Durham-Ellis Pecan Company: Wasabi Peas (2024)

';strInputsOutput = strTemp;if ( ! oProdInfo.showCart ) {strTemp = strInputsOutput + '-';} else {strTemp = strInputsOutput + '';// Build hidden input for case sizesvar caseSize = 0;if (bUseCaseQty) {if (bUseChildCaseQty) {caseSize = oProdInfo.case_qty;} else {caseSize = 1;}strTemp += '';}}strInputsOutput = strTemp;strTemp = strInputsOutput + '

' + oProdInfo.invMsg;strInputsOutput = strTemp;strTemp = strInputsOutput + '' + oProdInfo.sku + ''// Show case quantity textif ( bUseCaseQty && bUseChildCaseQty && oProdInfo.case_qty > 0 ) {strTemp += sCaseQtyText.replace('

', oProdInfo.case_qty);}strInputsOutput = strTemp + '

';if ( iColCount == iTotalCol ) {strTemp = strInputsOutput + '

';strInputsOutput = strTemp;iColCount = 0;} //- if ( iColCount == iTotalCol )} //- for ( strPKey in window.oChildProds )} catch ( oError ) {alert(oError.message);}var caseQtyText = '';if ( bUseCaseQty && ! bUseChildCaseQty ) {caseQtyText = 'Available in cases of 1';}sAtcHtml = '

Available Sizes

' + caseQtyText + '' + sHeadRow + strInputsOutput + '

';if ( bUseProductAliases ) {if ( jQuery.trim(oProdInfo.pa_key) != '' ) {sAtcHtml += '';} //- if jQuery.trim(oProdInfo.pa_key) != '' )} //- if ( bUseProductAliases )if ( bShowAtc ) {sAtcHtml += '';} //- if ( bShowAtc )sAtcHtml += '

