Blueberries 'n' Cream Amaranth Porridge (2024)


Blueberries 'n' Cream Amaranth Porridge (1)

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Second chances.

I am one of those people that try and not judge at face value. I believe that people can change (if motivated to do so) and I believe for the most part people (and things) deserve a second chance.

I know this can be naive but I prefer more to look at it in an optimistic way. Life is too full of disappointment to potentially pass up something that may have been okay on a second chance. People grow, mature, and taste change- nothing stays stagnant. And if the second time doesn't work out, I feel the saying “you live, you learn” works well. Everything is a learning experience.

Take for example my first experience with amaranth.

I was a wide-eyed girl wanting to eat more unprocessed foods. I stocked up on various bulk bin items and I was determined to cook my way through them. I fell in love with quinoa, cooked up pounds of dried beans, and rekindled a love for oatmeal.

But then there was amaranth.

I had high hopes. The little power packed seed came from such a beautiful herb plant-how could it not be wonderful? I had a whole meal planned out for it but it flopped. Before I knew it, I had a pot full of mush and tiny amaranth seeds all over my kitchen.

One chance and I was done. I had been happy I had tackled so much out of the bulk bin that one "failure" wasn't going to hurt. I moved on and shoved my amaranth to the back of the cupboard.

Then I ran across this pumpkin pie porridge on Sarah's blog (My New Roots). Was I ready to give amaranth a second chance?

I followed Sarah's recipe fairly closely. She recommends you soak the amaranth at least 8 hours (up to 24) to unlock the nutrients and to help it aid in digestion. I simply measured out the amaranth and stuck it in water the night before (I found a small pan with a tight fitting lid worked well to drain and rinse it the next morning.)

With spring just around the corner I'm working on finishing the last of my harvest that I had frozen. I'd been saving these blueberries for something special and sure enough, this worked perfect.

I cooked the amaranth, stirred the blueberries, and snapped away photos. It looked delicious but I still wasn't sold. I needed a taste.

Sure enough, the result was a delicious and extremely healthy breakfast that was truly soul satisfying. I gave amaranth a second chance and I’m glad I did.

Sometimes it pays to be an optimist.

(For more information on Amaranth, I suggest you hop over to Sarah's wonderful blog post!)

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★★★★★4.8 from 4 reviews
  • Author: Erin Alderson
  • Prep Time: 5 mins
  • Cook Time: 25 mins
  • Total Time: 30 minutes
  • Yield: 2 1x



  • 1/2 cup amaranth, uncooked
  • 1 cup water (or coconut milk)
  • 1 cup blueberries, frozen or fresh
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • 1/2 vanilla bean
  • 1-2 tablespoons heavy cream (or coconut milk)
  • pinch of salt


  1. Soak Amaranth over night (if possible.)
  2. Drain and rinse amaranth. Combine with one cup water and pinch of salt. Bring amaranth to a boil, and reduce to a simmer (all the way to low.) Cover and let simmer for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let sit for 10 more minutes to thicken amaranth.
  3. In a separate pot add blueberries, maple syrup, and 1 tablespoon of heavy cream. Scrap out vanilla bean and toss both the seeds and the pod into the blueberries. Heat over low until blueberries are heated through (making sure not to boil the heavy cream.)
  4. Serve by pouring blueberry liquid in the bottom, followed by amaranth, then top with blueberries.


I have to imagine this would work well with any type of berry!

*Slightly adapted from Sarah at My New Roots

For a couple more great ways to use Amaranth I highly suggest you check out Maria's blog (Scandi Foodie) for a recipe using fresh Amaranth and Ashley's blog (edible perspective) for puffing amaranth and making cereal!

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43 comments on “Blueberries 'n' Cream Amaranth Porridge”

  1. I have amaranth in my cupboard, and really need to give it another try as well. Thanks for sharing!


  2. Never heard of amaranth, but this looks divine. Erin, I really wish I lived close to you. Love all your healthy ideas for food. I love freezing berries too and I only pull them out for special things I make them with.


    1. Thank you! I've really started savory seasonal produce more (and usually end up clinging to summer through my freezer.) I'm really hoping to get canning this summer too!


  3. This looks like such a great combination of ingredients. Simple, but with such depth! I'll have to try this soon.

    ps- I still get a ton of views coming from your site from when you made my banana chip recipe... wow, thanks!!


    1. Ha... that still seems to be one of my more popular post and I'm happy traffic still flows to your sight. I love those chips!


  4. Now this is one delicious porridge! I haven't cooked with amaranth in quite awhile. I need to change that and make this yummy recipe.


  5. This is a fantastic use for amaranth. I would love that for breakfast!


  6. Amaranth is one grain that I haven't seemed to try yet! I'm not sure what I'm waiting for but this delicious breakfast sounds like the perfect jumping off point!


