. two horse Spring WAfiGON'S for Sale. Apply Joseph Atkinson, 93 to Siheoter-stnr. Scotland-road. TEN 20se25 T)EIBE TEN GUINEAS.

Very handsome PONY 11 Ji Innds, three years old, quiet to ride and drive. Apply I 4. Mill-? reet. 20se22 YJoUK-WIIEEL DOGCART by Evans, equal to new. Also s.

a good Alexandra DRAG. Great bargains. Owner aviug town. J. and A.

Wade, 20se25 ND-HAND BROUGH.1M, by Mulltoer, to good 7 or iur alo a good Parisian PHAETON, by Lloyd, bargains. Apply to J. and A. "Wade, 166, London Ob' qo-xl CAR for butcher, groce; equal to nw; rutcher, gro ireet, off Oxford-street. also one SHANDRY, or milkman At 18, 20se26 Tj ARlv Bay COB, 14 hands, six years old, steady to haraess, Jks and free from vice.

No reasonable offer refused. yo, Ros-villas, Prince Alfrcd-road, Wavertree. 19se25 be bold, a fasfc-going FiTe-year-old PONY, 12 bands high. TRAP and H.4RNESS. Price 16 lot.

Also 5-. BICYCLE. Apply 159, Brcck-road. 19se25 A Nice useful light DOGCART, suitablo for ow J3.r pleasure or business. Apply at 22, Amelia-street, 19se2o NE-HOILSE Sprtoj WAGGON, suitable for any kind of work.

Also a MACHINE 3, lont-terrace, off Park-road. ilACHIL'E and COA1SAGS. Apply 18se24 -GIG, easy running, and wpII made; a thorough inspection allowed jtaken for a debt. 42, Wilbnm- rrvt. Rice-lano, Walton.

18se24 4 POh hPEJNG CART, and GEARS, in good order: a trial given price for tho lot 14. Apply at 1, Seiont-off Park-road. 18so24 6 JIIANDJ Chesnut COB, 1- 3 hands, perfectly steady in harness, very stylish, and a grand hack up to great 6 1 ght Apply 5 and 7. Redcross-street. 28se24 IIANDRY, new, best make, suitable for any 7 also a second-hand ditto.

Prices moderate. George, pat George-streot. 18se24 PRIZE Medal new Sociable DOGCART, suitabtelor farmers and others. Also a low DRAG. George, GreatGeorge-streeh lse24 aDl Othera.

Victoria R.kETON, by Heffer and King, London. Equal to Greatbargam. Cazneau-street. 17 se22 ANDAC, toron or pair, St sclf-acttog'head. Also Tandem DOGCART.

Both great bargains. Wade, 65, fpmoau-street. 17se22 1 HORSES HORSES Kynaston, i. Roscoe-btret. Jest arrived, several useful Irish HORSES.

fuit.ib.ejqr cab, car, omnibus, van, and spring carts. 17se22 finu ''id, cheap, a OadaboufcHAETON, made specially jp.J' Yirner wIjo bas no farther use for it. To be seen 1 stabks, Berkley-streot, Liverpool. 17se22 TO be Sold, cheap, GSTIFinDOG and BITCH. Must oc 5cr wairt room on account of alterations.

fiPPly at 1. PembToke-strect. T10 be Sold, DON (LEY, Donkey CART, and GEARS. Lot J5- .4. Apply 71, Robsart-street, off Netheriield-road 95: 17se22 rpo be Sold cheap.

Grey MARE, 15 hands high, good A worker in any gears. Suit car or spring cart. Trial "wed. Apply 9. Boundary-place.

Coll to gwomLst. 17se22 Y.OIt Sate, ebnap, one of the test Harness PONlESto rU six years a good strong Van HORSE. -m, to be sold cheap. 63, Smtth-st. Xirkdale.

I7se22 SEFCX Brown HORSEr 15 2, seven j-ears old; fast 14 hand3, both perfectly quiet to ride or flnrc, 2- I7se22 fO be Sold, cheap, Spring WAGGON. 16cwt. Also Light A CART suit greengrocer. Seen 11, Mile-end, off 19se25 i P--ior two-wheeled DRAG to be Sold, a bargainras tuo room is bauly wants seeing. Apply at nhaw-stror-t.

29e25 KCUOri-7A CART. Suit pony orhamfi 4 Trico jo. Appiy 67, Barlow-street, off Vtstmiuster- 18se24 id bn Sold, -2 offer refused. On view at, 15, Seiont-terrace, Toxte'th-2 18se24 ANGTRY PHAETON si also astrcce Lonlo DRAG Wgaim AotIv A. aue, lco, London-roato lse24 rpO MEDICAL -2- BROUGHAM, ME ana Others.

Very light fa good order, 53 also light Pony and A. "VVade, 155, Lcndon-road. 13se24 GIG, used few tunc; TVOGCAKT, witfc straight ehaftz, superior fini3b also a Liver OIO in tnorough order, 12; both bargaina-J. i Avade, 166, London-road. 16se24 ATENT Stanhope WAGGOaette, With Ifldlee folding step and swing beat also a Basket GIG cheap.

Apply a anr. A. ade. 166, Lopdon-roacL 15se24 A Light GIG, equal to new, in first-class Mat scoa Also a cnoitol GIG, on Gorata principle, in orar, e.R. 58, Tr wbridge -st.

I9se25 4 second-hand hlLVNDRY, in excellent, order; fiuitabl ft4- business and pleasure. Apply R. hl'Murchie. 58. 19se25 4 IN bate, Brown MARIS, 14 2, rising live, suitable forsmaS cart.

Apply Thorburn-street, Wavertree-rd. 18seg4 FOK for Sale 14 hands high and about Teryswitt, gentle, perfectly sound, and Price 23. Address 93, Mercury-22se28 i Bay MARE, yin harness; Silver-plated Everton. 22se25 Bazjers, andT licht, waterproof Hand VAN: tpya patent axles carriage finished. Bargain 4A 2Cse2o fle ay.

six years old; suit allow.ed required Also Set of Ajpy Bouvene. street, off High Park-Street A-Xteto-park. 20se26 Ato yean Oidf lo I hands high, sound aud quiet in single or double rynoss oulu suit a lady to ride or drive. I AND VAN. Confectioners, Tv IU nui i Vat3on-5treet.

Bfrken had I9se25 fl a- a Lock GELDING, rising six -years od; tea horse. Warranted quirt i-jhampss be BecI1 at vndsor-placs, Canal-street Bootle. 8 to 10 a.m. and 6 to 7 o.m. 6a, two sood Welsh HORSES, suitable for faracre rt.

or lisrht spring rraggon work. The ovrner Ls ft jciojs to sell as he has no work for them. Warranted sound to respect and tnai allowed. Apply 53, Ashtoc-strcet. jroa.e-piacA 18se24 gJiryrles mil BICYCLES, Selling Off under Cost Largo STOCK Rataaries, Imperials, Cbcyiestuores, Empre, v-ncyiestuores.

Empress, eete. Meteors, British. Mans, Humber. 39, Bold-st 21se27 T3ICYCLE. Royal Mail, 52in ball bearings both wheels -2-9 ery used new this season a rare bargain To b-' heen at22 2, Bold-screct 20 se26 EICyCLE cost 13; wiU sacrifice far 3 10s Also 5-in.

suitable for learner, OJS Apply Keene outh John-street 20se6 Second-bend ROADSTER, 52-toch. beU and lamp comptet-o. ball bearings to both wheels; equal to new; a c-irrain; lo, Market-street, Birkenhead. 2Cse22 ANTED aSto IICYCLE to good condition; must be sound and strong, and very low-price i Address I) 23s reuryfficej 13se24 TRICYCLE, Price 3 15s, with front wheel brake, lamp, fit Also 4o-tocU good sound Machine, same 13se24 59, Prescot-stjwt. 12CS pLTIXG Dutchman TRICTCL'ET inches, with all accessories, forked.

Apply 10, Derby-park, Coventry make, 43 Been little used. Easily New Chester-road. Rock -rY 21se24 i Special Empress, 4S-toch, nickel plated 'roiinout, bail bearings, patent non-slipping tyre owner learing country. List price 24. To cteap.

Apply 5ot Husiasson-streeh 20-c26 la it ffolft. gffats, r. fN Bale, one EOAT, 16 feet long, 5 feet 6 inches beam. Apply Wa3hingtoa-street. 2ise24 XrN.CELL.ENT lS-feet Fast BAILING BOAT, completely fitcd with spars, sails, and oars, oompletc.

Lying at rerpooL A bargain. J. Roberts, 122, Westuiinster-road. i jrartmests bunted. VVANTET), by a laIy.

temporary Seaeide APARTMENTS. Address 61, Mercnry-o See. 2ise24 A Vhdow Lady and her Daughter require A.PARTMENTB f-y on Drawing-room xoor to a good and quiet neighbour ly Falkner-square, Huskisson or Canning street below '-rd-strefc preferred; good cooking and attendance; r-ees given and will bo requiredj Address 8, y-streek 22se2 4 ANTED, to nejghbourhor.d of Atotnrth, near one of Rations, comfortable SITTING ROCOI and two BED-t-. lady and gentleman, latter dining town. If be taken for long period.

State terms, to an- all Must be moderate. Address 114, Mercury- 17ao22 i -7 A -TlLENTs Wanted (furnished), pnvate no o.uer lodger or children, by a pc-attemaa Apartmeata co consist of sitting-room id toRve.nieucK; --o-a'ce coofang requirei Acdeess e9Mer ttris- 21se24 1 i ATED, by Married Couple (no family), clean, coro---Sjfttoriably-farnisjaed SITTING ROOM and good-sized on same floor preferred, with fireplaces, the Stable for cooking. Very little attend: mco required. ca reasonable, and the locality respectable. or one of the rarke or suburbs, vrith tramway Address, fnll particulars, So, sted, on or aoout 1st Octotar, superior APART-thoroughly well furnished.

Advertiser dines given to the Cheshire side, mad the neigh Brighton preferred, butClaukhton or Oxt-on cteato. If made comfortable might be taken for a. ncy. There must bo a bathroom, and preference Mar J-fco Sfc22 I 4 35 Am A ltrinoham grammar school, Excellent Home for Boarders. ENGLISH CONCERTINA and PIANO- LESSONS given.

Visiting engagement as music and French govern in school desired. (Paris cert.) Letter only, 221, Upper Parliament-street. RYSTOLEUM PAINTING taught by 17 to sir lessons (with use of materials) on modem terms. Alfln frm.T-rir5'n nano a 1-- tcaoyi-ta uas uz inaveriaLs on modemte terms. Also Orayonium Class at own residence.

2, Pilgrim-street, Birkenhead. 128 ZmX JOHN HARNETT, Deceased. Pursuant to tho statute 22nd obap. 55, intituled An Act to further Amend the Law of Property and to Relieve Trashes, notice is hereby given, that all creditors and other persons having any debts, claims, or flpTr.ftnfia agahist tho' estate of JOHN HARNRTT, late of No. 23, iAnadown-terrace, Cheltenham, to the county of Gloucester, esquire (who died on the 26th day of February, 1533, and whose will was proved by John Vizo (to the will called John vise) and Edward Harnett, the executors therein named, in the Principal Registry of the Probate Division of her Majesty's High Court of Justice, on the 10th day of August, 1883), are hereby required to send particulars, to writing, of their debts, claims, or demands to us, the undersigned, as solicitors to the said executors, on or before the 30th day of October, 1883; and notice Is hereby given, that at the expiration of that time the executors will proceed to- distribute the assets of the said testator among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the debts, claims, and demands of which they shall then have had notice and that they will not be liable for the assets, or any part thereof, so distributed to any person or persons of whose debt, claim, or demand they shall not then have had notice.

Dated this 17th day of September, 1883. TUCKER LAKE, 4, Serle-street, LtocoLns-ton, London, Solicitors for the said Executors. IuMMcksl hCTSS BRADDONS NEW NOVEL, Second Edition. At all Libraries, in 3 vola.s PHANTOM FORTUNE. The New Novel.

By the Author of Bady Audleys Secret," Vlien, So. London J. and R. Harwell, Shoe-lane, E.a Free by Port for Two Stamps to pay Postage. The book of positive remedies BOR THE CURB OR ALT.

DISEASES. These remedies were used for Thirty Teare hy a Physician when in it 'rieLar? noT? Patented, and the names given in English to enable invalids to select tho remedy aud cure themselves. Every one should possess a copy of this Book of Positive Remedies-H. H. SMITH 26, Southamp-ton-row, Loudon, W.a sllaufe2 Mnmmst grotto.

TN VESTMENT LIFE POLICIES, JI combining all the advantages of an Ordinary life Assurance with a most Profitable TrrvESTMHirr. Elusttations of Actual Results forwarded on application, LIFE ASSOCIATION OF SCOTLAND. (For life Assurance and Annuities.) Aatotal Be venue. 451,304. Claims and Bonuses Paid, 4,335,723.


Established 1782. Insurances against Loss by Fire and Lightning effected in all parts of the world. JssTaims arranged with'promptitude and liberality, ALL MERCANTILE POLICIES ISSUED BY THIS COMPAYCAN BE HAD ON" THE DAY OF THE ORDER BEING GIVEN BY APPLYING TO ANY OF THE LOCAL AGENTS. JOHN J. BROOMFIELD, Secretary.

Agents for Liverpooa Messrs, EJIton aud Walthew, Exchange-street West. Mesars. Widow Sutton and Sons, 1, Manoh ester-buildings. Messrs. Stead, Taylor, and Stead, 24, Dale-street.

Mr. George Glynn, Oldhoil-street. Messm Tarbefc and Son, 10, To wer-buil dings North. Mr. J.