';jQuery('#detail_mx1_sizeinfo').html(sAtcHtml);} catch ( oError ) {alert(oError.message);document.getElementById('detail_mx1_sizeinfo').innerHTML = 'Error loading sizes found in this color!';HideLoading()}HideLoading();} //- function fncDrawColorSizes()/** * Update Qty for "Select List" Addon Products */function fncUpdateAddonsSelectQty(oSelect){sPKey = jQuery(oSelect).val();jQuery('#addon_qty_container').html('');}//-function fncUpdateAddons/** * Ajax to process parent-child product nested drop list displays * * @author dand * @internal refactored on 4/8/2010 - dand * * @param int vOptint of the option to processed (1-4) * @param bool vKeepGoingdetermines if function should recurse * @param int vLastthe total number of nested drop lists (1-4) */function fncGetOptDroplist ( vOpt, vKeepGoing, vLast ) {var oAjaxData = {'opts': vOpt, 'detailpageaction': 'ajaxcall', 'actiontype': 'getnestedopts', 'key': 'B4381EE227184CFCAEE89D41673DDEC4', 'parent_atc': '1', 'parent_price': '1', 'use_child_pics': 'false', 'use_child_docs': 'false', 'use_child_cart_opts': 'false', 'use_child_ds': 'false', 'parent_config_sections':''};switch ( vOpt ) {/* * Add mode case condition for 5 & 6 Droplist * @authorpijushb * @since5/17/2012 */case 6:var sOpt5Key = jQuery('#prod_opt5').val();var oOpt5Info = window.oChildProds[sOpt5Key];var sVal = escapeUriQueryParens(jQuery("#prod_opt5 option[value='" + sOpt5Key + "']").text());if ( sChildProductOpt5 !== '' ) sVal = sChildProductOpt5oAjaxData.opt5 = sVal;//Drop Throughcase 5:var sOpt4Key = jQuery('#prod_opt4').val();var oOpt4Info = window.oChildProds[sOpt4Key];var sVal = escapeUriQueryParens(jQuery("#prod_opt4 option[value='" + sOpt4Key + "']").text());if ( sChildProductOpt4 !== '' ) sVal = sChildProductOpt4oAjaxData.opt4 = sVal;//Drop Throughcase 4:var sOpt3Key = jQuery('#prod_opt3').val();var oOpt3Info = window.oChildProds[sOpt3Key];var sVal = escapeUriQueryParens(jQuery("#prod_opt3 option[value='" + sOpt3Key + "']").text());if ( sChildProductOpt3 !== '' ) sVal = sChildProductOpt3oAjaxData.opt3 = sVal;//Drop Throughcase 3:var sOpt2Key = jQuery('#prod_opt2').val();var oOpt2Info = window.oChildProds[sOpt2Key];var sVal = escapeUriQueryParens(jQuery("#prod_opt2 option[value='" + sOpt2Key + "']").text());if ( sChildProductOpt2 !== '' ) sVal = sChildProductOpt2oAjaxData.opt2 = sVal;//Drop Throughcase 2:var sVal = escapeUriQueryParens(jQuery('#prod_opt1').val());oAjaxData.opt1 = sVal;break;default:break;} //- switch ( vOpt )jQuery.ajax({url: "/mixes-snacks-fruits-seeds/wasabi-peas-12-oz-bag.asp", data: oAjaxData, cache: false, type: "GET", dataType: "json", beforeSend: function() { ResizeLoadingBG(); }, success: function(oData){ fncDrawOptDroplist( oData, vOpt, vKeepGoing, vLast ) }});} //- function fncGetOptDroplist ( vOpt, vKeepGoing, vLast )// EVENT FUNCTIONS ==================================================function fncDrawOptDroplist ( oData, vOpt, bKeepGoing, vLast ) {var iOpt = parseInt(vOpt);var iLastOpt = parseInt(vLast);var aUsedValues = new Array();var sProdKey = '';var sDispplayValue = '';var oProdInfo;window.oChildProds= oData;if ( document.getElementById('prod_opt' + (iOpt - 1)) ){document.getElementById('prod_opt' + (iOpt - 1)).disabled = false;}if ( bKeepGoing ) {bKeepGoing = true;} else {bKeepGoing = false;}if ( iLastOpt == iOpt ) {bKeepGoing = false;}try {/* * removes all previous options */var oOptSelect = document.getElementById('prod_opt' + iOpt);oOptSelect.options.length = 0;try {for ( strPKey in window.oChildProds ) {oProdInfo = window.oChildProds[strPKey];/* * Updated logic for building the droplist options if their is a sku in the * querystring that is an exact match to a child product sku so it can * preselect the correct options to load the child product sku searched for * johns - 06/27/2013 */if ( sChildProductKey !== '' ) {switch ( iOpt ) {case 2 :sDispplayValue = sChildProductOpt2;break;case 3 :sDispplayValue = sChildProductOpt3;break;case 4 :sDispplayValue = sChildProductOpt4;break;case 5 :sDispplayValue = sChildProductOpt5;break;case 6 :sDispplayValue = sChildProductOpt6;break;}}if ( sDispplayValue === oProdInfo.opt ) {sProdKey = sChildProductKey;} else if ( ( ! InArray ( aUsedValues, oProdInfo.opt ) && InArray ( aUsedValues, sDispplayValue ) ) || sDispplayValue !== oProdInfo.opt) {sDispplayValue = oProdInfo.opt;sProdKey = strPKey;}if ( ! InArray ( aUsedValues, sDispplayValue ) && sProdKey !== '' ) {oOptSelect.options[oOptSelect.options.length] = new Option(jQuery('').html(sDispplayValue).text(), sProdKey);aUsedValues[aUsedValues.length] = jQuery('').html(sDispplayValue).text();}}/* * added code to preselect options based on an exact child sku match passed in the querystring * johns - 06/27/2013 */if ( sChildProductKey !