  7. I still haven't tried amaranth yet! I need to get on that soon. I'm still using up all my frozen berries from last year too, it's such a nice treat this time of year!


    1. I've been holding on... I can't wait for spring/summer!


  8. I have yet to try amaranth, but it's been on my list since seeing Sarah's recipe, and yours confirms it's a must-try!


  9. What a great idea! I need to get myself some amaranth!


  10. Yum ! My stomach is growling.


  11. I've had similar experiences (not with amaranth, but other things) and I'm starting to believe that it really does pay to be an optimist!


  12. amaranth is very high in iron / i ate a lot of it simmered in homemade broth when i was on an iron rich diet for anemia / i like the idea of cooking it in coconut milk and having it sweet instead of savory / going to go soak some tonight !


  13. This looks really good, can't wait to try it! I was not totally sold on amaranth the first time I tried it, but it has been growing on me. Thank you for the idea!


  14. [...] A breakfast recipe from the gorgeous blog Naturally Ella with amaranth, a grain comparable to quinoa- yes please. [...]


  15. I also had a bad experience with amaranth and now I'm trying it again ! Thanks 😉


  16. Preparing this recipe right now, but with a mixed berry that includes some blueberries. Super excited to try amaranth! Thanks for this recipe!


    1. Delicious! I used a lot of berries, and just wanted to update that it was a complete success. Thanks again!


  17. [...] Blueberries & Cream Porridge (Source: [...]


  18. [...] to use my favorite light and fresh flavor combination: blueberry and lemon. I loosely followed Erin’s recipe, but I omitted the cream and added a scoop of yogurt on top. Light and Fresh: Lemon and [...]


  19. Thanks for your recipe! I'm trying amaranth for the first time today and am slightly daunted by the smell of it cooking. Trying to go Body Ecology Diet and this is one of the four grains allowed. 😉


  20. I can't wait to try this


  21. [...] Amaranth porridge with blueberry-plum-honey compote, 1 orange, potatoes, 1 1/2 fried eggs [...]


  22. [...] Blueberries ‘n’ Cream Amaranth Porridge from [...]


  23. Such a beautiful breakfast!!


  24. I've tried amaranth twice now as a savory dinner side and both times it's tasted a lot like dirt. However neither of my recipes said anything about soaking overnight. Hoping that's the key to keeping this from sucking my will to keep trying!


  25. [...] Blueberries ‘n’ Cream Amaranth Porridge:Another great weekday breakfast. This is always changing depending on the fruit I have at the time. Fall often has apples and pears as a topping with the occasional variation if I managed to freeze fruit from the summer. [...]


  26. is amaranth wheat? Like the wheat grains they sell right next to the oats? If not, where do I buy it?


    1. It's not wheat but can be found in some stores or online


  27. [...] added fiber, nutrients and protein in dishes that are usually made with white flour. I saw this recipe on Naturally Ella a beautiful blog with amazing photography and recipes that you must check out and [...]


  28. [...] and Blueberry Porridge *inspired by Naturally Ella‘s [...]


  29. I made this with nectarines this morning for my 3-year-old and I. Very good! Thanks for the recipe!


  30. First time I tried amaranth is was a difficult grain to like. I gave it a second try with this recipe and I have to say I liked my amaranth...I just had to add 3 tablespoons of brown sugar. I also added blackberries and it made it awesome!!!


  31. Just tried this morning. Have tried with just sweeterner (honey or maple syrup), milk (coconut or cow's) and vanilla or cinnamon. it was ok. THIS however, was awesome. Even the three year old ate it. The blueberries added such a sweet tart taste on top of the creamy amaranth. Thank you!!! Oh, and i did not soak overnight b/c just decided to make this morning


  32. Very yummi! Just tried this morning:-) Thank you


  33. I've been working my way through the various alternative grains, after being forced to completely change my diet due to ill health. Quinoa and Buckwheat I love, have one of those as a porrige near every morning (with a dollop of butter only). Today I tried amaranth, after scouting around looking for cooking and recipe ideas.

    I have to say, it was a brown mush (although I was spared having them all over my kitchen) and at first I thought horribly unappetising. however after letting them sit for a bit and a wedge of butter melted on top, they started to look more inviting.

    Thanks for the recipe idea, and also the link to Sarah B's blog.

    Happily, they were delicious! Sort of nutty and crunchy, and creamy smooth all at the same time (I don't use any sweet stuff whatsoever). I have to say I will be coming back for more.


    1. Whoops, those last two paras got somehow twisted lol.


  34. I keep coming back to this recipe when I need something a bit different, and I always wonder why I don’t make it more (I suppose it’s because of the overnight soaking). It’s very nourishing and feels decadent. The cream really takes it to the next level.


