Attitude Instrument Based Development Moderation Hadith And Wahdatul Adyan Concept of Educational Institutions in Indonesia (2025)

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International Prophetic Conference (SWAN 2022) Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), 2022

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Kajian Terhadap Perawi Layyin Dalam Hadith Mengenai Tayamum Selepas Wuduk

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Journal Of Hadith Studies, 2020

In Islamic jurisprudence there is a discussion about wiping over the bandage for the sick people. According to the school of Hanafi, Maliki and Hanbali wiping over the bandage without dry ablution is permissable while from the Syafiʻi’s school of thought it is compulsory to take dry ablution after wiping over the bandage. The source of this disagreement was two Prophetic traditions from Jarir and Ibn ʻAbbas which was narrated by lenient narrators. This article to study all these traditions based on the methodology of transmitters criticism and comparative narration. The findings show that Prophetic tradition from lenient narrator can only be accepted if the content of its narration similar to other narration. Based on the studied Prophetic tradition, the similarity narration is only for the first phrase and the story of one Companion who injured in his head. While the second phrase elaborating the way he should take purification does not have any corroboration. This article can clar...

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These E-Proceedings include forty-eight conference papers, which cover all three languages, namely Malay, English and Arabic language. These papers reflect the truly global nature of research in the areas of ‘Aqidah, Religions and Social Sciences with contributions from Malaysia, Brunei, Egypt, Jordan, and Indonesia.

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Roshimah Shamsudin

Journal Of Hadith Studies, 2023

Parents have a significant responsibility to shape their children in accordance with Islamic teachings. As is known, prior to the advent of Islam, the pre-Islamic Arab society mistreated women and daughters. However, with the arrival of Islam brought by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), their dignity was elevated to a higher level. Daughters symbolise the future generation because they will become mothers and contribute to the quality of the next generation. Therefore, if daughters do not receive the best education and upbringing, they may not be able to handle their responsibilities as mothers to their own children. Education grounded in positive values can shape outstanding individuals. Hence, this study aims to analyse the Quranic and Prophetic approaches to shaping a Madani family through ethical communication with daughters. This is a qualitative study that employs data collection methods, with data being analysed through inductive and deductive methods based on the content of Quranic verses and their interpretations, as well as the core Hadith texts like the Al-Kutub Al-Sittah. The study findings suggest that an approach characterised by love and attention to children, firmness with wise disciplinary measures, and consistent guidance on religious values should serve as a guide for parents in communicating with their daughters.

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Perbezaan isu Al-Jarh dan Al-Ghibah menurut disiplin ilmu sanad

Aminuddin Azmi


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Aplikasi Pengajian Hadith Dalam Kalangan Masyarakat Malaysia: Tumpuan Terhadap Pembelajaran Murid Sekolah Kebangsaan

Mesbahul Hoque


The writing of this article is intended to apply the study of hadith taken from Sahih Bukhari to the students of primary schools in Malaysia. The method of writing in this article is that the author examines the hadiths from Sahih Bukhari to be used as teaching aids to students in primary schools. The author chooses a hadith from the book of al-Iman which is about the role or responsibility of a Muslim to another Muslim by taking care of his limbs and hands and also related to the advantages of congregational prayer in the Kitab al-Solat. While in terms of teaching methods or methods are teacher and student centered, the author has used Microsoft Powerpoint software as a tool or teaching aid (BBM) for primary school students based on topics related to the hadith. The special feature of this teaching aid is that students can look at it repeatedly at home and review it to strengthen their understanding of a hadith and apply it in their lives. Pupils can also share the material with th...

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Analisis Hadis Perlumbaan Membina Masjid dalam Drama “Tanah Kubur”



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Mohd Farhan Md Ariffin


Mohd Farhan Md Ariffin, Mohd Izzat Mohd Abd Shukur. 2020. 20 HADIS LANDSKAP ISLAM: FAHAMI ALAM DI SEKITAR ANDA. Selangor: Akademi MAA (Memprofesionalkan Anak-anak Asnaf) (003118295-V) (ISBN: 978-967-18656-1-3) Sebarang pernyataan dan tempahan, boleh hubungi penulis: izzat shukur : 019-454 9760

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Analisis Balaghat Daif Dalam Muwatta’ Imam Malik

Mohd Farhan Md Ariffin

eProsiding Seminar Pelajar Tahun Akhir 2023 e-ISSN 978-629-97511-3-7, 2024

Sanad-sanad hadith yang diriwayatkan secara balaghat, lazimnya dianggap sebagai hadith daif dek kerana jelas terputus sanadnya. Perkataan daripada kata terbitan al-balagh (البلاغ ) seperti balaghani atau balaghahu bukanlah dalam kategori sighah Al-Tahammul yang kuat untuk menjustifikasikan hadith itu maqbul, secara teorinya. Kesannya, ia menggugat status hadith dan autoritinya sebagai dalil walaupun riwayat balaghat itu datang daripada Ilmuwan Ulung semisal Imam Malik ibn Anas. Kajian ini akan dikhususkan kepada tokoh Ummah iaitu Imam Malik dan karyanya, Al-Muwatta’. Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisis status riwayat-riwayat balaghat di dalam kitab al-Muwatta’ Imam Malik, pada dua hadith terpilih. Kajian ini adalah kajian kualitatif yang menggunakan reka bentuk analisis kandungan. Maklumat dan data dikumpulkan daripada analisis dokumen ke atas kitab-kitab hadith primer, Syarah hadith, ulasan para pentahqiq dan ulama hadith, khususnya melibatkan Al-Muwatta’ Imam Malik. Kemudian, dianalisis secara induktif dan deduktif. Hasil kajian mendapati ciri-ciri yang mewajarkan ianya sebagai balaghat daif dalam Al-Muwatta’, antaranya seperti tidak dijumpai sanad yang bersambung, Imam Malik meriwayatkan secara bersendirian, dan ianya hanya terdapat di dalam Al-Muwatta’. Selain itu, kewujudan matan di dalam kitab-kitab hadith selain Al-Muwatta’ namun kesemuanya hadith daif kerana terdapat perawi bermasalah. Namun, tanpa dinafikan, terdapat juga hadith sokongan untuk menaik taraf status riwayat balaghat antaranya yang berstatus hadith sahih dan hasan. Selain itu, sebahagian makna hadith tersebut adalah berasas, betul di sisi dalil-dalil syara’. Tuntasnya, ia menunjukkan keunikan Al-Muwatta’ Malik yang mempunyai manhaj penulisannya tersendiri, walaupun terdapat kritikan sedikit pada beberapa bahagian dan riwayat.

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Attitude Instrument Based Development Moderation Hadith And Wahdatul Adyan Concept of Educational Institutions in Indonesia (2025)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.