== '' ) {oOptSelect.value = sChildProductKey;}/* * Recursivly Call fncGetOptDroplist until * we're done getting all the drop lists */if ( bKeepGoing ) {if ( iOpt == 5 ) {fncGetOptDroplist ( iOpt + 1, false, iLastOpt );} else {fncGetOptDroplist ( iOpt + 1, true, iLastOpt );}} else {fncProcessOptProduct ( iOpt );HideLoading();clearOpts();} //- if ( bKeepGoing )} catch ( err ) {alert(err.message);HideLoading();}if ( oOptSelect.options.length < 1 ) {oOptSelect.options[oOptSelect.options.length] = new Option('No Sub-Options Found', '');oOptSelect.disabled = true;} else {oOptSelect.disabled = false;}} catch (err) {alert(err.message);}/* * Add Code to show/hide review message and buttons. * @author pijushb * @since 1/24/2012 **/ if (bShowBackOrderMessage) {sPrevSku = jQuery("#previous_sku").val();bReviewMessage = $("#review_message_"+sPrevSku).is(":visible")if (bReviewMessage){$("#review_message_"+sPrevSku).hide();}bSubmitButton = $("#submit_button").is(":visible")if (!bSubmitButton){ $("#submit_button").show(); $("#check_stock_button").show(); $("#checkout_button").hide();} }} //- function fncDrawOptDroplist//================================================================/** * SearchString escape the parens in the uri query * * @param string sValstring containing the value to escape * @return stringstring with properly escaped parens for searchstring */function escapeUriQueryParens(sVal){if(typeof sVal == 'undefined'){return;}sValue = sVal;sValue = sValue.replace(/%28/gi,"\(");sValue = sValue.replace(/%29/gi,"\)");sValue = sValue.replace(/\(/gi,"\\(");sValue = sValue.replace(/\)/gi,"\\)");return sValue;}function fncProcessOptProduct ( vOpt ) {/* * if you need to use the thickbox for displaying, add the identifier to the list * at the bottom of this function to prevent "tb_init()" from being called multiple * times causing multiple instances of the window * @authorjohns * @since01/31/2013 * * @modifiedjohns * @since02/12/2013 * @noteIf you are just updating an anchor tag, then just add the selector * to the list at the bottom of this function. If you are actually * building the anchor tag, then call the initializeThickbox function *and pass the specific selector in a call to the initializeThickbox *function. */bShowSF6 = falsetry {var thisKey = jQuery('#prod_opt' + vOpt).val();var oProdInfo = window.oChildProds[thisKey];//Global scope the pkeywindow.sChildPkey = thisKey;/* * Bail if no key or no product data */if ( thisKey == '' || typeof oProdInfo == "undefined" ) {hideProductContainer();return false;} //- if ( thisKey == '' )if ( jQuery('#qty_box').length > 0 )jQuery('#qty_box').attr('name', 'qty_' + thisKey);jQuery('#keys').val(thisKey);/* * Update SKU */if (bShowSku) {jQuery('#sku_container').html('SKU: ' + oProdInfo.sku);/*'** ' Added link to sku on dropdown views ' @since 1/10/2004 ' @author jferguson'**/if (bDroplistChildSkuLink){jQuery("#sku_container").wrapInner("");}}if (bShowSF6){jQuery('#sf6_container').html(' ' + oProdInfo.searchfield6);}/* * jhull 5/15/2015 * Added Seachfield11 */if (bShowSearchfield11OnChildProducts) {jQuery('#searchfield11_on_child_products').html('searchfield11: ' + oProdInfo.searchfield11);}if (bShowName)jQuery('#child_nm_container').html('Name: ' + oProdInfo.name);if (bShowDesc)jQuery('#child_ds_container').html('Description: ' + oProdInfo.description);/* * Cart */if ( oProdInfo.showCart ) {if ( jQuery('#child_cart_section').length > 0 )jQuery('#child_cart_section').show();/* * Handle Cart Options defined on Child Product */if ( bUseChildCartOpts ) {if ( oProdInfo.cartOptions != '' && jQuery('#pc_cart_options_' + vOpt).length > 0 ) {buildCartOption(thisKey, oProdInfo.cartOptions, vOpt);} else {jQuery('#pc_cart_options_' + vOpt).html('');}} //- if ( bUseChildCartOpts )/* * Cart Options defined on Parent (standard config) * need to know if this is the "last" droplist being displayed... */if ( jQuery('#pc_cart_options_' + vOpt).length > 0 ) {jQuery('#pc_cart_options_' + vOpt).slideDown();// change the name of the hidden input so it will post to the item in the cartjQuery('#cart_option_B4381EE227184CFCAEE89D41673DDEC4').attr("name","cart_option_" + thisKey);} //- if ( jQuery('#pc_cart_options_' + vOpt).length > 0 )/* * Updating name of Tax Exempt with current key * @auther - vinayakj * @since - 2/5/2013 */} else {hideChildProductInputs();} //- if(oProdInfo.showCart)/* * Product Unit Display */if ( 'productUnit' in oProdInfo && oProdInfo.productUnit != '' ) jQuery('#product_unit_container').html('Unit: ' + oProdInfo.productUnit);/* * Single Unit of Measure (products.unit) */if ( 'uomHTML' in oProdInfo && oProdInfo.uomHTML != '' ) {jQuery('#detail_atc_standalone').html(oProdInfo.uomHTML);jQuery('#child_cart_section').html(oProdInfo.uomHTML);} //- if ( 'uomHTML' in oProdInfo && oProdInfo.uomHTML != '' )/* * Parent Addon Products */if ( bShowParentAddonProds ) {jQuery('#addon_product_container').slideDown();jQuery('#addon_products').attr('name','keys');} else {jQuery('#addon_product_container').slideUp();jQuery('#addon_products').attr('name','keys_no_post');} //- if ( bShowParentAddonProds )/* * Child Addon Products */if ( bShowChildAddonProds && 'showChildAddonProds' in oProdInfo ) {if ( ! oProdInfo.showChildAddonProds ) {jQuery('#addon_product_container').slideUp();jQuery('#addon_products').attr('name','keys_no_post');} else {jQuery('#addon_product_container').slideDown();jQuery('#addon_products').attr('name','keys');} //- if ( ! oProdInfo.showChildAddonProds )} //- if ( 'showChildAddonProds' in oProdInfo )/* * Price *//* * Check for Price Display type * @authorpijushb * @since4/25/2011 */var bShowRegPrice= true;var bShowATCQty= false;var sShowMessage = '';if ( sShowPriceDisplayTypeDropList ) {switch ( sPriceDisplayType ) {case 'hide':bShowRegPrice= false;bShowATCQty= true;sShowMessage= '-';break;case 'show_message':bShowRegPrice= false;bShowATCQty= true;sShowMessage= sPriceMessage;break;case 'require_atc':bShowRegPrice= false;bShowATCQty= true;sShowMessage= sHelpText;break;case 'require_login_or_atc':bShowRegPrice= false;bShowATCQty= true;sShowMessage= sHelpTextbreak;case 'require_login_for_price_and_atc':bShowRegPrice= false;sShowMessage= sHelpTextLoginbreak;default:bShowRegPrice = true;break;} //- switch ( sPriceDisplayType )} // if ( sShowPriceDisplayTypeDropList )if ( bShowRegPrice ) {//Display standard} else {oProdInfo.showPrice=false;jQuery('#price_display_type_message').html('

