Benefits of Quitting Sugar: 21-Day Sugar Detox Plan and Recap | 8fit (2024)

What happens when you quit sugar? A lot of good stuff, but also a lot of, well, annoying stuff. 8fit recently ran a 21-day sugar detox challenge to help 8fitters break up with sugar for good and find new, healthier ways to satisfy cravings. As 8fit's resident social media aficionado, I felt inspired to join in myself and share my story.

Wondering who I am?

My name is Emily. I work on the editorial team here at 8fit and also teach weekly yoga classes in the office. If you follow us on Instagram, you’ve definitely seen me there. In addition to loving writing, yoga and all things nutrition and fitness-related, I also love sweets. I was very eager to start my detox journey and experience the benefits of quitting sugar.

Benefits of Quitting Sugar: 21-Day Sugar Detox Plan and Recap | 8fit (1)

Full disclosure:I don’t normally eat foods with added orprocessed sugar or artificial sweeteners. They’re something I consciously cut out of my diet almost two years ago. Of course, I can’t always control added sugar when I’m eating out, but I definitely don’t add it to meals I cook at home. You might be thinking, “Sounds like you don’t have a sugar problem!” Well, I love honey, maple syrup, fruits and dried fruits. While these natural added sweeteners do contain slightly higher amounts of antioxidants and minerals, they’re still sugar and therefore have the same blood sugar-spiking, addictive properties.

Benefits of Quitting Sugar: 21-Day Sugar Detox Plan and Recap | 8fit (2)

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Understanding my sweet tooth

My sweet tooth developed as a child. I loved sugary cereals, chocolate chip cookies, homemade brownies and ice cream. Ice cream was on the menu before bed every night. This kind of snacking got increasingly healthier as I got older, but the habits still stuck. I found myself always reaching for “sweet” snacks over savory ones, and while those snacks didn’t include processed sugar, they still contained high amounts of natural sugars.

Benefits of Quitting Sugar: 21-Day Sugar Detox Plan and Recap | 8fit (3)

Recently, I started to notice my sweet tooth was a problem when I would pass by the 8fit snack kitchen after lunch and grab a square (or two) of dark chocolate out of habit, not because I was hungry. I also started to notice that I was enjoying a spoonful of honey after dinner because I like the sweetness to “cleanse the palate.” I’m also the queen ofmaking desserts “healthy”by swapping processed sugar for natural stuff.

Benefits of not eating sugar

It was clear to me that sugar was becoming a problem, so when this8fit Sugar Detoxidea came about, I volunteered without hesitation. 🙋As someone who has worked in the fitness and nutrition industry for quite some time now, I’ve learned of -- and studied -- theaddictive qualities of sugarso I know exactly why my sugar-eating habits haven’t died down.

That said, I also know that cutting out sugar from my diet would produce some favorable results. Here are some common benefits of not eating sugar include:

  • Weight loss: Sugar has calories, but no nutritional value; eating sugar causes us to crave even more sugar

  • Reduced bloat: Artificial sweeteners are notorious for causing bloating

  • Mindful eating: Consciously avoiding certain ingredients (in this case: sugar) leads to more mindful eating habits

  • Better dental health: Sugary sodas, juices and candies create an acidic, cavity-promoting environment in the mouth

  • Sustained energy: Sugar crashes become a thing of the past; experience stable energy levels all day long

What to eat on a no sugar diet

Spend a few days -- or a week -- assessing your diet. Read every label, check the ingredient list on all the recipes you cook, and pay attention to how much fruit you consume. After a few days of this, you should be able to identify your problem areas and know what to add or eliminate.

The best way to gain control and detox from sugar is by preparing and cooking your own foods. Cooking my own meals is already part of my routine but for some, this might be one of the biggest challenges. Buy as many fresh vegetables and fruits low on the glycemic index as you can and keep meals simple. If you must buy something likehummus, nut butter, yogurt or dairy alternatives, choose foods with a short ingredient list and zero added sugar.