Lancley, 30, Castle-street, insurance broker, trs E.O. Subscribedcapital, Tl5.oo6! GUARANTEE DEPARTMENT. Bonds given to employers on behalf of managers, clerks, travelers, collectors, and others. JHie bonds of the company are accepted as security bv her Majesty Government, and by the High Court of Justice for receivers and others also by the Local Government Board, the City ofLondon, and other corporations. AGAINST ACCIDENT.

18wif killed, or 6 per week while totally disabled, insured for 3 per annum. SARMOOD BANNER SON, msde3I 24, North John -street. District EQUITABLE (MUTUAL) LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. BONUSES DIVIDED (QUINQUENNIALLY), With the option of Cash Payment, Addition to Sum Assured, Reduction of Premium. ii ims and Bonuses paid 5,192,282 SOCIETYS SYSTEM offere to poucy-holuers very exceptional advantages.

i SSS10'3- r'lFE HfTEEESTS, Sa, AT MODERATE RATES OF INTEREST. For i oiler partionlara apply at the Office of the Society, LIVERPOOL 19, CASTLE-STREET. 25jyoe20 Residect -Secretary, THOS. R. RONALD.

IfaMg Mifl Wuxflmq mxats. London. nelsons Portland HOTEL, GREAT PORTLAND STREET Bedrooms from 2s. Pension, 6s. 66L, 10s.

fid. Ils. fid. daflv Private Suites, 10s. 6d.

and 12a. 6d Ladles Coffee and iteception Rooms. Dinners, joints, cutlets, 3s. Attend-Detailed tariff forwarded. wa M.


AIRY SHOW AT THE AGRICUL- ZF1541 HALL, ISLINGTON. international fisheries exhibiteon at SOUTH KENSINGTON On October 1, CHEAP EXPRESS Sffl1 cai-ibeldgI; LONDOH ffitogft Cross), with Bookings to Crystal Palace (including admission), PARIS. BRUSSELS, AMSTERDASL Liverpool (M. S. A L.

Central Station! at SO a. nu Garston 3 Parnworth 8 26, Widhes (Now Ortoto 1 331 Wamilgtoa (Oehtral) 9 14 returning on Friday, H. G. UNDERDOTYN, GeneraXAfanager. iionclon-road Station, MancbesterT 1885, ts22se25 GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY T3 IRMIN GH AMOXION FAIR.

Thursday nbzt, the 27th Instant, an EX-CURSION for BIRMINGHAM will leave LIVERPOOL 0rading-sta?) at 7 0 a.m.; Birkenhead, 7 20; Chester, 85; Wrexham, 8 35; Ruabon, 8 50; Oswestry, 840; and Gobowen. a 10 a.m. To return same day. Tickets and bills can be obtained at the stations, and of Mr. Danes, 11, Jamea-street, Liverpool.

ts22se25 J. GRIERS Oy, General Manager. M. S. end and G.


tbA2n1' Bnd Thuesdae, the 4th Oetchez Three Days' EXCURSION to r3Vnul lr Liverpool (JL S. and atS rPA'fe Garston 7, Parnworth 8 26. etarelngfromNottinghani (Loa-don-road Station) at 6 20 each day. G. UNDERDOWN, General Manager jjonqon-road Station, Manchester, Sept.

1883. fs22se28 LONDON AND NORTH-WESTERirRXDWAY BIRMINGHAM ONION FAIH GRAND (FANCY FAIR AND FINE ART EXHIBITION, CUBZON PTAT.T, 271 a CHEAP DAY (Lime-street) at seven a.m., aratoIRGkAM.WarrinSt011 at eight For fares and full particulars nee bills. ol a Manager. Huston Station, i883. tR22flp2S LONDON ANDTNORTH-WESTE'rn PATrTgYvf UTUMN EXCURSIONS.

LAST OP THE SEASON. DAIRY BHOWoAoItORAL HALL. TOuomgiraBMsmoH at Mowbat, Octoesb 1, CHEAP EXCURSION wdl leave Liverpool (Lime-street) ot a.m Edgehill 9 35 a.m., Warrington 10 10 for LONDON, OxfopLEanhura J'eterborcmgh, Cam! SfflP enter, Birmingham, Stour Volley ana South olvhampton, Stafford, ton. Shrewsbury, Oswestry, Ellesmere, WelshpoolV lSI-Eangoutb. Dolgelly, Harlech, and Aba-ysfcwith.

Returning on Fioday, Octobsr 5 On the same date, a CHEAP EXCURSION will leavfl Liverpool (Lime-street) at 930 a.ta and "Wairinfrfcon afc in in Hastings, St. Leonards? Eastboura and Portsmouth, returning any day up to Fbiday, Oot 12. Excursion to London, Cheap 6 lB8uSaoftm Liverpool and Warrington to Londo' 8214 GREAT "WESTERN RAILWAY TCTXCURSION TRAINS (THE LAST JL4 OF THE SEASON) will run as under-Saturday, September 29, to 37EYMOUTH for 17 davs. Fortsmouth, and SouS amnton or 8, 10, or 15 days, leaving LIVERPOOL at 8 10 Birkenhead 8 3c. Chester 9 15, Wrexham 9 40, Oswestry 9 45, Shrewsbury 10 45, WeiUngtoa 11 5.

and Oakengatea 10 45 a-m. MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, To BATH, Bristol, tGlouceeter, tCheltenham, Taunton, forqmsy, Plymouth Falmouth, Penzance, 4a, for 5, 8, iO, 15, orl7 dara.leavingWartngton Eirkmihead 883, Chester 9 15, Wrexham 9 40, Oswestry 9 45, i5a 10 tPaasengera for Gloucester ieave Xirerpool at 8, Birkenhead 8 20. Chester 9 5. Wrexliam 9 and Shrewshmy 10 35 a m. To fSHREWSBURY, tWellington, Wolverhamnton BHstomWednesbury, 37est Bromwich, Birmingham, 1Ialtom, Stratf-on-Son, Warwick, Leammgton, Banbury, Oxford, Reading, BriAton and London i for.

Five Days; leaving Warrington It735u 3a, Chester 9 lfe, Wrexham 9 Corwen 3 15, Llangollen 8 50, Ruabon 9 50, Oswestry 9 45 and SJSMSSS- ong10 tWEEXBAM, tRuabon, fUangollen, fOswestrv Cor-wen, Bala. Festimog. Dolnelly. Baj-mouth, HarfwPrt. madoc, Onccieth, PwllheliWelsiipool, Newtown, Llanidloes and Abemtinth, for Five Itays leaving' Warrinitoa at 7351 the Etoti0M- ot ts22se2o JJiRIEBgoN.

General Manager. MIDLAND BAILWAY glRMINGHAM ONION FAIR. On THtrHSBAT Next, Sept. 27, COOK'S CHEAP DAY nr to BIRilHNGHAM will lleave Liverpool (Midland Central Station) at o45 a.m., Garston (Central) 7 20, and West Timperley 7 40 a.rm Re-tumrng from New-street Station, Birmingham, at 7 30 m. day.

On Moseay, Ootober 1, COOK'S LAST CHEAP EX-CURSION of the Season to LONDON and the CRYSTAL PALACE will leave Liverpool (Midland Centri 9 a.m., Garaton 9 57, widnes (Central) 9 30 wSriSSon (Central) 10 13, Northwich 8 30, and iSuWoSa turning on Friday Oct. 5, aB per bilLv. In conjunction with the above there will bo Cheap Special Bookings topSimd all parts of the.Continent, available for 16 davs. UPa On Mo.ydat, October 1. COOK'S LAST CHEAP EXCTTR SION of the Season toBLRMINGHAM, EveBhmnWoreret Malvern, Gloucester, Cheltenham, Brietol, Britton Hastings, St Leonards.

Eastbourne, and Portsmouth w4ii leave LIVERPOOL Midland Central I StattS) aTITiS.11 Warrington (Central) 1013, and Stockport (TiviotdaLe) a.m. For return trams see billajs" to NOOT1NGHAM for onX tvro, or toree JwSdeavo Liverpool (Midland Central Station) at 815 a GaSton 8 27 3Vamngton (Central) 8 45, and 3Yeat Timperley 95 am? returning aa per bills. Tickets, bills, and fuR particuiara of above and all Cook'n toura and excursions to be obtained at Cooks Tourist Offita 11, Raneiagh-street, Liverpool ts22se25 JjLOORCLOTHS, CHEAP, AT RAY ft MILES, A LONDON-ROAD. JOURNAL OF COMMERCE. GENERAL PRINTING, LITHOGRAPHING, BOOKBINDING.


Mr. MASON conducts K7 toe CURE by Correspondence and Practical Treatise. il'TlAG BOOM and BEDROOM, bath (hot, cold, and shower). Terms moderate. 94.

Fn-lVner-street. 22se28 Drawing-room Floor also 22se25 49 49 wujviui 1 1 OXI'ORD-3TREET. ijlrat-clasa Apartments for Gentlemen. 22se23 SANDON -STREET, Falkner-squareT Apartments. First-class 22se2S gAIRFIELp.

ell-furnished Apartment, bath (hot aud A moderate. 10, Rufford-roadL 18se23 8 "rNFURNISHED. A large Room, light and cheerfuf, suitable for single person. Apply 30, Pleasantt.2lBc24 pURNISHED APARTMENTS. 107, Stonfield-road, -a.

Everton. 21se24 I ODGINGS. Comfortable Lodgings for two respectable Young Men. Apply 45, Hesth-street. Myrtle-st.

21ae27 PRINCES PARK. WeU-furnlBhed Sitting Room and. Bedroom to be Let. 33. Peal-strech 20se26 14 PERCY-STREET.

First-class Apartments. 20se2 KQ FALE1NER-STHEET. Well-furnished Drawing and UU one or two Bed Rooms, Quiet house. Kofamily. 2Qge26 OATHEBrNE-STREET.

Drawing and oceor two Bed Rooms. Terms moderate. 19se25 T9 DOMBEY-STBSETTParlc-road. Comfortable Apart ments for single Gentlemen. 19se25 COMFORTABLE LODGINGS for one or two respectable men at 23, Thackeray-street, Frinoes-road.

19se25 FURNISHED or Unfurnished APARTMENTS to be Let. 89, Stanhope-terraceUpper Stanhope-fitreet. 19se25 QUFERIOR APARTMENTS or a Gentleman. 132. Edge- k5 lane.

19se25 OCS KICE-LANE (opposite Spell erw Station), Walton. JL 9 To be Let, one or two Furnished Rooms. 19se25 Well-furnished Sitting Boom op with one ormoro bedrooms. Terms moderate. 19se25 PARLOUR and BEDROOM, 4, Gladstone-road, EdgehilL Terms moderate.

17se22 Qf EDGE-LANE. To be Let, furnished, a comfortable yC Sitting and Bedroom. 17se22 'VraATLY-FURNTSHED ROOMS for either or X'l Gentleman. 57, Aahton-street, Pembroke-place. 17se22 SITTING BOOM and Two BEDROOMS to be Great Orford -street 18se24 if i Com-JLJLV fortably-fomlshed Apartments.

ccnve-193e25 'niences. No children. Terms moderate. A Respectable Young Man can have comfortable LODGINGS at 16, Nevln-ctreet (close to Henglera Circus), West Derby-road. 19ee25 EPvPECTaBLY FumiahedPARLOUR aud BEDPwOOM.

JTi Healthy locality. Terms 5a 9d. Close to boa or rail. 182. Tunnel-road, Edgehlll.

19Be25 ASH-GROVE, Vt av ertree-roa A Comf ortabl front Parlour and Bedroom for Qentleman dining in town. No children. Terms moderate. 18se25 ONE or Two Young Gentlemen can have comfortable APARTMENTS, with use of piano if required. No other lodgers.

20, Famworth-gtreet PEINCrrS-ROAD. 41, Upper Warwick-street. Comfortable Apartments for one orfcwo gentlemen dining to town, or young ladles at torsi ness during the day. 19ae25 EDGE-LANE. 6, Grampian-road.

Comfortably-furnished Front Parlourand Bedroom. Use of piano. No children or lodgers. Close to rail and tram. Terms moderate.

19se25 UPPER DUKE-STREET. A Bedroom with use of Drawing Room suitable for a gentleman dining out terrostpodemte. lfee23 TONG Lady, engaged at business during the day. would -8. find a comfortable HOME with a Lady residing near vfalton.

Churchy Address 5. Nixon-street, I9se25 KELVIN-OROVE, Princes Gates. To be Let, good Sitting and Bedrooms. No children. Bathroom; all modern conveniences.

19se25 CiRKENHEAD. Well-furnished Sitting Boom andBed-AJ ioom in the house of a widow lady. Bathroom. 10, The Woodlands, Clifton Park. 15se25 ISLINGTON.

To be Let, furnished, a Drawing Room and one or two Bedrooms, with all modem conveniences. For particulars, apply as above. 19se2S or two Gentlemen good SITTING and BED ROOMS; piano healthy, pleasantly situated 6s. each weekly. card.

8, Gladstone-road, Edgehill. I7se22 "ORINCES-ROAD (55, Cairns-street). Apartments for A one or two Gentlemen to the bouse of a quiet, respect- ablejamily. Terms moderate. 17se22 ORINORS-ROAD.

Comfortable Front Apartments for -fi- Gentlemen dining in town. Piano, bathroom, No Address 40, Beaconsfield-street. 18se24 ALFRED-STREET, Great George-street. A Sitting and Bed Room on same floor more bedrooms if required Modern conveniences. 18ae24 Lady can have a comfortable HOME to a widow ladys familv neighbourhood of Sefton Park.