' + sShowMessage + '

');if ( ! bShowATCQty ) {jQuery('#child_cart_section').hide();} //- if ( ! bShowATCQty )} //- if ( bShowRegPrice )/* * Set Dangerous Price Ratio * @authorvinayakj * @since4/25/2011 */if ( bShowHazmatRatio ) {if ( oProdInfo.dangerous_price_ratio > 0 ) {jQuery('#dangerous_price_ratio').show();jQuery('#dangerous_price_ratio_value').html(oProdInfo.dangerous_price_ratio);} else { jQuery('#dangerous_price_ratio').hide();} //- if ( oProdInfo.dangerous_price_ratio > 0 )} //- if ( bShowHazmatRatio )if ( oProdInfo.showPrice ) {/* * Draw full UOM section (products.uom_std, products.uom_sales, * products.uom_sales_conversion and additional unit of measure * conversions from the unit_of_measure table) */sUomView = '';if ( bShowSalesUOM || bOnlyShowSalesUOM || bShowAdditionalSalesUOM ) {sUomView = fncDrawUOM ( thisKey, oProdInfo );}if ( sUomView != '' ) {jQuery('#child_cart_section').html( sUomView );jQuery('#child_cart_section').show();} else {if ( jQuery('#price_container').length > 0 ) {/* * Add Qty Pricing Link for Child Product */var sPriceBreakHTML = '';if ( bShowChildQtyPricing ) {if ( 'showPriceBreaks' in oProdInfo ) {sPriceBreakHTML = '
  • ';} //- if ( 'showPriceBreaks' in oProdInfo )} //- if ( bShowChildQtyPricing )iRetailPrice= parseFloat(oProdInfo.retail_price.replace('$','').replace(',',''));iPrice = parseFloat(oProdInfo.price.replace('$','').replace(',',''));cRetailPrice= oProdInfo.retail_price;cListPrice= oProdInfo.listprice;cPrice = oProdInfo.price/* * code to compare final price to retail price or suggested retail price * depending on which values are populated and value are greater than * the final price returned by the oRs.GetPrice call * * @authorjohns * @since12/22/2011 * * * Modified code to always display the list price. * (if it's blank/zero, retail price is displayed * instead. * @authordcohen * @since11/4/2013 * @seetask #42616 */if ( bShowPriceCompare ) {var iListPrice = 0if ( oProdInfo.listprice != undefined ) {iListPrice = parseFloat(oProdInfo.listprice.replace('$','').replace(',',''));} //- if ( oProdInfo.listprice )if ( iListPrice == 0 ) {iListPrice = iRetailPrice;cListPrice = cRetailPrice;}if ( iPrice < iListPrice ) {if ( true ) {iPercent= (iListPrice - iPrice) / iListPrice;iPercentSaved= iPercent * 100;jQuery('#price_container').html('
    • ' + cPrice + '
    • ' + sPriceBreakHTML + '
    • List Price: ' + cListPrice + '
    • You Save: ' + Math.round(iPercentSaved * 100) / 100 + '%
    ');} else {jQuery('#price_container').html('
    • ' + cPrice + '
    • ' + sPriceBreakHTML + '
    • List Price: ' + cListPrice + '
    ');}//- if( 1 )} else {jQuery('#price_container').html('
    • ' + FormatCurrency(oProdInfo.price, true) + '
    • ' + sPriceBreakHTML + '
    ');}} else {jQuery('#price_container').html('
    • ' + FormatCurrency(oProdInfo.price, true) + '
    • ' + sPriceBreakHTML + '
    ');} //- if ( bShowPriceCompare )} //- if(jQuery('#price_container').length > 0)} //- if ( sUomView != '' )jQuery('#price_container').show();}else {jQuery('#price_container').hide();}//- if ( oProdInfo.showPrice )/* * Add hidden field for qty available to check back order. * @authorpijushb * @since9/28/2011 */if ( bShowBackOrderMessage ) {jQuery('.qtyavailable').remove();jQuery('#idp_container').parent().append('')} //- if ( bShowBackOrderMessage )/* * Inventory */if ( oProdInfo.showInventory ) {//Set IDP FieldsjQuery('#idp_container').html(oProdInfo.invMsg);jQuery('#inventory_qty').val(oProdInfo.invQty);jQuery('#inventory_status').val(oProdInfo.invStatus);/** * if status = out then show "add product to watch list" link * * @authorjohns * @since12/11/2009 */if ( bShowInvWatchLink ) {if ( oProdInfo.invStatus != 'in' ) {if (!oProdInfo.showCart){hideChildProductInputs();}var selected_prod = document.getElementById('prod_opt'+ vOpt).selectedIndex;var selected_prod_nm = document.getElementById('prod_opt'+ vOpt).options[selected_prod].text.replace('#','%23');if(bUseProdInvWatch) {if(oProdInfo.showInvWatchLink) {jQuery('#idp_container').append('
    Add Product to Inventory Watch List');}}else{jQuery('#idp_container').append('
    Add Product to Inventory Watch List');}initializeThickbox('#idp_container a.thickbox')} //- if ( oProdInfo.invStatus == 'out' )} //- if ( bShowInvWatchLink )} //- if ( oProdInfo.showInventory )if ( bShowInvByWarehouse ) {jQuery.ajax({url: "?pageaction=inventorybywarehouse&key=" + thisKey, cache: false, dataType: "text", success: function(sResponse){jQuery('#pw_table').html(sResponse);}});}/* * Append Favorite link with Current Child Product Key * @auther - vinayakj - * @since - 6/5/2012 */if ( bShowFavoriteLink && bShowChildFavoriteLink ) {if (bShowChildFavoriteLinkAfterATC){if (jQuery('#addfavechild').length == 0){jQuery('#child_cart_section').after('
    • Add to Favorites
    ');}}else{if (jQuery('#idp_container li[id="addfavechild"]').length === 0){jQuery('#idp_container').append('
    • Add to Favorites
    ');}}initializeThickbox('#detail_links a.thickbox');}/* * Replaces Favorite link with Updated Child Product Key * @auther - lroselli * @since - 2/4/2013 */if ( bShowFavoriteLink && bShowChildFavoriteLink ) {jQuery('#addfavechild').html('Add to Favorites');initializeThickbox('#addfavechild a.thickbox');}/** * Child Product Images * * @authordand * @since4/6/2010 */if ( bUseChildPics ) {/** * Main Image & View Larger Link */if ( oProdInfo.pic && oProdInfo.pic != '' ) {/* * Clear Child Image & View Larger link *//*if(jQuery(".child_prod_img_link").length > 0){jQuery(".child_prod_img_link").remove();jQuery("#child_detail_enlarge").remove();}*//* * Build Image & View Larger Link */if ( oProdInfo.lg_pic != '' ) {/*jQuery("div.detail_photo").prepend(''+ 'View Larger');*/jQuery('#detail_photo_container a.thickbox').attr('href', 'images/' + oProdInfo.lg_pic);jQuery('#detail_photo_container img#prodpicthumb').attr('src', 'images/' + oProdInfo.pic);} else {/*jQuery(".detail_photo").prepend('Durham-Ellis Pecan Company: Wasabi Peas (3)
    ');*/jQuery('#detail_photo_container img#prodpicthumb').attr('src', 'images/' + oProdInfo.pic);} //- if ( oProdInfo.lg_pic != '' )/* * Hide Parent & Show Child *//*//parent imagesjQuery("#prodpicthumb").hide();jQuery("#detail_enlarge").hide();//no imagejQuery(".detail_photo p:contains('sorry, no image')").hide();//child imagejQuery(".child_prod_img_link").fadeIn( 1000 );*/} else {jQuery('#detail_photo_container a.thickbox').attr('href', sLargePic);jQuery('#detail_photo_container img#prodpicthumb').attr('src', sDetailPic);/* * Hide Child Image & Show Parent Image *//*//parent imagesjQuery("#prodpicthumb").fadeIn( 1000 );jQuery("#detail_enlarge").show();//no imagejQuery(".detail_photo p:contains('sorry, no image')").show();//child imagejQuery(".child_prod_img_link").hide();jQuery("#child_detail_enlarge").hide();*/} //- if ( oProdInfo.pic && oProdInfo.pic != '' )/* * Additional Images */if ( oProdInfo.additionalPics && oProdInfo.additionalPics.length > 0 ) {/* * Clear Child Additional Images */if ( jQuery('.detail_multipic ul.child_prods').length > 0 ) {jQuery('.detail_multipic ul.child_prods li').remove();} else {jQuery('.detail_multipic').append('');} //- if ( jQuery('.detail_multipic ul.child_prods').length > 0 )/* * Build Child Additional Images */for ( var iCounter = 0, goTo = oProdInfo.additionalPics.length - 1; iCounter <= goTo; iCounter++ ) {oPics = oProdInfo.additionalPics[iCounter];jQuery('.detail_multipic ul.child_prods').append('