Ideal foods to eat

During a sugar detox, we encourage you to focus your meals around things like fresh fruits and vegetables,healthy fats, good sources of protein and unsweetened dairy because the natural sugars in these foods are paired with complementary nutrients like vitamins, minerals and fiber.

If you must have something sweet, try:

  • 2-3 servings of fresh fruit per day paired with protein or fat (e.g. unsweetened yogurt, a handful of nuts, cheese, etc.)

  • Fresh jam or jelly without added sugar

  • Homemade flavored water

  • If you have alcohol, choose wine, light beer or spirits with soda water

Foods to avoid

There are a number of foods to avoid on a no sugar diet. We don’t encourage fruit juices or smoothies with juice added. Even if these juices don’t have added sugar, they have fiber removed leading to similar blood sugar-spiking effects on your body.

Here are some foods to avoid:

What happens when you quit sugar

Now I’d like to share my personal 21-day sugar detox experience week by week. Each week had highs and lows tied to energy, temptations, mood swings and cravings, too.

  • Week 1: During the first week, I felt energized but had to work hard to fight the post-lunch sugar craving a couple of days. I noticed then when I drank enough water and ate a big, fresh salad for lunch, I didn’t experience those post-lunch cravings. I only wanted something sweet because it tastes good. Over the weekend, I was traveling and found it difficult to resist ice cream. To satisfy my sweet craving and beat the heat, I drank extra water and opted for green-forward juices and smoothies each day.

  • Week 2: The second week I was pleasantly surprised to find I was even more energized than the week before. I woke up refreshed, felt invigorated through the “afternoon slump” period of the day and had loads of energy to keep moving and grooving after work.

  • Week 3: The last week was a little tricky. My family came to visit and I had to balance eating out with the sugar detox challenge. I was able to cook some meals at home and avoid sugar at lunchtime, but dinner was out of my hands. I did my best to choose foods that didn’t have any added sugar, but couldn’t be sure about some of the sauces and dressings. I didn’t let this loss of control stress me out. Instead, I ate mindfully, I stopped when I was full, and I resisted dessert even though everyone else was having them.

After the 21 days were up, I was proud of myself. It’s been two weeks since the challenge ended and I still haven’t gone back to adding honey, maple syrup or agave to my coffee,oatmealor smoothies. I also haven’t indulged in many sweets -- only a pastry. When I tastesomething sweet, it tastes extra sweet -- which is a turn-off. This challenge helped me make a needed change and I’m so happy I gave it a go. I feel energized, my bloating has gone down and, while I wasn’t eating poorly, I’m definitely more veggie and protein-packed meal focused.

Your sugar detox plan

If you’re interested in trying the 8fit 21-day sugar detox on your own, you’ll find some useful resourceshere. The official challenge (with weekly rewards) has ended, but you can still give it a go on your own to help kick your sugar cravings and find that addedsupport from the 8fit community on social media and follow our Sugar Detox Guide.

Benefits of Quitting Sugar: 21-Day Sugar Detox Plan and Recap | 8fit (4)

Here’s the plan — remember to tag #8fitSugarDetox and #8fit in your photos for extra 8fit community support:

Day 1: Why are you doing this challenge? Post a photo explaining your “why” on Instagram.

Day 2: Time to rid your pantry and fridge of any sweet temptations and go shopping. Share a picture of the sugar temptations you’re getting rid of (or hiding).

Day 3 : Juices and sodas are big sugar culprits. Share a photo of a healthy beverage you enjoy today.

Day 4: Dehydration leads to false feelings of hunger and sugar cravings. Share a picture of your tall glass of water or photo showing how you’re keeping track of how many glasses you’ve had.

Day 5: Fit Friday! Moving helps curb sugar cravings. Share the way you’re staying active today. Maybe it’s a walk, bike ride, dance class, squats while making dinner — whatever.