Address 22, Mercury-oQIce. 18se24 TTSFURNISHED PARLOUR and BEDROOM, or one room to a respectable person. Terms very moderate. No children. 76, Bedrock-street, West Derby-road.

18so24 EDGE-LANE. Comfortable Home for Young Ladies or Gentleman afc business. Piano. Convenient to town, by train or tram. 16, Shotwick-street.

18se24 OXTON. A Lady wishes to meet with a Gentlewoman to share her pleasant comfortable home and board with her through the winter. Address 25, Mercury -office. 18se24 A Comfortable HOME is offered to a Gentleman In Nor-wood-grove, whre there are no children or lodgers. Tenosjnoderafco.

Address 0 168, Mercuryoffioe. 18se24 QO CANNING-STREET, Falkner-ennare. Apartments V. fr on or two Gentlemen. Partial board if deslrwi.

No others tafcei A PARTMENTS or Lodgings for two Young Men or -l-X Married Couple, in uouiet famiiy, Apply 31, Monro-street, by Cleopas Church, Mill-street. 18ae24 94 SHA'W-STREET. Well -furnished Apartments for one or two Gentlemen. Bath, Terms moderate. 18so24 ADRAWTb ROOM and BEDROOM on same floor.

No other lodgers. References exchanged. Apply 25, Nor-manby-streeti, off Upper Parliament-street. 18se24 tARGE PARLOUR to be Lot, as Bed and Sitting Room, furnished, to married couple 5s. per week, 97, Hill-stroet, off Mill-street.

18se24 PRINCE'S-ROAD. 22, Hatherley-etreet. TVell-furntehed Apartments for Gentleman dining to town. Good cook-ing and attendance. Bath, piano.

Terms moderate. 18se24 ISAAC-STREET. Park-road. A Young Man can have Apartments or Lodgings. Home comforts Terms moderate.

18se24 TLDGE-LANE. Apartments in house of Widow; sitting JLX room and one or two bedrooms. Terms moderate. Apply 3, Dial-street, Needham-road. 18b924 COMFORTABLE LODGINGS for Young Men.

Terms 3s. per week, washing included. 6, Moon-street, off Crown-street. 17se22 ADMIRAL-STREET, Toxteth-park. Large well-furnished Front Parlour and Bedroom; piano; all modern conveniences.

No childrea 17se22 IQMFORTABLE APARTMENTS for one or two Gentle-2 men or Lady and Gentleman with a widow lady. No family. Apply 51, Arundel-atreet, Rice-lane, Walton, 12se25 GILL-STREET, off London-road. Furnished Bedrooms vs to be Let to respectable persons of either sex. Terras moderate.

I7se22 OK PERCY-STREET, To be Let, a well-furnished VJf Sitting Room, with one or more Bedrooms bath, Apply at 25, Percy-street, off Canning-street. 17ee22 1 15 SIBOURNE-STKEET. A Furnished Room to JL be Let, suitable for man and wife terms 5s. 6d. per 20bc26 week.

Or Lodgings for Young Men. BERELEY-STREEf, Sitting Room and one or two good Bedrooms, close to trams. On moderate terms. 20se26 PRINCE'S PARK (near). TTell -furnished Drawing Room, with one or two Bedrooms, in a comfortable and con-venient house.

2, Ducie-street. 20se25 31 QUEEN ANNE-STREET, off SfiAune-street. One or two respectable Young Men can have comfortable Lodgings at the above address. 20se22 Room v-w Dining Room. Address 116, Mercury-office.

17se22 IIOMFORT ABLY-FURNISHED PAKLOURndBED-ROOM, with gas and coaL Terms 7a. per week. 64. Canterbury-street, off Islington. 19se25 A Lady would Let her well-furnished Drawing Floor, with additional Bedrooms and use ol CENTRAL.

Near Duke-street. A Young Man can have homely LODGINGS. Bed to himself. Terms 3s. 6d.

per week. No. 6. Rathbone-place, Great George-sfc. 19ae25 HUSKISSON-STREET.

Superior Apartments; Sitting Room, with one or two Bedrooms, for Gentlemen. Bee reference list. Mercury-office. 19se25 A BRSKINE STREET, Moss street. Comfortable Apartments for Gentleman or Married Couple.

Terms moderate. 18se24 TO be Let, large comfortable SITTING ROOM and BEDROOM for one or two gentlemen dining to town bath, fee. At 1, Hapsford-road, Beaforth. 18se24 One two respectable Youai Men the house of a widow. QUEEN S-ROAD.

5 can have comfortable Lodgings to Use of piano. No children 17ce22 AfrontBittSi ana Bed Room, suitable for one or two Young Gentle-men. Terms moderate. 179622 NEWSHAM PARK. Apartments.

Suit one or two gentlemen or married couple. No children or other lodgers. Terms very moderate. 7. August-road.

17sc22 CLYDE-VILLA, 75, Dumtog-road (Edge-iace End) Weill furnished Front Sitting Room; piano; two bedrooms if required. Convenient to bus or tram. 17se22 MOUNT STREET, Rodney-street. Comfortably. W1 funushed Apartments for one or two Gentlemen or Lady and Gentiemap.

Front rooms. Terms moderate 17se22 IRK BNHF AD. Well-furnished Parlourand Bedrooms-piano, bath, Three mtoutea' walk from tram 8 Lowood-road, Clifton Park. 37se22 'IRST-CLASS APARTMENTS, to the neighbourhood of Gambier-terrace. Hopestreet.

No other lodgers. -Ad-dress 91, Mercury-office. 17se22 A Front ROOM furnished as Sitting and Bedroom. Term! with Ss. 6d per week.

Apply at 42, Aber-street, ore west Derby-road. 17se22 A for one or two respectable Men. Board if required. No childrea Apply 60, Walimfr-gtreet, Grove-street. i7se22 TWO Ladies wish a third to join them in HOUSEKEEP-DSG in a well-furnished house in the best part of Liver pool Strictest references requir Address office.

12. Mercury-22se28 fOMFOKTABLE SITTEvO and LED EOOMf OentK. man. in Walton. Tram passes corner ot read.

Preston minutes' wait Apply at Mt Smith 8, 619. Rice-lano, Walton. 22bg28 TJ-EAR PHILHARMONIC HALL XV ell-furnished Draw and two Bed Rooms; hot and cold bath- childrea Every home comfort. Address 86, Mercury ORHiCES-ROAD. Comfortable Sitting Room and two Bedrooms for Gentlemen.

Piano, bath, fee. Terms moderate. No young children or other lodgers. 24, Bep.cons. 20se26 F-KNEETRFET One or two respectable Young Men can have comfortable Lodgings or Apartmenta with use of piano.

other lodgera Terms 4s. per week. 20ee26 lIJi FURNISHED APARTMENTS in "house" of widow Lady; good neighbourhood near to tram. Terms moderate. Green Hill, Newsham-drive, Newsham Partv.

20se26 Beooin: Married Couple 'SthontMmone Mea- Widows house! no children. Terms STANANOUGHT-STREET. moderate. 19se25 BIEKIiwhkad. Pnrnished Front Parlour and Front Bedroom.

Piano Terms 8s. inclusive. Gentleman referred. -9. Upper Woodlands, Clifton Park fouiSta-houps walk from ferry IjSS CJUPEEIOK AKmllNTS for a Gentleman of good position, who would dine in town.

Best part of Orton. References given and required. -Address lSse24 COUNTRY AND SEASIDE APARTMENTS fee. IS ear ferry. Sea view.

'W aterloo-road. 22sq25 IHE PARADE, New Brighton. Comfortable well- furnished Apartments for families or genfciemeo. Hichlv recommended. Terras moderate.

22rp2R SEAFORTH. Private Family offer's a well-appointed Home or Apartments to ono or two Gentlemen. Term. or two Gentlemen. Terms very moderate; Apply 8, Bedford-placs.

gHYL. -v- Comfortable Apartments for winter near the XermB moderate. -Apply 15. Abbey-street, Rhyl. 21se24 shore; WBST pBY.

Comfortable Apartments for winter months. Terms 10s. per week. Address 191 Mer. cury-office.

21se2? QEVCOMBB. Comfortable Farlour, with one Or two Bed JTr lvo minutes from ferry; 12b. per week. 4, Enfiold-terrace, Demesne-street. 19se25 CROSBY.

Three mtoutea from Statioa "Sitting and Bed Room on same floor. Moderate terms. Second bedroom if required. ybodvfllg House. Abboteford-rd.

19se25 ORMBYj Comfortable Apartments for a Gentleman dming in tew bedroom and Bitting room, with uae of bath. Close to statioa Address I63, Mercury-office. 1 8se24 be Leti comfortably iurnisheS XJ Sitting Room and two or three Bedroom Terms moderate. 6, Queen-street. 27ee22 rXRICCErrH, North "Wales.

Comfortable Apartmente KJ facing the Beautifully Bituated. Tenns vew moderate. Mra. Ftchard, Portland House, 21se24 T03VN GREEN, Omaktok. Apartm enta in a smaU family near station.

No children or other lodgera. AH modem conveniences. Every attention to comfort. Terms ISTn? week. Apply Mr.

Seward, 14, Tithebarn-rtreefc. TALE OF CLWYD. Comfortable Apartments to Farm- house, with romantic scenery. Weeklv or cermanni-Within easy distance of town and station. Terms modemtJ Address Mrs.

Jones, Fir-grove, Ruthin. Mercury-office. 309, 17bs22 TO be Let, a large PARLOUR and Two or Three BEDROOMS to the house of a respectable widow wham respectable widow where there are no children or other lodgemITerms very moderate. Close to the Suitable for a family. Address 1, Wel- 22sc25 Hngton-road, New Brighton.

a gentleman at Higher Bebington. Thehouse is beautifully fur. nished and very pleasantly situated, and atteohed are gardens and greenhouses. No children. A very desirable country home.

Terms moderate. For farther particulars apply to G. M. Lloyd, estate agent, King-street, Rock Ferry. 1Bsc24 EST VALUE IN ENGLAND INYURNISHIHG' GOODS, AT "RAY ft MILKS, SON, SINGING.

Herr GOEBBELS, 115, ui.ilea.CtothaC1'6treet Aber4''omiy-sclaare, has RESUMED EGENT COLLEGE, SOUTHPORT. JL KELT TRkM Commences September 25. GODFREY E. PQGGI, Principal ROD SHAM. MANOR HOUSE SCHOOL.

15fc28 Quarter commences September 24. REV. R. P. BORWICK.

XS7ATERL00 WITH TV CLAJUBMOKT HOUSE. Principal Miss KAMAcm SCHOOL WHDBEOPEMSEETEM2EE S6in. A Complete Staff of Visiting Masters and Governesses. 22s e25 SINGING LESSONa MONS. EMILE LOUIS will RESUME hia SINGESG LESSONS on Monday, the 24th of beptember, afc his Residence.

161. Bedford-sfc. South. 20seoo3 O.OOD OPPORTUNITY. -Pupils Wanted to exchange for Residence of PrinoipaVs Daughter, who is to business in Liverpool.

Apply R. H. Croabie House School, Frodsham. 17se22 STAGE. Madame MARIUS prepares Ladies and Gentlemen for the dramatic profession, atage dancing taught Assisted engagements.

Address Smart a Dancing Academy, 25, Church-street lse2S, R. W. R. PURCELL (Mem. Trim YO Profesaor of Music, Theory, and Singing, Hatherley-street.

Princes-road. Schools attended. Walton, Woolton, Garston. aud Halewood visited. llseocS ISS DEMPSTER will RESUME giving i SINGING LESSONS on Monday, 24th.

September. For terms address 19se25 9, WAVERLEY-ROAD, SEFTON PARK. qouthport collegiate school. Commodious and very suitable premises, hr.Qfc for premises, br.flfc for Preparation for all examinations. W.

ROSS, Head Master, the purpose. Large staff." Moderate terms, tTsl6ause22 TIRENCH. By Mons. J. BAZIN." JL PRIVATE LESSONS.

EVENTNG CLASSES now forming at 66, Falkner-street, comer of Beclford-atreet. All particulars may be had from Messrs J. B. Cramer anfi Compton House. Liverpool.

prM76eocl5 Business writing, bookkeep- INO, ACCOUNTS. AND ENGLISH SUBJECTS. Youths prepared for the Office. Thompson's Writing is ths hesfc Call, ezamlne. and Judge.

Terms 21a Comfortable Rooms for Ladies. 7, Slateistreet, Bold-street Est. 1827. 13seocl0 miDESWELL GRAMMAR SCHOOL, JL near Buxton. 2560).

Total cost, 40. Every comfort and care in Head Masters House, an old family home. Sound teaching. Vigorous climate. Special care of Junior boys.


Mr. and the Misses CI.ERCS, SS! Kenshav-street. Beginners Class on Monday and Inursday. Advanced on Tuesday and Friday. Private Lessons at appointed hours.

Schools attended. New Valse taught. 5ae29 PARK SCHOOL, Taebrook, Liverpool. Principal, JOHN STREET. A limited number of Pupils.

Reduced terms for Boarders. Careful educational training and a happy home. Young, sensitive and hack-ward boys meet with the kinduess and special attention which they cannot receive to large schools. lgseocl APED WBIXmO, BOOKKEEPING, Pitaiana Shorthand, Arithmetic, Correspondence, Grammar, Spelling, Civil Service Appointments, fee. This Academy i conducted by Prof, and Mrs.

SMART. Private Rooms for jjadies and Gentlemen. The best place for sound tuition followed by certain success. SMART 21. Church-street.