  • ');} //- for ( var iCounter = 0, goTo = oProdInfo.additionalPics.length - 1; iCounter <= goTo; iCounter++ )/* * Hide Parent Images & Show Child Images */jQuery('.detail_multipic ul').not('.child_prods').hide();jQuery('.detail_multipic ul.child_prods').fadeIn( 1000 );initializeThickbox('.detail_multipic ul.child_prods a.thickbox');} else {/* * Hide Child Images & Show Parent Images */jQuery('.detail_multipic ul').not('.child_prods').fadeIn( 1000 );jQuery('.detail_multipic ul.child_prods').hide();} //- if ( oProdInfo.additionalPics && oProdInfo.additionalPics.length > 0 )} //- if ( bUseChildPics )/* * Child Product Documents * * @authordand * @since4/6/2010 */if ( bUseChildDocs ) {if ( oProdInfo.documents.length > 0 ) {jQuery('.detail_info #doc_download').parent().show();/* * Clear Child Documents */if ( jQuery("#child_doc_download").length > 0 ) {jQuery("#child_doc_download").html('Downloads:');} else {jQuery("#doc_download").parent().append('');} //- if ( jQuery("#child_doc_download").length > 0 )/* * Build Child Documents */for ( var iCounter = 0, goTo = oProdInfo.documents.length - 1; iCounter <= goTo; iCounter++ ) {oDocConfig = oProdInfo.documents[iCounter];jQuery("#child_doc_download").append('' + oDocConfig.link + '
    ');} //- for ( var iCounter = 0, goTo = oProdInfo.documents.length - 1; iCounter <= goTo; iCounter++ )/* * Hide Parent Docs & Show Child Docs */jQuery('#doc_download').hide();jQuery('#child_doc_download').show();} else {/* * Hide Child Docs */jQuery('#child_doc_download').hide();/* * Show Parent Docs - If there are any */if ( jQuery('#doc_download').find('span').eq(1).html() == '' ) {jQuery('#doc_download').hide();} else {jQuery('#doc_download').show();} //- if ( jQuery("#doc_download").find('span').eq(1).html() == '' )} //- if( oProdInfo.documents.length > 0 )} else {//akazura 10/7/2014 bUseChildDocs should not determine if any documents are shown only if child docs are shown.// there is already an xml option that determines if documents should be shown so this variable should not decide that as well//jQuery('.detail_info #doc_download').parent().hide();} //- if ( bUseChildDocs )/* * Child Product Qty Pricing * * @authorjohns * @since11/6/2010 */if ( bShowChildQtyPricing && 'showPriceBreaks' in oProdInfo && oProdInfo.showPriceBreaks ) {jQuery('#qtypricing').html('' + sQtyPricingLinkLabel + '');initializeThickbox('#qtypricing a.thickbox');} //- if ( bShowChildQtyPricing )/* * Use Child Product Description * * @authorjohns * @since11/6/2010 */if ( bUseChildDescription && ! bShowDesc ) {if ( 'description' in oProdInfo ) {if ( oProdInfo.description ) {jQuery('#detail_desc_content_0').html(oProdInfo.description);} //- if ( oProdInfo.description )} //- if ( 'ds' in oProdInfo )} //- if ( bUseChildDescription )/* * Add Code to show/hide review message and buttons. * * @authorpijushb * @since1/24/2012 */if ( bShowBackOrderMessage ) {sPrevSku = jQuery('#previous_sku').val();bReviewMessage = jQuery('#review_message_' + sPrevSku).is(':visible')if ( bReviewMessage ) {jQuery("#review_message_"+sPrevSku).hide();} //- if ( bReviewMessage )bSubmitButton = jQuery('#submit_button').is(':visible')if ( ! bSubmitButton ) { jQuery('#submit_button').show(); jQuery('#check_stock_button').show(); jQuery('#checkout_button').hide();} //- if ( ! bSubmitButton )} //- if ( bShowBackOrderMessage )if ( bUseProductAliases ) {if ( 'pa_key' in oProdInfo ) {if ( oProdInfo.pa_key ) {jQuery('#pa_id').html(oProdInfo.pa_key);} //- if ( oProdInfo.pa_key )} //- if ( 'pa_key' in oProdInfo )} //- if ( bUseProductAliases )/* * Displaying Config Data * @auther - vinayakj * @since - 5/2/2012 */if ( bShowProdConfig ) {if ('prod_config_droplist' in oProdInfo) { jQuery('#config_sections_container').html(htmlDecode(oProdInfo.prod_config_droplist));} else {jQuery('#config_sections_container').html('');}/* * Put Config Keys */if ( 'config_keys' in oProdInfo) {jQuery('#config_keys').val(oProdInfo.config_keys);if ( jQuery('#qty_box').length > 0 )jQuery('#qty_box').attr('name', 'qty_' + oProdInfo.config_keys);}/* * Put use_parent_key */if ( 'use_parent_key' in oProdInfo) {jQuery('#use_parent_key').val(oProdInfo.use_parent_key);}/* * Put show_config_sections */if ('show_config_sections' in oProdInfo) {jQuery('#show_config_sections').val(oProdInfo.show_config_sections);if (oProdInfo.show_config_sections == "1"){jQuery.ajax({url: '?pageaction=getconfigdata&config_key=' + jQuery('#config_keys').val() + '&key=', cache: false, dataType: "html", success: function(sResponse){ jQuery('#config_sections_container').html(htmlDecode(sResponse));}});} else {jQuery('#config_sections_container').html('');}} } /* * reinitialize Thickbox after modifying the DOM; make this call only once to * prevent multiple instances of the window from showing * @authorjohns * @since01/31/2013 */ if ( bInitThickbox ) { initializeThickbox('area.thickbox, input.thickbox'); bInitThickbox = false; } //- if ( bInitThickbox )} catch ( oError ) {alert('fncProcessOptProduct(' + vOpt + '): ' + oError.message);hideProductContainer();}//Adding code to account for Child Min/Max/Case qtys//5/20/2016 #86607//oProdInfo//bUseChildCaseQty -> case_qty_if(bUseChildCaseQty) {$('#case_qty_'+sPKey).val(oProdInfo.case_qty);}if(bValidateMinMaxQty) {$('#min_max_qty_msg').html('Min Qty:
    Max Qty: '.replace("", oProdInfo.min_order_qty).replace("", oProdInfo.max_order_qty));$('#min_order_qty_'+sPKey).val(oProdInfo.min_order_qty);}} //- function fncProcessOptProduct ( vOpt )function htmlDecode(value) {if (value) {return $('').html(value).text();} else {return '';}}/** * Draw UOM Table * * @authorjohns * @since3/17/2011 * @paramsPKeystring - the key of the product we are looking at *oDataobject - object containing the data from the ajax call * * @returnUOM Table HTML */function fncDrawUOM( sPKey, oData ) {try {/* * if the product price is blank, then exit the function */if ( oData.price == '' ) {sUOMHtml = '';return sUOMHtml;}/* * var containing html table structure to displayed containing the data */var sUOMHtml = '';var sQtyPerUnitColumn = '';/* * make sure at least one of the show uom booleans is true */if ( bShowSalesUOM || bOnlyShowSalesUOM || bShowAdditionalSalesUOM ) {if (bShowChildQtyPricing) {sUOMHtml += ''}/* * display title and hidden fields for the product */sUOMHtml += '