  35. Mmm.. so good. This was the recipe I used the first time I tried amaranth and I just keep coming back to it. My 16 yo boy child even likes it. Thank you for sharing!


Blueberries 'n' Cream Amaranth Porridge (8)

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Virtual hugs, Erin (aka: e.l.l.a.)

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Blueberries 'n' Cream Amaranth Porridge (10)

Blueberries 'n' Cream Amaranth Porridge (11)

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Blueberries 'n' Cream Amaranth Porridge (2024)


Should you soak amaranth before cooking? ›

Soaking: If you have the time, consider soaking the amaranth overnight before cooking. "Soaking the grains makes their nutrients easier to digest and shortens the cooking time," says Ziata. Simply combine amaranth and water in a large bowl, completely submerging the grains.

How do you make amaranth more digestible? ›

As in many other plant-based food products, applying heat treatment to the amaranth grains seems to provide an overall improvement in digestibility of the nutrients they contain (Kauffman and Weber, 1990, Tovar et al., 1994).

Can you eat amaranth raw? ›

We can't digest raw amaranth. It's like eating raw rice or raw beans. It'll pass right through our digestive tract without change. It's necessary to either cook it or puff it so we can digest it and enjoy the benefits of this amazing superfood.

Can you eat amaranth as a cereal? ›

After working with it a bit, I realized that amaranth would make a great hot cereal (and also a great way to get protein in the morning without eating meat). When I cooked the amaranth, it was somewhat sticky and thick, so I added some soy milk to thin it out (you could use regular milk too). It worked like a charm.

Is amaranth better than quinoa? ›

Amaranth contains slightly more protein than quinoa, but they both provide double the amount you'll get from brown rice, oats and whole wheat. Amaranth has 9 grams of protein in a 1-cup serving, while quinoa has 8 grams, according to the USDA.

What are the benefits of eating amaranth? ›

The nutrients in amaranth can offer significant health benefits as a part of a healthy diet. It's a source of vitamin C, which is vital to the body's healing process because it helps process iron, form blood vessels, repair muscle tissue, and maintain collagen.

Who should not eat amaranth? ›

For people with intolerance to lysinuric protein, eating amaranth may cause diarrhoea and stomach pain. Moreover, another side effect of lysine increase body's calcium absorption, and bring free, damage-causing amount of calcium in the body. So avoid taking large amounts of calcium and lysine at the same time.

Why was amaranth outlawed? ›

A ban on the plant was made on religious grounds. The Catholic Church found the use of small cakes made of amaranth seed and honey (sometimes allegedly mixed with human blood) in pagan rituals, to be eerily similar to using the host during Mass, and declared it blasphemy.

Is amaranth inflammatory? ›

The benefits of amaranth come from the fact that it's a complete protein that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It's also rich in fiber and has shown to fight heart disease and digestive problems.

How to tell if amaranth is rancid? ›

If it isn't moldy, check to see if there is any odor coming from the amaranth. If it doesn't fall under either of those conditions, the taste can be off. It should be sweet and nutty. If it isn't, it may be rancid.

What amaranth is not edible? ›

Nearly all amaranths are edible, including 'love-lies-bleeding' and even the common roadside weedy forms (avoid any that may have been treated with pesticides). But those sold as edible varieties are selected for their good seed production and especially tasty leaves.

How do you take the bitterness out of amaranth? ›

After posting this video on instagram, I heard from a few of my followers that they tried amaranth before, and it was bitter or off tasting. If that's the case, rinse before cooking to remove ​​saponin, a naturally occurring phytochemical that gives unwashed grain a bitter taste.

What is the best way to prepare amaranth? ›

How to cook amaranth
  1. Place amaranth in a small saucepan and heat over medium-low heat. Toast the amaranth for 3-4 minutes until the grains start to deepen in color and have a nutty aroma. ...
  2. For a texture similar to sticky rice: Add 2 cups of water or broth. ...
  3. For a porridge texture: Add 3 cups of water, milk, or broth.

How do you reduce phytic acid in amaranth? ›

results indicated that soaking amaranth grain in water decreased the phytate level significantly ( Table 2). The minimum phytate level result was achieved for soaking period of 24 hours and germination period of 72 hours. ...

Why does my amaranth taste bitter? ›

Saponins. Saponins are extremely bitter in taste. Similarly to phytic acid, they can form complexes with proteins or minerals, such as zinc and iron, to inhibit absorption into the body. Since they are only present in small quantities in amaranth, they are characterised as low toxicity and don't pose any danger.

How do you make amaranth less bitter? ›

After posting this video on instagram, I heard from a few of my followers that they tried amaranth before, and it was bitter or off tasting. If that's the case, rinse before cooking to remove ​​saponin, a naturally occurring phytochemical that gives unwashed grain a bitter taste.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.