M.A, Classical Gold-Medallist of theUniv. of London. Vice-Principal Rev, H. E. HALL, M.A, fee.

Terms, inclusive, 75 and 80 guineas, according to age. 6l5sedc29 IEKDALE COLLEGE (FOR LAJ3IU31. BITfEDAUB PARK. SOUTHPORT. The Term COMMRN CED Sept.

19. Eminent Professors to attendance. Pupils prepared for the University, Royal Academy, and other examinations. Vacancy for an Articled Pupil. Principal Mra.

HUGH JONES. AKD DEPORTMENT. bliss MONTGOMERY, Professor REA, and Assistants have RESUMED their TUITION. Adult Class, toptoding two Private Lessons, day and evening Course of Thirteen Lessons one guinea Five Private Lessons one guinea. Indies Classes: Advanced Class on Monday Even-togs; JuvenileXTlassea.

Schools, Carlton House, 318. Upper Parli ame ut-s treet. 20seoc8 Madame constancy wood PROFESSOR OF SINGTKG, 102, OAmriNGTREKT. Sonthport and Waterloo Visited. 17se22 SOUTH LIVERPOOL HIGH SCHOOL i 70, Upper Parliament-street, The AU-rUJIN TERM is now BEGINNING.

ProspectuseR application to Mias Smith. 17se22 HERR BEYER has returned from Germany, and begs to inform his friends and pupils snathe has published 23 moro of his new Compositions at Vienna, which maybe had at 59, Chatham-strect. 14se27 ANCING. -MR. FLINTS ASSEMBLY ROOSIS, 71, Duke-street, Band at Eight.

Beginners on Friday. R. ALBERT E. ISAAC, Professor of Theory of Mnsio. The NEW COMMENCED September 13.

Rorparticulare apply at 61, Bedforditreet. llse23 MR. JOSEPH SKEAF, Composer of ftesias Sabbath Evening Chimes. Jenny JlHarlech." Erins, Isle, has RESUMED PIANOFORTE LESSONS. Por terms, 63, Grove-st.

17se22 jLIRENCH, Conversational and Commer- A. cial, by AO TR AND. Successful coaching for 621 toatipnsto French and other branches. 7, Slater-street, ana 160, Liverpool; andl, Waterloo. lOseocfi OUNG LADIES BOARDiNG SCHOOL, The Poplars, Helsby, near Chester.

Conducted by the Misses CHEW and Resident Teachers. Home comforts. Very healthy situation. Careful supervision and training. Prospectus on application.

21seoc4 LOCUTION. PROFESSOR HAY- A SACK, whose pupils are among the first clergymen, bamstere, actors, singers, and gentry, visits Liverpool weekly to gvre instruction Address 13, Elizabeth-street, Cheet-hara, Manchester. 19se2b Ss. PER QUARTER OF TEN LESSONS. FRENCH CONTE RSATIONAL r- tCIASSE3, Every Saturday, from three to flvo oolock, 13, Seel B-bmldings, Church-street.

Professor B. HENNI3SR (iate secretary to Prince Emmanuel ds Broglie). 19se25 ER MAN. Professor DUNKELS (HanovertPopular CLASSES, Sstnrdaya and Mon-toys, 5s. Select Classes, 10s.

6d. Special Ladies Classes, 15a Private Lessons, 2 2a. per quarter. Smart's Academy, 21. Chnrch-etreet.

18se24 iROFESSOR J. D. GAILLARD, -f- OFTICrEP- B'ACAUEmB. Has KESUMED his Professional Unties. Three -Ponnlar Classes every Satnrclay.

Private Classes daily. Private Lessons. 2o, Catherine-street. and 21. Church-street.

15seocl2 A Lad the Pupil of a celebrated German Professor, wishes for a few Young LADIES to instruct in Music and Singing finishing pupils preferred. Terms One Guinea for Twelve Lessons. Address 164 Mercury-office- 4seooi Anfield high school for girls, 37, Walton Ereok-road, was OPENED on September A8, 6Quested. the School Year will, from Christmas next, oe divided into Quarters instead of Terms, Pupils may attend Single Classes. The Principal will see Parents at above address daily, from three to four p.m.

20se26 PIANO. A Lady experienced in Teaching wishes to meet with some PUPILS for Instruction, earner at her own or their homes. Neighbourhood of Bock Lew Ferry, Bebington. Tranmere, fee. The highest references can be givea 27, King-street.

Rook Ferry. 19seoc2 BOUNTY COLLEGE, HEREFORD 55. a-year. Charming neighbourhood; splendid cKuldirig cost 17,000 I6 passes, five honours, one distinction ofcCambndge Locals, 1832. Prospectus from Rev.

T. A. 6TOODLEY. I0auoc4 ISS STOWELL, assisted by efficient masters and certificated Engilsh and foreign resi dent Commencing a HIGH-CLASS SCHOOL for LADIES West Kirby, Pupils prepared for the loca! examinations. Highest references.

Prospectus on aunlica tion. Term commences Ooi 1. 20ae24 ANCING, Mr. REYNOLDS Re ceives PUPILS for instruction to all the Fashionable JJances. Beginners Class on and after September 20 The Day Class for Young Ladies and Children Commences Saturday October Private Lessons.

Mersey iseoclS and Miss FEN2fER (certificated) receive Young Gentlemen under twelve to prepare for the Public Schools. Michaelmas Term begins on Tuesday, the 25th Terms on anDtt- 13m2 6 ISS L. FLORENCE WATSON (late Turners Studio, London) will be happy to receive a few more PUPILS for CHINA PAINTING (over and miner the glaze), Terra-cotta, Chrysfcolcum, Lustra, and Oil Fainting. Caros of terms sent on application Address 37, oeioorne-street, Prince s-road, Liverpool. lseoc25.

ISS KOGERS begs to announce the of her CLASSES for DANCING and CALISTHENICS on and after September 24. The ACADEMY will beT RESUMED Thursday and Saturday Aftehnoqns. Ootober 11 and 13. LESSONS in the New Waltz, Minuet, fee. 9, Aelson-sfcreet, Great Georce-sguare.

19seocl6 The grange house" EDINBURGH. Mra WHALEY B. NUTTS PRIVATE ESTABLISH. MEM for the BOARD aud EDUCATION of the Daughters of Gentlemen RE-OPEN SonlstOetober. Extensive Plrasure Grounds, Botanic Garden, Gymnasium.

Proepeotusand all particulars on application. Vr At Homs on Tuesdays and Fridays. "jVTORTHERN INSTITUTE, Al TERRACE, ST. DOMINGO-ROA YORK- PnnmrAl GEORGE COUTIE, M.A. Thirteen ProfessionaUy-tratoed Masters.

No public iastl-tution Liverpool, nor aU private Boys Schools' in Liverpool together, have passed so many Pupila in the Cambridge University Local SSsaminations during the past five vearsas Che Northern Institute For dettdlTof tritoiSd JS markable sucoeases, see prospectus. Entranca from any date. glscoctS GEO-ROWE. Secret ONDON. TUDOR HALL LADIES COLLEGE, FOREST-HHiL, S.E.

PnurcTFAitS IVlrs. TODD and Rev. J. W. TODD, D.D Pr.OTESSOHs -Literature Profesaor Henry Moriey.

His. r. Xemahd. Geology and Geography: Professor Seeley. Itahan: Dr.

Ferrero. French: Dr. Charpentier. Germim Dr. Rogcnrii Drawing E.

O. Miles, Esq. Music John Bleckley and Louis Diehl Singing Signor Garcia, fail particulars address the Principals. Resident German, French, and English Governesses jjOCAL Refer-bbs Parents of Pupils, fee, mwfsl iauae28 Windsor-stieet (late viue s), will RE-OPEN on Friday, the 23th instant. 1 i.ptaf Jor Beginners on Todays, at Eight p.m.; terms dnce Classes, Mondays, at Eight Classes 0T1 Saturday Afternoon at Awop.ra.

12s. fid. Terras commences from day of entrance uuo163 SDMUed WiMl SCHOLARSHIP. Anfield college foe girls STANLEY PARK. -TCe above Scholarship, entitling the holder to One Year's 1 0 i-, hi Eilish, French, Geiroau, and Drawing tenable by the Pupil Who -may take the highest piace ln the College of Preceptors' Local Examination.

8 All wshing to enter for the above must send in their nomea to the Principal not later than 10th of October. 7seoc4 lAMS. 5, RUE PERARD, AVENUE BoQ'frtie). Select 7 pupils limited Superior Cu35 High references KTevr-rOCOnae several of their pupils this year success their examination afc the Prente are informed that they havo commodious habitation. Mdlle.

coroa is at present in London, and may be seen daily, from l1 Letoster-square, Bayswater. Frospec-on application to the Governesses' Homefla Upper Parliament-etreet. Liremnni tis26j-setf TRANCING, DEPOR-TIiIENT, AND rniesMwmOplNto ctober 3 and 6, at Two Mowdav nS5lfiiaS 44, Kelson-street, on Awemhw oclock; the Bootle Evening Ateemoly, on Friday, Octobers, at Eishfc o'clock. Private lStoLhly Walix, iS al 1 theFashtonabte INSTITUTE OF german MUSIC, 3VH1 IfOHTH, wm RE-OEBN on 3VEMESDA Y. tbe 25th of Soptembar.

HERa krausse, puvSraOT tho Study of tho Alt of ttehlcst Tely commanoement to the bluest artistio perfection. The course of instruction comprises the following branches Piano, Hsrr Krausse Music and Harmony, Me Albert and Srtvate), Harr Goebbels XT. vhlwer: History of Muaio, Herr tbenrenvlif3- for history of music, class or harmony, except for Waidates Dmdoxu0 Exanunation of the Boyal Academy of Music, toe institute, where Herr Krausse Cci'ock MeI1 011 htomber 22 and 25, from eleven to four -Herr Krausse, is prepared to send weil-trataed Musical Governesses to the residences of pnpiiato assist them in their or 1 iT0 privat-j instruction. Such pupils may join 01 toahnstitnte while they receive their -ShBOSgseoidtas tq fttpgement, A Two-teab-oz Seeuto Handicap Pura rf 1nR soya 37inners extra. BUvetedongs, 7 7 Mi Jtariin's Enphrosyne TooEnnw, 7 7 Mr.

Merrys i. by MacGregor Cicely Hadtet 6 IS Mr. Dunds Stethoscope tGooSrev 7 Mr. UnderhiUs RoyalBIae a 'Wbodbum 0 7 6 Mr, Drislane's by Budero Lady Annie-. BMIav 7 5 Duke of Hamilton's Moll-tooler 7 5 Mr.

Martin's Esk bS 7 5 Mr. Slack's by Bold Payreli Mrs. Skelton, a 5- Jnes Horimel a 6 lx Mr. Bum a Midget G. Barrett a Betting 7 to 4 agsfc Euphrosvne, 3 to I aesfe Cimlv Hacket filly, 5 to 1 aisfc Moll-tooler, 6 to 1 aesfe StethJ scope, 7 to 1 ag3t Midget, andlOtoIagstBS.

Won by a head the same distance separated second and third! Tho winner was not sold. The Caledonian Cup, a piece of plate value 200 sovs added to a sweepstakes of 10 sovs each for sterfcersi Three-year-olds, four, five and up wards, 9st. 21b. Allowances. Winners extra.

Two miles. 8 5 Mr. J. Johnstone's Border Minstrel, 3 Bowman 8 11 Duke of Hamilton? 2 7 12 Mr. W.

Walkers jjpfcrigielea, 3 yrs a Betting: 10 to 1 on Botder MinstreL Won by three lengths a bad third. The winner drew up lampJ nrj Fenelon broke down. The Ails a Plate of 50 sovs. for hunters, chargers, or yeomanry horses. Four-year-olds, five, list.

ski and aged, I2sti Winners extra. Two on the flat. 13 0 Capt Middleton's Lord of the Harem, aged. Owner I 12 10 Mr. Muir's Azuline, aged T.

J. Wilson 2 12 0 Mr. Howies Coxcomb. 5 yrs Owner 3 Betting 100 to 59 on Lord of the Harem, who won in a canter by six lengths. 1 ALEXANDRA PARK MEETING.

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. The Great Xorthern Nursery Stakes. Nuntius 1, The Baker 2, Paiuaster 3. The Trial Plate, LeovDle 1, Estonian 2, StaffaS. A Selling High-weight Handicap.

Barbadoes Temple 2. The Bcauclerk Plate. Damask Rose 1, Gloriana XL 2, Pro Nihilo 3. Tie Palace Handicap. Bolero 1, Observer 2, Result 3.

The hetatone Plate. Addy 1, Donald Caird 2. The Squire 3. LONDON BETTING. Friday.

CESAREV.ITCK STAKES. 100 to 12 ast Come Roy, 20 to 1 Balliol, 1 Hackness, 20 to 1 Don Juan, 20 to 1 50 to 1 Elzevir, 20 to 1 Sweetbread, 100 to 1 Preferment, 20 to 1 Boswell, 9 to 2 agst Hackness and Corrie Roy coupled, fBWDGESmRB STAKES. 1 I Sf4 Goldfield, 20 to 1 Beau Bnun-nal. 6 22 to 1 BarcaldineTt i Medicus, 25 to 1 Geheimniss, 16 to 1 Shatover, 6 after 20 to 1 LATEST LONDON BETTING. FRIDAY.

CESAKEWITCH STAKES. 100 to 7 agst 25 to 1 3Vichcraft, 22 to 1 Boswell, 40 to 1 fortissimo, CAMBRIDGESKIItE STAKES. 10 to 1 agSc Goldfield, fc 20 to 1 Shotover, HIGH GOSFORTH P.AR.K COURSING MEETING. THIRD DAY, FRIDAY. SEPT.