    Add to Cart

    ';if ( 'uomStd' in oData ) {sUOMHtml += '';}if ( 'uomSales' in oData ) {sUOMHtml += '';sUOMHtml += '';}if ( bShowNativeUOMinCart && 'uomSales' in oData ) {sUOMHtml += '';}/* * determine whether or not to show the Qty Per Unit column */if ( bShowQtyPerUnitColumn ) {sQtyPerUnitColumn = 'Qty Per Unit';} //- if ( bShowQtyPerUnitColumn )sUOMHtml += '';sUOMHtml += '' + sQtyPerUnitColumn + '';if ( bShowSalesUOM && ! bOnlyShowSalesUOM ) {/* * determine whether or not to show the Qty Per Unit column */if ( bShowQtyPerUnitColumn ) {sQtyPerUnitColumn = '';} //- if ( bShowQtyPerUnitColumn )/* * draw Standard UOM row */if ( 'uomStd' in oData ) {sUOMHtml += '' + sQtyPerUnitColumn + '';} //- if ( 'uomStd' in oData )if ( 'uomSales' in oData ) {if ( oData.uomSales != '' && oData.uomSalesConversion > 1 && oData.uomSales != oData.uomStd ) {/* * determine whether or not to show the Qty Per Unit column */if ( bShowQtyPerUnitColumn ) {sQtyPerUnitColumn = '';} //- if ( bShowQtyPerUnitColumn )if ( typeof oData.uomSalesUnitPrice == 'undefined' ) {iUnitPrice = 0;} else {iUnitPrice = oData.uomSalesUnitPrice} //- if ( typeof oUomConfig.uomSalesUnitPrice == 'undefined' )/* * draw UOM Sales row */sUOMHtml += '' + sQtyPerUnitColumn + ''} //- if ( 'uomSales' in oData && 'uomSalesConversion' in oData )3} //- if ( 'uomSales' in oData )if ( bShowAdditionalSalesUOM ) {if ( 'uomAdditional' in oData && oData.uomAdditional.length > 0 ) {/* * draw additional uom rows */for ( var iCounter = 0, iGoTo = oData.uomAdditional.length; iCounter < iGoTo; iCounter++ ) {var oUomConfig= oData.uomAdditional[iCounter];var sQtyPerHTML= '';if ( typeof oUomConfig != 'undefined' && typeof oUomConfig.conversion != 'undefined' ) {var sThisUom = iCounter + 1/* * determine whether or not to show the Qty Per Unit column */if ( bShowQtyPerUnitColumn ) {/* * calculating the qty per unit */if ( iUOMConversion < 1 ) {iQty = 1 / iUOMConversion} else if ( iUOMConversion >= 1 ) {iQty = iUOMConversion} //- if ( iUOMConversion < 1 )sQtyPerHTML= '';} else {sQtyPerHTML = ''} //- if ( bShowQtyPerUnitColumn )if ( typeof oUomConfig.unitPrice == 'undefined' ) {iUnitPrice = 0;} else {iUnitPrice = oUomConfig.unitPrice;} //- if ( typeof oUomConfig.unitPrice == 'undefined' )/* * build the html w/ hidden inputs */sUnitHTML= oUomConfig.unit + '';sPriceHTML= '$' + parseFloat(iUnitPrice).toFixed(2) + '';sUOMHtml += '' + sQtyPerHTML + ''} //- if ( typeof oUomConfig != 'undefined' && typeof oUomConfig.conversion != 'undefined' )} //- for ( var i = 0, goTo = oProdInfo.documents.length - 1; i <= goTo; i++ )} //- if ( 'uomAdditional' in oData )} //- if ( bShowAdditionalSalesUOM )} else if ( bOnlyShowSalesUOM ) {// removed: ! bShowSalesUOM &&// fixes issue preventing price table from displaying// when bShowSalesUOM and bOnlyShowSalesUOM are both true// dcohen - 06/20/2013/* * only draw UOM Sales row */ sUOMHtml += ''//alert(sPriceHTML);//sUOMHtml += sPriceHTML;} //- if ( bShowSalesUOM )sUOMHtml += '
    Unit' + sUnitPriceColumnLabel + 'Qty
    ' + oData.uomStd + '' + oData.price + '';sUOMHtml += fncDrawQtyBox( sPKey, oData.qtyDisplayType, oData.uomStd, '' );sUOMHtml += '
    ' + oData.uomSalesConversion + '
    ' + oData.uomSales + '$' + parseFloat(iUnitPrice).toFixed(2) + '';sUOMHtml += fncDrawQtyBox( sPKey, oData.qtyDisplayType, oData.uomSales, 'sales_' );sUOMHtml += '
    ' + iQty.toFixed() + '
    ' + sUnitHTML + '' + sPriceHTML + '';sUOMHtml += fncDrawQtyBox( sPKey, oData.qtyDisplayType, oUomConfig.conversion, 'uom' + sThisUom + '_' );sUOMHtml += '
    ' + oData.uomSales + '' + oData.uomSalesConversion + '$' + parseFloat(oData.uomSalesUnitPrice).toFixed(2) + '';/*Danny Mecca8/26/14Added in empty string to fourth paramater because empty paramater is undefinedCausing unwanted undefined value infront of the qty input fieldChanged fourth parameter from blank string to 'sales_' - [dcohen @ 2014-10-21](previously, was causing uom_std to be posted instead of uom_sales)*/sUOMHtml += fncDrawQtyBox( sPKey, oData.qtyDisplayType, oData.uomSales , 'sales_');sUOMHtml += '
    '/* * Add to Cart button */if ( oData.showCart ) {sUOMHtml += '';}} //- if ( bShowSalesUOM || bOnlyShowSalesUOM || bShowAdditionalSalesUOM )return sUOMHtml;} catch ( err ) {alert('function: fncDrawUOM - ' + err.message);return '';}} //- function fncDrawUOM( sPKey, oData )/** * Draw Qty Box for UOM Table * * @authorjohns * @since3/17/2011 * * @returnsvoid */function fncDrawQtyBox ( sPKey, sQtyDisplayType, sEachField, sPrefix ) {try {/** * Qty Input Display var */var sQtyInputHtml = '';if ( bUseQtyByUnitQtyDisplay ) {if ( sQtyDisplayType == 'sets' ) {sQtyInputHtml += ' @';sQtyInputHtml += ' ' + sEachField + ' (s) each.';} else {// added sPrefix to id [dcohen @ 2014-10-21]sQtyInputHtml += ''} //- if ( oData.qtyDisplayType == 'sets' )} else {// added sPrefix to id [dcohen @ 2014-10-21]sQtyInputHtml += ''}return sQtyInputHtml;} catch (err) {alert('function: fncDrawQtyBox
    ' + err.message);return '';}} //- function fncDrawQtyBox( sPKey, oData, sEachField )/* * This will build out the Cart Options with comments * @auther - vinayakj * @since - 8/28/2012 */function buildCartOptWithComments(rowkey,sCartOptions,RowID) {if ( jQuery('#parent_p_key').val() != '' && jQuery('#parent_p_key').val() !== undefined ) {rowkey = jQuery('#parent_p_key').val();} else {rowkey = jQuery('#keys').val();}if ( bUseChildCartOpts || bShowCartOpts ) {buildCartOpt(rowkey);}} //- function buildCartOptWithComments(rowkey,sCartOptions,RowID)function buildCartOption ( PKey, sOptions, Num ) {/* * Get the cart options */aCartOpts = sOptions.split("|");/* * Clear the cart option container and start building it * with the new cart options */jQuery('#pc_cart_options_' + Num).remove('.atc').html('');var aOptInputs= Array();var aLimitIds= Array();/* * Loop all the cart options, and append each to the cart * option container. */for ( var iOpt = 0, goTo = aCartOpts.length; iOpt < goTo; iOpt++ ) {aCartOpt = aCartOpts[iOpt].split('~');sDisplay= aCartOpt[0];sLabel= aCartOpt[1];sType= aCartOpt[2];sAnswers= aCartOpt[3];if ( aCartOpt.length >= 4 ) {sCharLimit= aCartOpt[4];} //- if ( aCartOpt.length >= 4 )/* * Character Limit Logic */bUseLimit = (sCharLimit != '0' && sCharLimit != '' ? true : false);/* * Input Id */sOptId = 'cart_opt_' + iOpt + '_' + PKey;/* * Begin building this option */sHtml = '';/* * Append the option to the container */jQuery('#pc_cart_options_' + Num).append(sHtml);/* * Register char counter event listener */if(bUseLimit){jQuery('#' + sOptId).live('keyup', {optId: sOptId, optLimit: sCharLimit}, function(event){limitChars(event.data.optId, event.data.optLimit, event.data.optId + '_limit');});}//-if(bUseLimit)/* * Register input event listener */jQuery('#' + sOptId).live(sJsEvent, {optId: sOptId, pkey: PKey}, function(event){buildCartOpt(event.data.pkey);});} //- for ( var iOpt = 0, goTo = aCartOpts.length; iOpt < goTo; iOpt++ )jQuery('#pc_cart_options_' + Num).append('');} //- function buildCartOption ( PKey, sOptions, Num )function getCartOptOptions(sAnswers){aAnswers = sAnswers.split(";");sHtml = '';for(i = 0, goTo = aAnswers.length; i < goTo; i++){sHtml += '';}return sHtml;}//-getCartOptOptionsfunction limitChars(textid, limit, infodiv){var text = jQuery('#' + textid).val();var textlength = text.length;if (textlength > limit) {jQuery('#' + infodiv).html('You cannot write more then '+limit+' characters!');jQuery('#' + textid).val(text.substr(0,limit));return false;} else {jQuery('#' + infodiv).html('You have '+ (limit - textlength) +' characters