Day 6: Share a picture of a healthy, no-sugar meal you’re enjoying today. Recipe ideas here!

Day 7: You’re one week into your detox. Are your feeling sugar withdrawals or cravings? Share a selfie and explain how you’re feeling.

Day 8: Going into the second week, you might be in need of some motivation. Post a photo and in the caption share your favorite motivational quote.

Day 9: Did you do any meal prep this week? Share a photo of a meal you prepared ahead of time. No prep? No problem. Do some today and share a picture.

Day 10: Time to brag about breakfast! What did you eat today?

Day 11: Time for a mid-challenge fridge and pantry check-in! Share a picture of the healthy, sugar-free foods in your fridge or pantry.

Day 12: Get out for a walk, take the stairs or make time for an 8fit HIIT workout. That last one is super easy because most workouts are 15-minutes or less. Post a sweaty selfie or a screenshot of the workout you just completed.

Day 13: Need a healthy dinner idea? Here are some sugar-free recipes you’ll find in your 8fit app! Try one and post a photo.

Day 14: Another week done and dusted. Do some meal prep to stay on track for the final week and share a photo of the process. Here are some yummy lunch ideas.

Day 15: It’s always good to start the final week with some motivation. Post a photo of someone who inspires you to live your healthiest, happiest life.

Day 16: Craving dessert but don’t want to give into sugar cravings? Here are some "no sugar sweet treats"from the 8fit app. Share a picture of the treat you’re enjoying today.

Day 17: Read this article and then post a photo showing how you’re following through with tip #2.

Day 18: The challenge is almost over! How’s it going? Post a photo and use the caption to describe how you’re doing.

Day 19: It’s that time again — time for more movement! Kick any yearnings for sugar by going for a walk, run, or bike ride. Share a photo as proof.

Day 20: You’ve eaten a lot of healthy things during this #8fitSugarDetox. Share a photo of your favorite sugar-free meal.

Day 21: Can you believe you made it to day 21? Pat yourself on the back and post a final recap of how you feel at the end of this challenge.

We can’t wait to see your progress through this #8fitSugarDetox journey. Remember, If you fall off the wagon, get back on. Use these 21-days as a learning experience.

Benefits of Quitting Sugar: 21-Day Sugar Detox Plan and Recap | 8fit (2024)


What are the benefits of The 21-Day Sugar Detox? ›

The 21-Day Sugar Detox is a real food reset, to help you drop processed foods, reset your taste buds, enjoy the food you eat, and improve your health. It helps you break the chains of processed foods and added sugars so that you can get off the blood sugar roller coaster and say good-bye to that afternoon slump.

What are the results of 21-day no sugar? ›

It takes 21 days to form a habit. Plus, 21 days is plenty of time to feel the fantastic effects of life with less sugar. By the end of the challenge, you'll feel more ener- gized and less dependant on sugar. You might also notice less bloating and some weight loss.

What to do after a 21-day sugar detox? ›

Continue to avoid refined foods including bread, pasta, cereal and other products made from flours and purchased in packages – these are never the best options. The bottom line: After The 21-Day Sugar Detox, a sugar-bender is not recommended.

Can you eat potatoes on a 21-day sugar detox? ›

Last, let's look for those nutrient dense starchy vegetables. Roasted sweet or white potatoes, baked potatoes, mashed (for level 1 and 2), and whole grains such as a ½ cup of steamed rice (for level 1). Fried rice is not a good option.

What is the hardest day of a sugar detox? ›

You may experience: Fatigue, cold- and flu-like symptoms, low blood sugar, or self doubt. Day 3 is the beginning of some of the hardest days for most folks! Your best bet: Realize that you are likely not experiencing a real cold or flu but the effects of detoxing from sugar.