21. Judge Sir. J. Hedley. Slipper T.

Bootiman. The breridown experienced in the weather on leavine the scene oi ac-ion iast night proved to be of so serious extent as materially to interfere with the going to-day, vnen the trials were.owm to the occasionally long slips, verymach inferior to those experienced on the two Again the attendance was fairly good class meetings, tvas yet animated throughout, the professionals getting slightly the worst of the davs transactions. Zr. Heiliey again gave satisfaction with nis decisions, and Bootiman got through his extremely difficult task surprisingly veil after his two previous dr.y.T excessive exertions. The weather cleared this morning just before proceeding to Gosforth, and remained fine overhead and moderately clear till after luncheon, when a haziness arose that ended in a steady drizzle, which again accompanied us on our homeward journey.

In the Gosforth Leroy there seems to bo onlv a moderate lot animals competinpr, and perhaps the best of the bunch is Opaque, a young gentleman that has vastly improved upon acquaintance, his second trial to-dav being the performance of a first-class greyhound. WestXorth-uinberianu undoubtedly goes a cracking pace, but is none too tight with his hare, a remark that applies with even more force to Lord Stairs representative SaLeo Lover. Cariboo, a son of Honevwood, and very much resembling him in style ot going, gained several adherents when he rather easily put down Ted Wylie but at his nest attempt, when trying issues with Jester, he performed liKe a commoner. Possibly the latter is a greyhound of farst-cJass speed, a family attribute, he being an own brother, but a younger litter, to the Waterloo Cup winner, Pnncess Daginar, and the champion sprinter of his day, Peter. Ofthebitches.

Slandergoesin beautifully-even stvlo, while Hint is undoubtedly fast, but reckless in her attempts to knock over her hare. Cinderella has much improved fa her style while Clip, from the easv manner in which she has got away from all hen opponents, is obviously a greyhound of superior merit. Jn. the Gosforth Stakes, Wild Mint was unlucky in being considerably mauled about in slips before being let fro, ana then, getting a heart-breaking slip on tho dgomcv was qntsed by Hopeful. Although beaten, the lady fairly ran round her opponent at the finish, and killed just too soon.

Of those left in Htmcais J.rnProved v7 much, as he has gone on. Millington is going fast, and so tools Chippendale, but none too trnthfully perhaps. The best performances in tile stake have been those of Jennv Homel, which have been artistic to a degree, and Dry Bemark fa also going extremely well. Details The GOSFORTH DERBY, for 150 Do Puppies, at 3 10s. each.

1 forfeit. Tirmu Room. Pantile beat Dehaon Drift Daunt-less Donald beat Carmel Water, Gelerfc beat Master Tmaale, Bona-fide beat Lad the Mill, Chief Attendant beat Master Thomas, Opaque beat Thom, Bonus beat High Ridaell, Tyrant beat Southport Joe. Hattwhfatle beat Squire Ogilvie, West Northumberland beat Heaton Pa rk, Canboo beat Ted Wylie, Jester beat Westminster Sallee Rover beat Glendale, Straight Tip beat Ta Glen, Clyde liairu ran a bye. Fockth Round.

Dauntless Donald beat Pantile gelert beat Bona-fide, Opaque beat Chief Attendant! Bonus beat Tyrant, West Xorfchumberlaad belt Halt-whistle. Jester beat Cariboo, Clyde Bairn beat Straight Tjp, Sallee Rover ran a bye. The GOSFORTH OAKS, for 150 Bitch Dapples, afc 3 10s. each, 1 forfeit. Third Rocttd.

ifalconeabeatSela, Slander beatEadv Peat, Miss Agnes beat Maid of Taunton, Hint beat Merry Duchass. Coquet Yet beat Hawthorn, Lizzie Walker beat Plymouth Gin, Cinderella beat Betev Lady Farnleigh beat Sldlftil Lady, Annan beat Hfron-clelle, Clip beat Clyde Flower, Polly beat Dame of Intrigue, Parsley ran a bye. Fouitrn Hoc.n'd. Slander beat Haltonlea, Hint beafi Mies Agnes. Coquet Yet beat Lizzie Walker (2 drawn) Cinderella beat- Lady Famleigh, Clin beat AncamI Parsley beat Polly.

Th OSFORTH STA ICES, for 64 All-aged Creyhcnnds. ftt. 10a. each. IV inner.

129 and piece of plate value 20 guineas, which will be uithheld if the Stake Is not run off runner-up, 60 third and fourth, 20 each winners of three courses, 12 each winners of two courses, 5 10s. each. Second Round. Duncan Gray heat Meyrick, Bar-caldine beat Aristocrat, Wheeler heat Dublin Deeds Valley Lad beat Raven, Ovral beat Carrick, MOlincton beat Kate Macnherson, Cunardcr beat John Bull Chippendale beat Tiger, Hopeful beat Wild Mint, Madeline beat Levant, Melancholy beat Sharpshooter, Lord Coal-mtts beat Union Bedmate beat Marmion Drv Remark beat Grand duch*ess, Jeacie Homel beat Silver King, Heroic beat Hemani. tiTiimu Round.

Duncan Cray bea-t Valiev iAd beat heeler, Millington beat Gvral Chippendale beat Cunardt-r, Madeline beat Hopeful, Lord Hop-ful beat Melancholy, Dry Remark beat Bedmate, Jeaaie Homel beat Heroic. KEXTOX STAKES, for eight Puppies, at 5 10s. each. a-- Pa Road J. Pringle's Pretender agsfc IT.

Dmraersoris Ecclefechar- The HEATOX STAKES, for Eight Grey iTounjis, at 3 10s. each. F. Park's Springboy agrt C. IT.

M. Robsons Demark V. Lowes J3oy agst C. A. Cuthberts Chate-line (late Jacob in a) R.

Xeilist's Black Tom agst R. Widowfields Yorfck J. Jlurrav's Meggy Brosm agst C. Monte Christo TheFAVrDOX STAKES, for eight all-aged Greyhounds, at 3 10s. each.

S. Brownlie na. Canobie agst A. Dicksons Deaoon Ha Wrights Vabar.d agst W. Brooms Sir Jolin J.

Burns's John Bull (late British Bov) agst J. Percys Hardcasile R. P. Robinson's Robin Hood agst X. Dunns duch*ess of Delven Haydock park coursing MEETING, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1883, AND FOLLOWING DaYS.

Conrslnff Commences Ea-ch Day at Eleven oclock. Convenient Trains from all Parts. 22se24 At Eelpsr, on Thursday, Jame3 Warner and Jane Warner were committed for trial chained with murderously assaulting Police-constable Estaff, at Shottle, near Belper, on the night August 31. John Brown, alias Welsh Jack, a Leeds betting man, was on Thursday committed for trial' on a charge of attempting to abduct Lilly Brough, aged 15, the daughter of the landlord of the Grove Hotel, Kirkgate, Leeds. By the advice of his physicians, Sir Michael Costa has resolved to leave Brighton, and tospend the w-inter in Italy.

Subscriptions will shortly be invited towards a testimonial to be presented to Sir Michael on his retirement from public life. Emmanuel Goodman, aged 26, a music-hall singer, has been sentenced to twelve months imprisonment at the Middlesex sessions for stealing a watch from Agnes Amelia Marrable, aged 17, with whom he eloped from Ramsgate and them deserted in London. Mr. Charleses rm th, for 23 years superintendent of police at Yeovil, Somerset, has died suddenly at liis bouse. He was taken sick, appeared in great pain, and before a medical man arrived he was dead.

An aiatvsis of the stomach is being made, and tho inquest has been adjourned. The third of a series of experiments with the 0-ton gun was conducted on Thursday at Shoebury-ness. The present trials were made against a wall 40 feet in thickness, composed entirely of granite. The wall, forthe purposes of defence, was left perfectly useless after the shelling. The steamer -Empress, returning to Kirkwall from the Baroe Islands, brings news that a boat belonging to Thorshaven, while proceeding from that town to one of the outlying islands in Faroe, was sunk in a squall, and the whole crew, numbering seven men were drowned.

An inquiry was held on Thursday into the cans of the ro at Cortachie Castle. From tho evidence given, it appears likely that a sooty chimney, having caught fire, smouldered for sometime, and eventually ignited a roof beam, after which tha fire quickly spread. On Thursday the annual meeting of the Board of Conservators of the Severn Fishery District was held at Worcester, when the annual report stated that the quantity of salmon taken in tha river in the season just ended had been no less than 50,000 fish, the average weight being 13b. Tile young woman who a fortnight ago attempted to commit suicide in a Brighton Railway carrmgo by inhaling chloroform was sent for trial on Thursday. She still refuser to give her name, and declared she would starve herself to death, one is believed to be Lucilla Dudley wbo was lr0" viously convicted for a similar offence.

A sale of rare and valuable orchids took plno? on Wednesday in hlr. Stevens's rooms, zn King-street, Covcni-garden, London. For one specimen of New Aerides in flower, which was brought home about two years ago and hod eight or mne growths, and spikes two feet long andsome 30 flow ers, 235 guineas- were realised. Tins is believed to be the highest price ever obtained at ats auction for a single plant. John Roberts, a publican, not lately bnsi.

ness, was charged at the Clerkenwell Polled Court, on Thursday, with beating to death amao named Clarke, at Ifa-tou-road, Canonbuiy. The prisoner's wife Lad separated from him, and slxo was living with the deceased. JIhe latter, in if feg from inflammation of the lungs, was visited Roberts, who thrashed him with a waGring i 3 CARPET AND FLOORCLOTH FACTORS, CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEAD AND BEDDING MANUFACTURERS, fUTHOISTERERS, FRENCH POLISHERS, GILDERS, AND FURNISHING WAREHOUsem*n, tOHDON-EOAD, HOTEAM-STREET, BRIDFORT-S TREET, ERASER. AND YILLAES-STREET, LIVERPOOL. Carpet Pbcnera, Cabinetmakers, Polishers, at Gilders sent to any part of Great Britain.

A MperyarS. 2a Ed per Jari ssa edtea a RAY MILES, LONDON-ROAD, OO ECLOTH psyISK Vattems to select from, 6 and 8 yards wide by WtrarayarS12'' to anyaiza Prices la 6d to Sa 3d par RAY MILES. LIVERPOOL. -I BUMS FOUR AND TWO YARDS WIDB. Best Oofttity Printed 2s 65 per yard.

Second Quality Printed Is lid per yard. RAY MrCESTLOHDON-ROAD. JJEARTHBUGS AND MATS. 000 ADfnster Ruga, from Ss IM each. Axmmster Mate, from ls Cdeacb.

cSffi Mn from 10s 6d each. 000 Skto from 2s fid RAY LIVERPOOL Qabinet fubnit-uee. JPbroacblng tha rahia of 20,009, additions from our own workshops and other 2irafrclasa makers, and Continental Novelties. RAY MILES, LONDON-ROAD. A We boP Sno Stock of Bedsteads in Brass and Iron, KenohBedrtcads, from 8a Sd to 15 10s Bedsteada, from 22s 6d to 15 1S Children Bedsteads, Cota, Cribst feo.

RAY I LIVERPOOL We make every In Bedding we Bell upon our era premises, and guarantee it pore. Feather Beds, from 31s 6d each. Wool Beds, from 9s 0d each. Hair Mattresses, from 27s 6d each. Wool Mattresses, from 11s fid each, opring Mattresses, from 25s Od each.

Bexd sob PaioB Ihst, Fuse by Fosa BAY MILES, LONDON-ROAD. a 0RETOHNES, DIMITIES rrr, from Mperyarl in 5ar33 Dtauhes, from per yard. 10,000 Yards OhMtzes, from 24(1 per yard. RAY MILES. LONDON-ROAD.

1OHG OUETAINS glgj9g9. CTOCag to SELECT" FROM, embracing aU the GurpDEE Lace Curtains, from IsSdperpair. RAY MILES. 0 We.hpld a SPLENDID VARIETY OF PICTURES in OH and Local Artists Oleographs, vhromos, fee. Pictures from 1 to 5 08.

RAY MILES, LONDON-ROAD. FURNISHING. Table Covers, Tauesfcry, Curtains, Window Cornices and Foies, Fancy Blinds of all lands, all colours in Window Hollands, every Description of Upholstery, Trimmings. Blankets, Quilts, Sheetings, Table Linens and Household Drapiy, Damasks, Hepps, Silks, Satins, Tapestries, Bro-cades, velvets, feoffee. RAY AND MILES, LIVERPOOL.


esr BEST ARTIFICIAL TEETH." SINGLE TOOTH from 4a. SETS 42s. A Pamphlet Teeth Gratis. Consultation Free. SSSRS.


SETS, FILLING, 2s. Fixed to a few hours, without the extraction of old teeth or stumps. They answer every function of the natural teeth. Life-like appearance. Consultations free from tena.m.


For Bilious and BEECHAMS pills. Nervous Disorders. EEOHAMS PILLS. For indigestion In aflite forma. EEOHAMS PHLS.

For Wind and Pain to the Stomach. BEECHAMS PHLS. For Sick Headache. BEECHAMS PHLS. For Giddiness.

EEECHAMS PILLS. For Fulness and Swelling after Meals. EEOHAMS PHLS. For Dizziness and Drowsiness. BEECHAMS PHLS.

For Cold Chills, Flashings of Heal EEOHAMS PHLS. For Costiveness and Scurvy. BEECHAM'S PHLS. For Blotches on the Skin. BEECHAMS PILLS.

ForDisturbedSleep and Frightful Dr earns. EE CHAMS PHLS. Are the Beet Medicine for Female Com-platots. BEECHAM'S PILLS. The First Dose gives Relief to 20 minutes.