left.');return true;}}//-function limitCharsfunction fncProcessSizeProduct() {/* * if you need to use the thickbox for displaying, add the identifier to the list * at the bottom of this function to prevent "tb_init()" from being called multiple * times causing multiple instances of the window * @authorjohns * @since01/31/2013 * * @modifiedjohns * @since02/12/2013 * @noteIf you are just updating an anchor tag, then just add the selector * to the list at the bottom of this function. If you are actually * building the anchor tag, then call the initializeThickbox function *and pass the specific selector in a call to the initializeThickbox *function. */try{var sPKey = jQuery('#prod_opt2').val();var bUseChildDescription = false;var oProdInfo = window.oChildProds[sPKey];if ( sPKey == '' ) {hideProductContainer();return false;}jQuery('#qty_box').attr( 'name', 'qty_' + sPKey );jQuery('#keys').val(sPKey);/* * Test if this is the "last" droplist being displayed */if ( jQuery('#pc_cart_options_2').length > 0 ) {jQuery('#pc_cart_options_2').slideDown();/* * Change name to post item to the cart */jQuery('#cart_option_B4381EE227184CFCAEE89D41673DDEC4').attr('name','cart_option_' + sPKey);} //- if ( jQuery('#pc_cart_options_2').length > 0 )/* * SKU */if (bShowSku) {jQuery('#sku_container').html( 'SKU: ' + oProdInfo.sku );}if (bShowName)jQuery('#child_nm_container').html('Name: ' + oProdInfo.name);if (bShowDesc)jQuery('#child_ds_container').html('Description: ' + oProdInfo.description);/* * Cart */if ( oProdInfo.showCart ) {jQuery('#atc_container').show();} else {jQuery('#atc_container').hide();} //- if ( oProdInfo.showCart )/* * Unit of Measure */if ( 'uomHTML' in oProdInfo && oProdInfo.uomHTML != '' ) jQuery('#detail_atc_standalone').html(oProdInfo.uomHTML);/* * Price */if ( oProdInfo.showPrice ) {iRetailPrice= parseFloat(oProdInfo.retail_price.replace('$',''));iPrice = parseFloat(oProdInfo.price.replace('$',''));if ( iPrice < iRetailPrice ) {if( true ) {iPercent= (iRetailPrice - iPrice) / iRetailPrice;iPercentSaved= iPercent * 100;jQuery('#price_container').html('
    • ' + oProdInfo.price + '
    • List Price: ' + oProdInfo.retail_price + '
    • You Save: ' + Math.round(iPercentSaved * 100) / 100 + '%
    ');} else {jQuery('#price_container').html('
    • ' + oProdInfo.price + '
    • List Price: ' + oProdInfo.retail_price + '
    ');} //- if( 1 )} else {jQuery('#price_container').html('
    • ' + FormatCurrency(oProdInfo.price, true) + '
    ');} //- if ( iPrice < iRetailPrice )} //- if ( oProdInfo.showPrice )/* *Add hidden field for qty available to check back order. *@author pijushb *@since 9/28/2011 */ if ( bShowBackOrderMessage ) {jQuery('.qtyavailable').remove();jQuery('#idp_container').parent().append('') } //- if (bShowBackOrderMessage)/* * Use Child Product Description * * @authorjohns * @since11/6/2010 */if ( bUseChildDescription && 'description' in oProdInfo && oProdInfo.description && !bShowDesc ) {jQuery('#detail_desc_content_0').html(oProdInfo.description);}if ( bUseProductAliases && jQuery.trim(oProdInfo.pa_key) != '' ) {jQuery('#pa_id').val(oProdInfo.pa_key);jQuery('#pa_id').attr('name','pa_id_' + sPKey);} //- if ( bUseProductAliases && jQuery.trim(oProdInfo.pa_key) != '' )/* * Inventory */if ( oProdInfo.showInventory ) {jQuery('#idp_container').html(oProdInfo.invMsg);jQuery('#inventory_qty').val(oProdInfo.invQty);jQuery('#inventory_status').val(oProdInfo.invStatus);/* * if status = out then show "add product to watch list" link * * @author johns * @since 12/11/2009 */} //- if ( oProdInfo.showInventory )/* * Append Favorite link with Current Child Product Key * @auther - vinayakj * @since - 6/5/2012 */if ( bShowFavoriteLink && bShowChildFavoriteLink && jQuery('#idp_container li[id="addfavechild"]').length === 0 ) {jQuery('#idp_container').append('
    • Add to Favorites
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make this call only once to * prevent multiple instances of the window from showing * @authorjohns * @since01/31/2013 */ if ( bInitThickbox ) { initializeThickbox('#idp_container,area.thickbox,input.thickbox,#qtypricing a.thickbox,#detail_photo_container a.thickbox'); bInitThickbox = false; } //- if ( bInitThickbox )} catch ( oError ) {alert(oError.message);hideProductContainer();}}//-function fncProcessSizeProductfunction fncSelectAddon(){//Update Design Key & Qtydocument.getElementById('design_keys_' + sGroup).value = sDesignKey;document.getElementById('design_qty_' + sGroup).name = 'ED8EF1597D7F4D0797F652145C64714C_' + sDesignKey + '_qty';}function InArray(vArray, vValue){for (var iOpt = 0; iOpt < vArray.length; iOpt++){if (vArray[iOpt]==vValue){return true;}}return false;}function ResizeLoadingBG ( bDisableDroplistForm ) {if ( bDisableDroplistForm === 'undefined' ) fncDisableDroplistForm();var oLBG = document.getElementById('detailloadingbg');var oLPic = document.getElementById('detailloadingpic');var popwidth = 200;if (window.innerHeight && window.scrollMaxY) {oLBG.style.width = document.body.scrollWidth;oLBG.style.height = window.innerHeight + window.scrollMaxY;} else if (document.body.scrollHeight > document.body.offsetHeight){ // all but Explorer MacoLBG.style.width = document.body.scrollWidth;oLBG.style.height = document.body.scrollHeight;} else { // Explorer Mac...would also work in Explorer 6 Strict, Mozilla and SafarioLBG.style.width = document.body.offsetWidth;oLBG.style.height = document.body.offsetHeight;}if (self.innerHeight) {// all except ExploreroLPic.style.left = (self.innerWidth / 2) - (popwidth / 2);oLPic.style.top = self.pageYOffset + (self.innerHeight / 4);} else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { // Explorer 6 Strict ModeoLPic.style.left = (document.documentElement.clientWidth / 2) - (popwidth / 2);oLPic.style.top = document.documentElement.scrollTop + (document.documentElement.clientHeight / 4);} else if (document.body) { // other ExplorersoLPic.style.left = (document.body.clientWidth / 2) - (popwidth / 2);oLPic.style.top = document.body.scrollTop + (document.body.clientHeight / 4);}oLBG.style.display = 'block';oLPic.style.display = 'block';}function HideLoading(){document.getElementById('detailloadingbg').style.display = 'none';document.getElementById('detailloadingpic').style.display = 'none';fncEnableDroplistForm();}function createXMLDoc(XMLFile) {// code for IEif (window.ActiveXObject){xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");xmlDoc.loadXML(XMLFile);// code for Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, etc.} else if (document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument){//xmlDoc = document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null);var parser = new DOMParser();var xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(XMLFile, "text/xml");} else {alert('Your browser cannot handle this script.');}return(xmlDoc);}function getNodeValue(xmlDoc, tagName, index) {if (xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName(tagName)[index].childNodes[0] != null)return xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName(tagName)[index].childNodes[0].nodeValue;elsereturn '';}function MakeAJAXRequest(fncHandleData, strPage, bAsync, aShow, aHide, bDisable, errorMsg, xmlDoc, vID) {ResizeLoadingBG();xmlHttp = GetXmlHttpObject();if (xmlHttp==null){alert ("Your browser does not support AJAX.");return;}if (bDisable == null){bDisable = false;}var i;try{if (aShow != null){for (i = 0; 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    Durham-Ellis Pecan Company: Wasabi Peas (2024)