What not to eat on a sugar detox? ›

Limit or completely avoid consumption of foods such as baked goods, potatoes, white rice, white bread, instant oatmeal, and corn/ corn flakes. These food are considered to be high glycemic carbohydrates, which means that your body rapidly breaks them down and causes a spike in blood glucose levels.

Does no sugar reduce belly fat? ›

Sugar increases belly fat and fiber reduces belly fat; thus when you're juicing fruits, you're removing the fiber, leaving pure sugar. So one quick fix, a very concrete fix, would be eliminating sugary drinks.

What does a sugar face look like? ›

Here are the tell-tale signs on your face that sugar is the culprit aging your skin: The surface of your skin looks hard and shiny. Deep, crosshatch lines appear along your upper lip. Discoloration and hyperpigmentation mark your skin.

What should I eat the first 3 days of sugar detox? ›

So for the first three days on a sugar detox, Alpert recommends no added sugars – but also no fruits, no starchy vegetables (such as corn, peas, sweet potatoes and butternut squash), no dairy, no grains and no alcohol. “You're basically eating protein, vegetables and healthy fats.”

What is the best drink for sugar detox? ›

What are homemade sugar detox drinks? Homemade sugar detox drinks include options like lemon water with mint, cucumber and ginger-infused water, Tulsi Water, Neem water and herbal teas.

How many days does it take to flush out sugar? ›

Drop your sugar intake at once. The Ohio University Medical Center determined that a sugar detox will take between 3-10 days. The more sugar you are normally taking in, the longer the detox will take. The good thing is, unlike other addictions, the intensity of the symptoms will decrease as you go on.

How can I flush sugar out of my system fast? ›

Drinking plenty of water helps your kidneys flush out excess sugar. One study found that people who drink more water lower their risk for developing high blood sugar levels. And remember, water is the best. Sugary drinks elevate blood sugar by raising it even more.

Can I eat peanut butter on sugar detox? ›

Some healthy snack options are fresh or dried fruits with nuts or nut butter; veggies with hummus or guacamole; popcorn with nutritional yeast; or oatmeal with almond milk and berries. Be prepared for some withdrawal symptoms in the first few days or weeks.

Can I still eat fruit on a sugar detox? ›

Most sugar detoxes recommend abstaining from foods that contain added sugar and don't apply to natural sugars found in fruits and other whole foods. Added sugar is found mainly in ultra-processed foods, such as cakes, candy, and soda.

What snacks can you eat on a sugar detox? ›

  • Kick Your Sugar Habit With These 5 Snack Combos.
  • 1 Tablespoon Peanut Butter & 1 Small Apple.
  • 3/4 Cup Plain Low-Fat Greek Yogurt & Cinnamon.
  • 3 Dried Apricots & 12 Almonds.
  • 1/2 Cup Low-Fat Cottage Cheese & 1 Cup Fresh or Frozen Blueberries.
  • 1/4 Cup Hummus & Raw Veggies.
Aug 11, 2022

What does a sugar detox do to your body? ›

The primary goal of a sugar detox is to reset our taste buds, stabilize blood sugar levels, and improve overall health. While the body has its own detoxification mechanisms, providing it with a break from excessive sugar intake can give it a chance to recover and rejuvenate.

What does a 21-day cleanse do? ›

A 21-day program is designed to help systematically clean out the colon for 7 days, push the liver to unload toxins for 7 days, then flush the colon of liver toxins again for 7 days.

What are the results of sugar detox face? ›

I first noticed my own sugar face when I gave up sugar for a few sad weeks. Offsetting my sorrow at saying no to every dessert that passed though my office was the fact that my face generally looked better. My skin appeared brighter, my wrinkles seem less pronounced, and I even seemed to need less under-eye concealer.

What is the 21-day blood sugar reboot? ›

The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot presents a comprehensive guide to resetting blood sugar levels naturally, paving the way for potential diabetes reversal. Through a combination of dietary adjustments and lifestyle changes, participants can expect results in just three weeks.

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.