BEECHAMS PHLS. Is the Finest Medicine in the World. BEECHAMS PHLS, Have Saved the Lives of Thousands. EECHAMS PILLS. Are 'Worth a Guinea a Box EECHAMS- PILLS.

Is a Wonderful Medicine for Fenialea of all ages. BEECHAMS PILLS. Are Adapted for 013 and Young. EEECHAMS PILLS. Are recommended by Medical Men.

BEECHAMS PILLS. Are the right thing In the right place. EECHAM'S PILLS. Will restore the rosebud of health to evry one who uses them. EECHAMS PILLS.

Have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the World. BEECHAMS PILLS! Are Sold hy all Patent Medicine Dealera. JgEECHAM'S PILLS. EECHAMS PILLS. BEECHAMS PILLS.

PBEPAJtED OKXiY BT Tfffc BBOPXEETOB, T'HOMAS BEE OH AM, BT. HELENS, LANCASHIRE, And Sold in Boxes at Is. Dd. and 2s. 9 A Each.

By all Chemists and Patent Medietas Deslsra FULL DIRECTIONS WITH EACH BOX mts-teig VER 600 PIERGLASSES and OVER-MANTLES IN STOCK, AT RAY MILES, LONDON-ROAD. OCKYERS SULPHUR -AJ RESTORER will Darken Grey Hair, and in a few days restore completely tha natural colour. The effect is superior to that produced by an instantaneous dye, and the Sulphur Restorer does not injure the skin. Sold In largo poetics, Is. fid, each, by chemists and hairdressers.

OCKYERS SULPHUR HAIR RE STORE while keeping tha hair its proper colour is useful for removing eoarf, no other application being necessary to encourage the growth of the new hair. Lorza bottles, Is, fid. Sold everywhere. 6 CRAOIIOFTS ABEOA NUT TOOTH PASTE. By using this deKcioua Aromatic Dentifrice, the enamel of the teeth becomes white, sound, and polished like ivory.

It is exceedingly fragrant, and specially useful for removing incrustations of tartar on neglected teeth. Sold by all chemist a Pots. Is. and 2s. fid, eaoh.

Get Crocroftte. Taraxacum and podophyllin. A fluid combination for derangement of the Liver, particularly when arising from slight congestion. By gently stimulating the action ot the liver, and slightly moving the bowels, the heavy drowsy feeling, headache, pain beneath the shoulders, at the chest lifter eating, unpleasant taste in the mouth, and manifold other indications of dyspepsia, are removed. Taraxacum and Podophyllin is much safer than calomel or blue nili for removing bile.

Prepared solely by J. Pepper, Bedford Laboratory, London. Bottles 2s. SiL and each. Sold hy all chemists.

mirra Adyioe to mothers. Mra. 3mT3LOW'S BOOTHING SYRUP should always ha used whan children are cutting teeth; it relieves i.he little sufferer at once. It produces natural quiet sleep by relievingthe child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as bright as a button. It Is perfectly harmless, and very-pleasant to taste.

It Boothes the dhild. It softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedy for dysentery and diarrhoea, -whether arising from teething or other causes. Price la. lcL per bottle, of all chemists. ws ULPHOLINE LOTION.

An external means of curing skin diseases. There is scarcely anv willrieid toSULPHOLIKE in a few day and redaej eruption but commence to Ordinary pimples, blotches, scurf, roughness, vanish as if by magic while old enduring skin disorders that have plagued the sufferers for years, Sulphollne will successfully attack them. It destroys tbe'animalculcB which gcaiiee these iunslehtly irritable affections, and always produces a clear skis. Sulpholine Lotion is gold. by most chemists bottles 2b.

Sd. each. PEPPER'S QUININE IRON TONIC Promotes Appetite and Improves Digestion. PEPPERS QUININE IRON TONIC Animates the Spirits and Mental Faculties. PEPPERS QUININE TONIC In Scrofula, Wasting Diseases, Neuralgia, Sciatica, igaigestlon.

Flatulence, 3Veakness in the OhestFevers. PEPPERS QUININE IRONTONIC rouses and developea too nervous energies, disoels languor and depression, fortifies the digestive organs. The ereatly invigorated tyFeppei's Tonic, the mental faculties brightened, the nervous and muscular ased. and a return to robust health certain. od.

nextsize, 11s. 9ol4 hg. chemists imtoUniheriuvTminfttfrflSaaiai "mwi3. G. L.

A. G. C. J. J.

HIGH WATER AT LIVERPOOL. Honsr.vo. evektuo. beisht. 'l.

B.SX. T. IX. 2 39 3 4 16 10 29 4 1 14 9 arrived. Maria Governor fes) Dondon maria Queen of tho Bay (Bernard Hall (ss) Baltimore Courland (ss) Hamburg Flavian (ss) Alexandria Nepthis (ss) Donati (as) do Janeiro Atiantiquo (ss) Chile Jooo Bacchus.

Alfonso (ss) Huelva Charles John, N.E Benefactor (6s) Decision SAILED. frian Philadelphia tiutterworth London "factor (ss) Kiga Shilde (ss). SpPhie Niooltoe Lulea cision Charles St. John, N.B. Balogun Dunkirk Hamburg Zara Q0 B)" Hi'tto aS Wins- FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21.

a "variable, light at Holyhead Itgbt Midnight. Yind E.S.E. "moderate breeze, misty. A severe CASUALTIES. came on off the Tyne last night an? blew with great force from N.B., teay.

There was a very heavy sea scaroelv Ha1 an I10 harbour. Large ferries could Put into Several sailing vessels and steamers in ballast froui Coleraine for Swansea. Sth Ei7ro.struS1i3n Btllygally, ba been towed off ExorS. btSu2ht into Larue. Newryfor Irvine, with scrap iron, cannot be Ba7' and Iast taking up.

cargi bd1oreyaem13PattODOVerWia t0 witoafSSi221 for Shoreham, was in collision gear tblS morotog, and had bowsprit, head- bunt of a.loufclCC3toas, apparently American huut deeply laden, totally dismasted, end with two jnry-Shirffl German mWard-bound steamer was near, was malrfawto.1'11, aftevwarils proceeded. The vessel favour 'Dr Queenstown, but the wind was not in her awand bulwfeged. Grton' criea rmSS trom her moorings in the Wear this t.v!Th.0 She lies in the way of traffic. writortM tSLS Salvage Association (Under- thu AnMeihfaroplr (ss), from. Tripoli at bull tho' 5 damage has beea done to the plating from deoS beams, stringers, and side bucMed being more or less mate! mansion and contraction of the fire took SaLes landed before the oF ther Sfr11 a vSw to tas.bfan despatched to this vessel Sr towo to nnuable her to take on dinarrloureototo? ton, and thenea to proceed in the (ss) A divIriSifv? ade of the after end of this vessel.

Tho thlt nnSSP br.okea ond 360,13 faUen in, and to)' The snves and 65o bales cotton have SHASSiKSL-i was recommended ant SIM of owners Juw been despatched to vrtfh the whTle OODtteue her TOa8 te). Fire in coal banker. cars adiy damaged. 2- The Deronda (ss), of Sunderland, nt ofdcj.nPJ ot off lter baring discharged when iightonel. Jett0Iled 3 Irtioa- Will betowed here eept; 71.

The ms (ss). from Newcastle ftaatSTS went ashore on Hasborough Sands, was and is now at anchor off Wfaterton are n0 water. She will probably Zebratefs' JirT1068 from sJSTC3 state that the jpew Ko salvage cargo. Marla, hl? hick G'3eaore hcaM tor Port Dondon. outward geff SI0UIIli too Straits, and will have to lighten to Sept 20.

The Erwin (Geraanl from Liver-5 an ysottgxb burnt at sea. brew saveA inWkrta1 -The Carolina (Italian), hence for Wyhnrg, Spt Gabriel '(French brig) had decl: 0n toe Grand Bank during Had 4005 wtatata codfch op (ss) asbore- wSchwaowrikTw110 dricl (ss), from Girgenti for London, an c0adpp4 toe tug Gameco*ck reports having towed out thJ GMcutta, and left her at two m. on the 20th instant off Tuskar; wind light breeze. Towed nS-toe Mersey the Decision, from Pensacola. fl2e tor Antofa*gasta, was left on the 19th instant, off Toskar, by the tug Hotspur.

Ismdon.f83)' 410111 Bomtiay 34 Lisbon toay, and left for 0310,111 at Dartmouth, and left toSay Gordoa (ss) hence at East London at eight a.m. ten a SeptO1 811164 Kow York for this port at Ethiopia (ss) sailed from Sues to-day for London. AMorado (sal sailed from Colombo to-dey for London. Ganges (nns), from London at Calcutta to-day. London.131 SS at and left Sept.

20 for Mira (ss), hence at Calcutta to-day. London 83) ft0Ia CaIcutt3 at port Said toIay, and left for kenSe for Calcutta, at Gibraltar to-day. MadeteiS aie Cajrf GdtJlay' andllt008eded for writersKSg? haT bn reoelTCd at the Unte- SO, Man-lco Rovninn (ss). Monts fnd (ss). Passed: Sept.

21. Mamelnks (ss), from Bombay for Liverpool. Sailed: Sept. 17. Asbbume (ssl (f).

from 3Iarseilles. 19.Saild GoMen Grove (ss), for Odessa. fronfSeSl1 Embl 304 Aanie Storf. both BarbadM, -Sept. 20.

Arrived Saragossa (ss), fromLondon. cmSrtt SlPt 21 Connaught Ranger, from SSw Chnstme, from Grenada for or 3Qoadon; Bristol Sept. 2LArrived Fitzmanrice (ssl.from Almeria Male61" SatacarioBtarC.W-j. LUiSe Eroest-lom St -GtoOpbaf-en, Sept. 21.

Passed Tintem Abbey (ss), from fiiontrcal for Queenstown. Coostantlnople. Arrived Gleneanaor fss), from IiveruooL Passed: Sept 20, S. W. Kelly (6S, from Malta for Arof ri0n (Ji from Liverpool Sailed: Sept.

20, Amcott fss), for Elsinore from London. Liverpool6 AjntiroBe (se), for Lisboa aad Calcutti.Arrijed: Runtenburc, from Capetown; Sept. ZOiAbyssina (ss), from Trieste. Uunkirk, Sept 20.Arrivcd Lucent (ss), from Salonica. iMntzio.

Arrived Mauritania (ss), from Liverpool. tJl Patras; Waima, 1 from Huelva for the Tyne Bonaliara, from Adra for Antwerp. tw 21ste: Stonmore (ss), from the Tyne for lycasas. Tower Hill (ss), from London for Kew York; Earl ftfifw Garr? (). of Dundeee Strathspey (ss), of Glasgow; Gmldford (ss), from Baltimor; ror Antwerp Supernal (ss), for Savona.

Uungenoss, Sept. 2L Passed: Sibylla (ss). of London; Waunea, of LytteltOD, It.Z., Infcow; Wellimrton, of Glas-gow, tow Gramfc, of Christiansand Valparaiso (ss). of Hamburg Incliborva (ss), of Liverpool Sept' Dorada (ss), from London for Demercra, and proceeded. (ss), from Cronstadfc.

x-f-Jv Sept 21 Arrived Dorothea, from Rangoon: frS PoS Chalmers; Ed Eva, from LaaMadre, Bernardino Bravo, and Capella, from SS3? fcr St. Petersburg, lost sails, bulwarks, boat smashed, and cargo shifted; Joseph Arbib (ss), and Itomus (ss), from Suilna. Sailed Spica, forBremen Bremen; Nicolo, for Fleetwood: (esjjor Galveston; Burswell fc), for Dublin; Anna Rosa, for Hamburg; and Niagara, for Liverpool. from LiBbon tor Sydney; City of Varners (be), for Brussels; Vesta Lsi, Wansbecu (ss), and Rainbow (bs), for Hamburg Stork (ss), for Havre Widgeon (ss), for Amsterdam; Ostrich (ss) for Boulogne Maastroom (ss), for Rotterdam Sir R. Feel feshfor DunHrk Resolute (ss), for Ghent Gannet (ss).

for Bordeaux Swallow (ss), tor Ostend. Greeuock, Sept. 21. Arrived Thames (ss), from Bilbao Antona (ss), from the Dardanelles Mauritius (ss), from fregA sailed: Merkara (sa), for London: Ethiopia (ss), tor New York; Grecian (ss), for Montreal Innisfallon, for waRerara: 'Premier for Charleston; Stratford, for Sunds- gvuoa Arrived fGallina (sslfrom the Tyne. Gibraltar, Sept.

20. Arrived: Cascapcdia (ss), from Bom-bay. Passed: Bessano (ss): Sept. 20, Clan Drummond (ss). Cleveland (so), Alleghany (so), and Inchmornish (ss) Cadox-ton (ss), from Calcutta; Potomao (ss), from Alexandria tor London.

Sailed: Sept. 20, Canute (ss), for Lyim; Harold (ss), for Antwerp. Hong Kong, Sept. 20. Arrived; Polyhymnia (sa), from Hamburg: Europe (ss), and Cardiganshire (ss), both from London Deccan (ss), from Bombay City of Tokio (ss), from San FTanciseo Patrodus (ss), from Liverpool; Pandora (ss) from Trieste; Charles Ball, from Cardiff.

Sailed; Sent IB Cambodia (ss), for Shanghai. Hull. Sept. 21. Arrived: Argo (ss), from Antwerp New.

castle (ss), from Haglmgen Flamingo (ss), from Stockholm Erato (ss), from Riga; R. Moxon Ghent; Hydra (ss), from Ostend; Capella, from Archangel; Norma (ss). from Ghent. Sailed Albert (ss), for Rotterdam. to rail, Sept.