    Are wasabi peas healthy for you? ›

    Wasabi peas provide several important nutrients, including protein and fiber, and can be a great addition to a balanced diet. However, they also contain a good amount of calories, and certain varieties may be high in added sugar and sodium. Therefore, it's best to enjoy them in moderation.

    Do wasabi peas use real wasabi? ›

    Cook's Info explains that wasabi peas are made from marrowfat peas, which are dried peas at the fully mature stage. These peas are then roasted and coated in oil and wasabi powder (whether real or fake).

    How many calories are in a bag of wasabi peas? ›

    Typical nutritional information (per 100g)
    Energy1740kJ / 416kCal
    of which sugars7.2g
    5 more rows

    What do you do with wasabi peas? ›

    Eating Wasabi Peas

    Adding them to a trail mix, stir-fry, or cold salad such as tuna salad or chicken salad gives you an additional opportunity to gain the benefits the peas provide while keeping the spiciness to a palatable level.

    Are wasabi peas junk food? ›

    In addition to their exceptional flavor, wasabi peas are also a reasonably healthy snack. They provide the consumer with protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

    Does wasabi raise blood pressure? ›

    Supports heart health: Wasabi can help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. Aids digestion: The natural chemicals in wasabi can help stimulate the production of digestive enzymes, promoting better digestion and gut health.

    Do wasabi peas count as a vegetable? ›

    From the pisum sativum plant, the green peas in wasabi peas are part of the legume family. They are housed in pods, grown on vines and have been a staple in many cultures for hundreds of years. They are one of the cheapest and most nutrient-dense veggies around.

    Are wasabi peas anti-inflammatory? ›

    Wasabi is a plant native to Japan. It's mainly grown for its roots, which are ground to make a spice. It's sometimes called Japanese horseradish. Wasabi contains chemicals that may have anticancer effects and anti-inflammatory effects and may also slow blood clotting.

    Are wasabi peas better than chips? ›

    In addition to their unique flavor, wasabi peas have certain nutritional benefits that make them a reasonably healthy snack — especially compared to many other salty, crunchy choices. They provide a wide range of vitamins and minerals, will keep you satiated and add a large amount of flavor to a dish in small amounts.

    Do wasabi peas clear sinuses? ›

    That dollop of wasabi on your sushi may feel like a blast of decongestant, but researchers have found that it does not really clear the sinuses.

    Do wasabi peas need to be refrigerated? ›

    Refrigeration: While not necessary, one may opt to refrigerate wasabi peas to potentially extend their quality.

    Do wasabi peas cause bloating? ›

    Consuming an excessive amount of wasabi peas, like any high-fiber food, can potentially cause digestive issues such as bloating or gas. It's important to consume them in moderate quantities.

    Is wasabi good or bad for health? ›

    Genuine wasabi can support a healthy immune system as well and "contains a lot of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that protects your cells from free radical damage," says Audra Wilson, MS, bariatric dietitian at Northwestern Medicine Delnor Hospital.

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    Name: Corie Satterfield

    Birthday: 1992-08-19

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    Job: Sales Manager

    Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

    Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.