19. Sailed; Darent (bs). Antweni 66f 13- aUed: Eretton Hall (ss), for Leith, Sept. 21. Arrived: Mary E.

Wadham fe). from Petersburg (ss) and Orion (ss), both from Cron-stadt: Mane (ss), from Petersburg. SalSSfSlSS01 S3'' fr GftmIer Malta, Sept 20. Arrived: Procida (ss), from Java: Adjutant (ss), from Calcutta Golconda (ss), from Calcutta. Sailed: Clan Buchanau (ss tor London; City of Khios (ss) Mauritius, Sept.

Castle, from Calcutta. Nieuwe Wateiweg. Arrived Auk (ss), from Liverpool Cty of Co (ss), from London. jhalmefB, Sept 19. Arrived: Penstautou (ss), from Port Said Arrived; Sept 19, Thomas Melville (ss), from Cardiff Sept 21, Utrecht (ss) and Castore (ss).

Plymouth, Sept 21. Anlved Windward, from Labrador Jropt' Sa neiro Arrived lungsport, from Liverpool; Sept. London101113 5S h'Oa New Zealand and proceeded for Arrr0.d ttom Newcastle, N.S.3Y. Rio Granfla Arrived Gerhard, from LiverpooL fidpe Point Sept. 2L Off Lottie Kershaw (ss), of Newcastle; Agatha, from Jamaica for London Goorkha iSfc ISyriricsIlwSd, flom Sharpness, Sept.

2L-Arrived: Bedale (s3, from Taganrog. 6 1 Ful'ia (66) from Bremo11 TSundertand, Sept 21. Arrived: Lady Ann (ss), from Ostend Cornett (ss), from Gothenburg Iduna (ssj, from Shields, Sept 21. Arrived: Duke, from Oran, via Leith: Arethusa, from Memel Copernicus, from Archangel Rolf (re), from Antwerp: Gamma (ss), from Pomaron. failed: Devon, tot Bahia: Macedonia, for Honfleur; OlgaTss), tor Copenhagen Peretia (ss), for Swinemunde Zenobia (ss), tor Cronstadt Isle of Bute(ss), for Oporto; Edin (ss).

for Arendal Mimsar (ss), for Genoa; Bewick (ss), for Con-etantmople. Queenstown, Sept 21. Arrived Contest, from Piragua; Albatross, from Krageroe Sac-a-Farine, from Bio Grande Sailed: Balkamah, Stirlingshire, and Luigia Raffo, for Dublin olpmi, for St Nazaire Vico Renie, tor Liverpool; Git ana, for Bremen; Windsor Castle, for Liverpool. Sydney, Septa 20. Sailed Clyde, for London.

Shanghai, Sept. 2L Arrived: Glencoe (ss), from London. Snen Arrived Glenearn (sb), Palm (ss), Venola (ss), Clan Maclean (ss). Sailed: Sept 20, Principia (ss); Victoria 21- Limburg (ss), for Rotterdam. IfreSSp21--1 Wy (S3)- fr0m Swinemunde, Sent 2a Arrived: Risca(ss), from Middles-Dorouffh.

and left for Stettin. Tmxillo, Sept. 15. Arrived Godaiming (6s), from Ifondon. Taganrogg 4ept.

19. Arrived; Ethelred (ss), from Mar seiiles. Valparaiso. Arrived Viola, from liverpool. By CABLE FB-OM NEW YOEK.I Baltimore.

Arrived: Azalea (ss), from Barrow. Balliousie, N.B. Arrived: Lydia, from Liverpool. Galveston. Arrived Prima, from Liverpool.

Halifax. N.S. Arrived Annie "Williams, from Liverpool. New Orleans, Sept. Maharajah (bs), tor Havre.

New. York. Amved: Mam (ss), from Bremen; Norway, from Singapore, Soiled Sept 19. Acadia (ss), for Glasgow SydnemiV0a1' 6cSts Axrived'- from Quebec. Arrived Eieanore, from Liverpool; Sept 21 Peruvian (ss), from JaverpooL Sailed: Sept.

18, Maiid and Mapborough, both for Plymouth Sept 20, Lake Huron (ss) for Liverpool. St. John's, N.F., Sept 20, Arrived: Hibernian juiverpooL St John, N.B. Arrived: J. H.

'Laron, from Liverpool. Savannah. Arrived: 3Vaile, from Liverpool. fro Newcastle, N. S.W.

oept. 20, Kilkerran, from Mauritius. VESSELS SPOKEN. Asmow, from St. for Lublin, Aug.

27, 44 S3 Alexander (Swediali barque), bound wT, Sept. 10 42 6t BntaWaar Castle, from Bombay for Bremen, Sept. 16, 49 jfJ British India, from Rio Janeiro for San YranciBcou Anr 27 23 45 all well Chalmetfce, from Now York for Rangoon, Aug. 23 3 g. 55 Concordia, for Melbourne, Sept.

47 N. Cecil 2 8 8 7 9 8 3 8 8 7 9 6 6 OF LIVjsaPOOL, BRADFORD, AND LONDON STOCKS, osr aATURDAY'and MONDAY NEXT, and Following Da CONTINUATION OF OUR GREAT AUTUMN CLEARANCE SALEk AT FURTHER REDUCTIONS. COUNCELL BROW 07 and 97a, GREAT GEORGRSTREBT, Have pleasure in annoancing that theyavDi offer for Sale, TO-MORROW (SATURDAY) AND MONDAY NEXT i.J1)? Sntim Stock of Merara. R. Lewis and Co.

(in Eejzerol drapers, of 47, Brunawiok-road, pnr-Ty Pubhc tender from the accountant, Mr. T. T. Liverpool, at a discount of 524 per osnt. OI the cost prices.

frt fwk0rf Dress Stock, secoredhyus for cash, from the broker, at a large discount off. rom 40 tts purehased at discounts -varying from Wlto 7o per cent off the cost prices. ijJSSJfl BROWN have great pleasure to fcb0 Pchiasea announced above. stocks to offer of such extraordinary oonditloa The goods will be cannot fail to prove highly advaa-rho ma? be successful to obtaining portions otf the different Iota. J.

LEWIS CO.S STOCK. uSSnif Tery differeht from thoBe uBuaUy offered as Slnearf'radin" fteU th9 and rsidue of 4 iatJlls stance, Messra. Lewie and Co. 111 business about six months only, the stock is. consequently, new and in excellent condition, LONDON MANTLE STOCK.

Mm ubfefiy of Cloth Jackets, Ulstera, and a Quantity of Cloths for making up, worthy the notice of mantle-makere and others. BKAUrORU "URESS STOCK aeSfnIii.R1 new Foods made forthis beea delivered to ua direct and bouht at a targe discount off, this sale van attord the unusual opportunity of obtaining Dress SALE THIS DAY (SATURDAY) A YD MOKDAY, AND FOLLOWING DAYS. CARPETS, BEDSTEADS AND BEDDING. Carpets Made and Laid Free of Charge. COUNCELL BROWN, CITY HOUSE, 97 Aim 97a, GREAT GEORGRCTREET 21se2S 10,000 WORTH OP HITE 0 AT RAY MILES, LONDON-ROAD.


UFh, of the valuable Stock will be offered at o' great in deportments until the whole of the good! are cleared, comprising CARPETS, last year's designs, made and rnfaii CharS' at and 6d; usual price lid yaTusriSi1 square fI0m2iato 18 A splendid assortmentof Guipure d'Art, Leno. Scotch and SSSMSJ ISSS. Wll Ditto, and Smt lidtSFunwa)l SZC8' 8161117 ART TAPESTRY CURTAINS, for Drawing and Dining per pair. AR cLfTZES at 4jd and 6d per yard; usual price ls to rtJneS.5! Tara Cloths, Roman lossed), special 03TY 22, ls9i Sppl' Djmwm, Tara Cloths, Roman InSptoEi Wfcracbfi YTelweta (plainrand embossed), (in very Saturday 13Beocl5 mpobtant SHOW THE LONDON MANTLE COMPANY Having1 just received, tho first Consignment ol NEW AUTUMN MANTLES, "Vvill make a Special Show THIS AND (FOLLOWING DAYS, Of all the Latest Designs in DOLMANS, PALETOTS, LADIES EOUR-IN-HAND ULSTERS, fur cloaks, and cafes. CHILDREN'S GARRICKS, ULSTERS, FUB rrniva AND FOUB-IN-HANDS.

The London Mantle Company beg to observe that, manufacturing all their own Goods, they are really enabled to sell them at WHOLESALE (PRICES. LONDON MANTLE WAREHOUSE, 25 JCXT 27, LONDON-ROAD. 16se24 TEES GUINEA-AND-A-HAIiF MARVEL gUTP Is Imitated but is Not Equsllei jgLEACHED DAMASK TABLE LINEN. tSS I03' 60, inches wide Is Od per Yard 6600 Yards, 60 inches wide Is 2d per Yard. sW Yards, 60 inches wide Is 4d per Yard HALF-PKICK These Goods are worthy the attention of Hotel andRestaursnt Fropnetors, Shipowners, and.


Printed on twoof Hoes Perfecting Machines, each capable of produemg 12,000 copies per hour. The very largo circula-tmn of the Liverpool Weekly Merc any tlu-oughout LamcMhua and Cheshire, Wales, the Northern Counties generally, and the Isle of Man, rendere it the best medium in these districts for Advertisers wishing to reach a vast number of readers who rarely see a daily newspaper, and who therefore peruse a weekly one all the more thortmgkly. Ihese facts cannot fail to recommend the columns of the Weekly Mercury fca the notice of all advertisers who seek wide on.d remunerative publicity for their announcements, A CERTAIN CURE FOR NERVOUS- NESS Gratis, a MEDICAL WORK showing sunerers how they may be curc-d and recover Health and vitality, without the aid of Quacks and Recipes for Purifying tho Blood and Be moving Skin Affections. Free on toluto of LOCAL PATENTS AND TRAUEM A BKR Georg Dyma, of Jablunkau, Austria, vapour baths 4366, W. Cowley and J.

Makin, Liverpool, preserving grasses, 4374-, J. Ritohie, Liverpool, cleaning wheat, ftc. Trademarks: John Goodaere, Liverpool, monogram J. words Santo (Espiritu, Happy Hours, Caricia, Dehcado, The Red Rose, La LaFenella, Elteof La Espana, Oceana, Crown Jewels, Eumador, Our Hero, El Toro, La Silistria, Ernest Wright, raged 17 years, of respectable appearance, was remanded at Leeds on Wednesday, charged with shooting at Police-constable ames Hudson. The constaLle fonnd the prisoner loitering near the Com Exchange at an early hour that morning, and when questioned he ran away.

The officer followed, and the prisoner drew revolver from his pocket and fired. The shot missed, but struck the wall. The prisoner was arrested, and, when asked why he had fired at the officer, replied For a lark. A six-chambered revolver, buck-shot, powder, and caps were fonnd in his possession. Eppss Cocoa.

Grateful and Comporting. By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr, Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a deficately-fiavoured beverage which may save ns many heavy doctors bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified vmh pure blood and a properly-nourished frame.

Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in packets, labelled James Epps and hom*oeopathic chemists, London. 44? maerf oi Eppss Chocolate Essence. tTs Allans Anti-Fat (trade-mark Anti-Fat registered) is the celebrated remedy for Corpulency.

It is purely vegetable, being a compound concentrated fluid extract of sea lichens, and is perfectly harmless. No particular change of diet required. Will reduce a fat person from 2 to 5 lbs. a week. It acts.npon the food in the stomach, preventing its conversion into fat, Corpulency is not omy a disease of itself, but the Harbinger of others, wrote Hippocrates two thousand years and what was true then is not less so to-day.

The consequences of obesity are often more serious than is generally supposed. Obesity is undoubtedly a not infrequent cause of fatty degeneration of the heart and liver. Speaking of the heart, a Iate author says Some of the instances of sudden death of fat people may be reasonably ascribed to a rupture of the organ in this weakened-state. Send stamp for pamphlet entitled How to Get Lean Without Starvation. Anti-Fat sold by all chemists.

Botanic Medicine 3, New Oxford-street, Company groprietors. Agents for thecelebrated new remedy, Eclectiea C. Cumpsty, 80, Islington, Liverpool. Fleming, 107, Preseot-street, ditto. W.

Wynne Thomas, 187, Kensington, ditto, Hughes, 50, Paddington, EdgehiU, ditto. J.Edisbury, Shaw-street, and Bromley, No, London-road, ditto, Walker, 17, Kirkdale-road, ditto. Smiths Pharmacy, 106, Walton-road, ditto, Jones, 185, Westminster-road, ditto. Banner and Son, 179, London-road, ditto. Banner, 24 and 26, Bourne-street, ditto.

7- Banner, 56, Boaler-street, ditto. mail steamer passengers, and nroereded forQurtat 03 p.m. TllO Ancllor Lmp Ktentrspr ri y. ii. iae mian royal fivkS1.njr0D? lAverpool, arrived hero at passengers, and proceed' steamer Ethiopia, from Glasgow; arrived nere to-day, and proceeded for Iew York at five a.

SPORTING NOTES. Friday Eventn-g. The followers of Archer and Wood at Ian-cnester to-day must have had a real good time or it, as they won three races each. Conneille upset a lot of money entrusted to Arbaces for the Lancaster JNursery, and Moccolo made a sorry example of Lyric and three others for the Stam-ford Handicap, "Whitechapel proved tho real good thing he looked for the Oldham Welter. My selections for to-morrow are Manchester Autumn uandip, Antler or Violoncello: Saturday Plate, Tkiangi-E; Welter Handicap, Tee Duke; rBery, Souvenir; Eglinton Nursery, 1--- or Douro; September Cup, Miss CHESTER AUTUMN MEETING.

FRIDAY, SEPT. 21. of 200 sovs. ton.11 toree, 10st. four and upwards, lOst.

x2Ib. Allowances. Onemae. 75 JJr' greens Cylinder, 6 yre F. Archer 1 Mother Shipton.

5 yrs Owner 2 100 to 6 on Cylinder. Won by two lengths. The Lancaster Ncxisebt Hindicap of 390 added to a sweepstakes of 3 sovs. each for acceptors 'Vinners extra. Sis furlongs.

2 5 r- Legh Corraeilie Archer 1 7 I iV00sArbaces Owner 2 i Hodgson sbarcasm filly Gallon 3 Hr Fair Recluse" PJatt 0 7 6 Mr. Leas 'sLoate? 0 7 y- Forsters The Wrekiii V.V.'V. 0 5to2agsfcArbaces, 4 to 1 ajrst CormeilI.9 to 2 ast BretwaJda, 5 to 1 ast Pyrites, 10 to 1 asst The jV rekin, aud 12 to 1 asfc Taffey. -Won by two lengths the same between second and third. tLIAT'JfEP, Handicap of 5 sovs.

each for starters, rtii 150 added, for three-year-olds and upwards Winners extra. Five furioncs. upwards. a TeI5TistMoccolo, 6 yrs c. 3Vood i 8 0 Mr.

Gresleys Flower of 2 6 5 Colonel Foresters Canon, oyrs S. Loates 3 a 3TS- G. 37oodbum 0 6 Sadlers Lvnc, aped p. Archer 0 bettinq 9 to 4 ast Lyric, 5 to 2 asst Moccolo, 100 to apd 5 each asst Assay and Flower of England. 33 on by a length and a half; one length between second and third.

A ST'jtp Of 5 sovs. each, with 100 added, tor Colts, 8st. 121b. fiffies, 8st. Sll7 (Hie winner to be sold tor 100 sovs.

Five furlongs. Colonel Foresters Souvenir F. Archer 1 1 Mr nereS Barfiur Lemaire 2 9 Mr. Devereux Mrs. Candour Putt 3 Eotoschilds Lorlia 33'ood 0 f- Cornopean- Morgan 0 PpuWe Rose GrifBths 0 Sir.

erity ISimhle Ninepence Weldon 0 Bettinff Evens Lcelia, 3 to 1 aqst Souvenir, 7 to ast Swi6 se and 1 to 1 37on bfa length; the same between second and third. The winner was sold to Mr. T. Green for 210 guineas. of 5 sovs.

enoh, with 100 added. Two-year-olds, St. 21b. three. I0st.

31b. four and upwards, lost. Sib. Allowances. Hve furlongs.

JS Eldons Dumunre, 4 vrs 1 Bulls Tower and. Sword, aecd Morcan 2 Betting: 11 to 10 on Tower and Sword, at first 5 to 4 on Dunmoro. Won by three lengths. The Paddock HAj-DrcAP Sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each, 3 100 added.

For three-year-olds and upwards. 3V mners extra. One mile. 7 Wood 1 6 12 Mr. 0 9 i'11 J5ua Mount Pleasant, 6 vra Morgan 6 Betting 9 to 4 agst Frenoy, 5 to 2 Camboge, 4 to 1 Passaic, 6 to 1 agst Jovial, and to 1 agst Mount Plepant.

3Von -a canter by two lengths; a Ienrth forl45 gtSSs1 tIrd' 'rle winner W3S tonglif Sn The OLDHAti 37elter Handicap of 5 sovs, each, tor starters, with loO added, tor three-vears-olds and ud-. wards. 3Vinners extra. Six furlongA 7 Hr' 00 tils 33'hitechapel 4 yrs C. 37ood 1 7 Sr' gjtotoslseley, 4 yrs Lomas 2 I 7 Shepherd First Choice, 6 yrs Platt 3 Slorgan 0 9 J-welyn Jloccolo, 6 yrs 33'atts 0 5 JJr Jancasters Yorkshire Lud, 5 Griffith 0 i 4 Mr.

Howards Lottie, 3 vrs Gallon 10 Mr. lute's Minster, b'vrs Lemaire 3 I1 1 w-Sadlerts Stump Orator. 4 -rs ArchS 0 Bettinc 5 to 4 ast Tiitechapel, 7 to 2 asfe Stuurp Orator, 8 to 1 agst olselev, 10 to 1 each ausfc Moccolo and Lottie, and 12 to 1 each Minster and First Choice, won by two lengths; Half a lenurth between, second and third. BETTING ON THE COURSE. CESiRKWITCH STAKES, ow to 60 agst Come Boy, 600 to 20 A A fc fc 500 to 20 9 to I Hacknes 500 to 20 Sweetbread, 7 Quicklime, 25 to 1 Boswell, 2 53 to 1 Grenville, 500 to 30 Don Juan, fe 60 to 1 Fortisriino, 500 to 50 Cosmos, 50 to 1 Fulmen, 20 to 1 Balidl, 50 to 1 Sachem, CAMBRIDGESHIRE STAKES.

9 to 1 agst Goldfield, I 500 to 20 Hackness, 10 to 1 1 1 1000 to 25 Don Juan, 100 to 7 Hamako, PRO GRAMME FOR THIS BAY (SATURDAY). Horses marked (c) have arrived, i 0. September Cup of 150 fov subscription of 5 sovs. each, 2 ft. Two-year-olds, 6st.

121b. three 8st. 91b. and upwards, 9st. 51b.

Mares and celdinss allowed 31b. Winners in 1832 or 1883 of a weurhtfos-age race value 200 sovs. (selling stakes of a less value than 500 sovs. and matches excepted), 'Jib. twice or of 300 sovs.

101b. of 1000 or thrice of 150 171b. extra horses that have never won a vreight-for age race value 200 allowed two-vear-olds. 51b three and upwards, 121b. Winner to be sold for 205 sovs.

Five furlongs. subscribers. Aqertlh Acresfclb Siren 4 cCanon 3 Cutlet 3 cMii5sF.fla.WildSIiat) 3 Eldest iliss 3 4 2 Longfellow 4 8 Ramebury 8 cLyric a 8 cMaid of Orleans. 6 8 Zorila 4 8 Princess Louiso 6 8 8 4 7 7 7 3 7 8 6 4 2 50. Eglinton Nursery Handicap of 200 added to a sweepstakes of 5 sovs.

each for starters, for two-year-olds. Winners (selling stakes excepted) after September 13, at ten 61b. twice, or of 200 101b. extra. Winner to be sold for 200 if entered by six oclock the evening before running for 100, allowed 71b.

Five furlonr' St lb F. fsisfcer to Crafty), by Kinjjcraffc, dam by Lord Lyon 7 JO Vercue 7 10 7 9 cMr. Grcen 7 4 Madaraeyeruda 7 3 Poor Thing ,.7 2 Sunstroke ..7 0 cF. by See Saw Area Behe 7 0 Tho Dodo 6 12 cDouro 6 12 The following: claim to be sold for 100 Double Rose, Mons Mop, Moonshine, Sir. Green, Hcunbletoaian, and Area Belle iilly.

5 10. Manchester Autumn Handicap of 500 added to a sweepstakes of 15 sovs. each, 10 ft. Winners (selling stakes excepted) after September 5 at ten a.m., 7ib. twice, or of 200 101b.

extra. Second receives 30 sovs. One mile and a quarter. 42 subs, 27 of whom pay 3 fcuineas each. Aije st lb Ago st lb Eleurd Orange 5 7 13 Princess Eladud 6 7 12 Glasgow 4 7 11 Violoncello 3 7 Ben Alder 3 7 8 jcCirrus 5 7 4 Sweet Auburn ,3 7 2 St lb The Princess 8 12 cCampu nil 8 12 cTlie Wrekiu 8 10 Tore 8 10 cTtfiss Galopin 8 9 Banker 8 5 Hentland 8 4 cMonsMeg 8 1 Pales 8 0 cHatnbletoman 8 0 cDouble Rose 8 0 F.

by Nuneham Alameda. 7 10 Toastmaster (inc. 101b ex. 6 10 3 cAlbsvn 4 9 2 oWliinperin 4 9 0 The Jilt 4 8 13 Antler 3 8 2 Winterbourne 4 8 1 Duke of Albany 3 3 0 i 3 40. Selling Nursery Handicap of 5 sovs.

each for starters, with 100 added, fortwo-year-olds. Winner to be sold for 30. Winners after the declaration of the weights 71b. extra. Entrance 2 sovs.

Fivefurlons. St lb I St lb cSouvenir 8 12 cOnvell 0 cllrs. Candour 8 5 1 Nimble Ntacpenco 7 5 4 5. Saturday Sluing Handicap Plate of 100 guineas. Winners after the declaration of theweights 71b.

extra. Winner to be sold tor 50. Heavy weiffits Entrance 3 sovs. Five furlongs. Age st lb cFreney 490 cDunmore 4 8 12 Whirlpool 4 8 5 cDexterity 3 8 7 4 30.

Welter Handicap Plate of 150 sovs. Winners after the declaration of the -weights 71b. extra. Entrance 3 gnineas. One mile.

Age st lb Age st lb Cylinder 6 10 5 cOldGoid 1 8 cM oiseley 4 9 I Research 4 cPelerine 3 9 4icRufina 3 cThe Duke .3 8 11 cStar Chamber 5 The Disqualified Hunters Plats did not fill Additional Arrivals. Antler, Ben Alder, Dexterity, Fleur d'Orange, Glasgow, Moonshine. Old Gold Pelerine, aad Winterbourne. CALEDONIAN HUNT AND WESTERN (AYR) MEETING. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21.

The Two-year-old Selling Plate of Colts fillies and geldings, Sst-lllb. Allowances. Five furlongs. 7 4 Mr. Underhills Josie Goodway i 7 4 Duke oi Hamilton's Al! Sweet Skipp 2 9 Duke of Montrose's Callander Moran .3 I I HT- Sir Stafford G.

Barrett 0 7 7 Mr. 1. I Anson Chutney fa*gan 0 Betting Evens Josie, 100 to 30 agst Callander 1L to 1 agst All Sweet, and 6 to 1 agst Sir Stafford. Won by a length and a half a head between second and third. The Consolation Welter Plate of lOCKs.

for aU ages. Two-year-olds, three, lOst. tour and upwards, list. 21b. Allowances.

She furlongs of Molltrose's Strathblane, aged Moran 1 9 0 Mr. Jardines Newton, 2 yrs J. Osborne 2 5ufforl 31aid-colt, 2 yrs -Dobbins 3 to ii fr Prospectus, 6 yrs Owner 0 In It Mr Muir Sunshine, 7 yrs Fa-an in II Kr ftoyduno, 4 yrs Mr. H. Owen 0 10 11 Mr.

Lambtons The Echo, 3 Owner 0 Letting 7 to 7 on Newton, 7 to I agst Strothblano, 8 to 1 agst Sunshme, and 10 to 1 agst any other. Won by two lengths one length between second and third. A Selling Handicap Plate of 105 for three's rl Winners extra. Once round. 6 Mr.

Craigs Odeon p. Barrett 1 Mr. Wylie's Canzonette Silaro 2 12 Mr. Lunds Chronometer Bell 3 Vr- MnkiesJLoiiieHolreyde 0 co*cksworth Catwick Lass Boterill 0 Mr. Burnss St.

Helens Laurence 0 10 Mr. Hetherington's duch*ess of Marl- -Kidley 0 Mr. Abbotts Moonstone Woodbuni 0 8 Air. w. I Ansons Camma Farain 0 2 Mr.

Jardino's Maid of the Glen gelding-. 0 0 Mr. Martins Copenhagen Hinton 0 Betting 6 to 4 agst Chronometer, 5 to 2 agst Maid of the Glen gelding, and 5 to agst Odeon. Won by three-quarters of a length a length and a half between second and third. The AYR Gold Cup (Handicap) of 500 by subscription oi 10 sovs each, p.p.

V' inner extra. Once round (about one mile and 200 yards). 5 Mr. Lees Tibiceu, 4 yrs F. Barrett 1 2 Mr.

Hopes Lady Adelaide, 3 yrs Goodway 2 2, Mr. Bairds Man of War, 3 yrs 3 1 Sir Johnstone? Strelitzift, 5 yrs Barrett 0 4 Mr. Stevensons Craig Boys ton. 3 yrs Beil 0 niVil, 1 JlO Whin Blossom, 4 yrs Bowman 0 11 Lord Zetlands MacMahon. 3yis Woodburu 0 0 Mr.

El-Joy's Free Banger. 3 yrs Bidiey.O Betting 5 to 2 agst MacMahon, 7 to 2 agst Craig ana oJ wf i ecu ks6 juiw ot by THE FEET. Sufferers from corns, bunions, and other Agents of the Feet should at once visit w. H. JACOB nnd SON, who, from long experience, are enabled to give perfect relief by their system if making proper LASTS on which to make the Boots and Shoes also OOT; TREES for keeping the boote hi "KM reiSwl ica tBOd aasy-fltos BOOTS, with use of bathroom.

Itochildreiior Other lodgera. Close.MWe.W' ae4e7 Cre 1 aviiV 4 rere re. -W a at, 1 A a a re 7 aifsvv --r- 3tatiQD, and tram3 W. H. JACOB Spellow pass.

Liverpool Mercury, etc. from Liverpool, Merseyside, England (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.